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Everything posted by Jenn79

  1. Hope you have a wonderful wedding day! All the best to you and your new hubby! It's been a long time coming!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Adlergray Q- You got a telegram from headquarters today. Headquarters--what is it? Well, it's a big building where generals meet, but that's not important right now. Airplane! (I love this movie, I used to watch it over and over and over...well, you get the picture) "I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar"
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Well Kathy...I CAN say that I don't want to live there...it's too quiet for me right now! But if you're a big nature person (hiking, fishing, boating, snowmobiling, etc) it would be heaven!!! It truly is a beautiful place!! You should definitely go someday!! Let me know & maybe we'll be there the same time! I am going home next weekend for a few days - my aunt is sick, it's mother's day & my MOH's prego belly is getting bigger & bigger!! And I'm going home July 24th for our AHR (aka backyard bbq party!) - so if you want to come you are MORE than welcome!! What part of Newfoundland are you from? My mom's family is all over the island, and even though I was born in Ontario, I call Newfoundland "home". I love the East coast and would love to have a summer house in Twilingate some day (should there ever be money for a summer house of course).
  4. Here's one that I made for my wedding, using an aqua/turquoise and pink colour combo
  5. I have two. The first is a rose I got on my right ankle when I was seventeen. I had always wanted a rose tattoo, can't really say why, just that I wanted one. The second one I got is the Chinese symbol for Angel, and is on my right shoulder. This one has some meaning to it. A friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver, and the tattoo is in memory of him (my angel on my shoulder). I got the rainbow colouring because he was gay, and had the most vibrant personality of anyone I have ever known: My husband and I are still trying to come up with an idea for a tattoo to get together, but are having trouble finding something we both like and are willing to spend the money on. We know it will have an anchor (the intials J and T can be found in an anchor, and we cruised to our wedding, so dual imagery there), but after that we get stuck.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i actually thought they *might* take it all the way this year, but not because i thought they were good or anything ... rather because we'll likely be in mexico during stanley cup finals and that would be our kinda luck! Ha, this actually happened to us the year we got married. My husband's team made it to the finals (Senators vs Ducks), and we were on our honeymoon in Disneyworld during the game that sent them (vs Buffalo I believe). It was crazy, I was napping and he was channel surfing, and all of a sudden he found hockey and started to cheer. The game went into overtime, but the Florida channel was changing over to the Kentucky Derby, so poor hubby didn't get to see them win. He did get told the score by some friends back home (he had madly sent text messages to everyone who he could think of that might be watching). I got a good laugh though, and for the rest of the week he kept getting stopped by different hockey fans (he had his Sens hat firmly rooted to his head for the entire trip). Makes for a real fun memory!
  7. For me, it was just something I always wanted to do. I lived in Bermuda for five years while I was growing up, so it really felt more like going home to get married. Cost was definitely a factor as well. I have a BIG family (9 aunts and uncles on my mom's side, six on my dad's, plus spouses, plus kids, and son on), and my husband's is big enough (about 10 aunts and uncles combined, plus spouses and kids etc). As much as I love family, we were in no position to host a wedding for that many people. Add to that my fear of speaking in front of people, and making it a smaller affair just seemed the way to go. We got a bit of flack from people for sure, but I had the wedding I'd always dreamed of. Anyone who gave us a hard time clearly didn't have our best interests at heart. The day was full of people who loved us and that's the important thing.
  8. I don't know how easy they are to come by (or if they fit in your budget), but what about orchids, or using orchids with some other flowers? Here are a few examples:
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie hi jenn! i just wrote you on FB for me it was on the walk/path to the sacrifice cenote area, soooo creepy. doug said "wow can you imagine this is the same walk the people took on their way to see that happen" or something like that, and in 90+ degree weather, i got the chills! and then we totally got the vibe next to the ball court, when we were standing by the wall of heads. thinking about the "winners" getting beheaded for being worthy of ascending right on past the 13 levels and straight up to the gods, and it happened right there inside that walled area! (ok at least thats what our guide told us. haha, sidenote, on the flight home we watched Slumdog Millionaire and the part where the boys were giving tours around Taj Mahal, it totally made us laugh and look at each other. that just made me remember i wanted to come home and google what really is "thought" to have happened at chichen itza, to see if the "story" matches up with what we were told on our tour, hahahahaha ) The story sounds right to me, I think our guide told us the same story. I loved the cenote, but didn't have quite the same "creepy" feel as at the ball court...I think it might be because there were cute kitties walking around and sleeping in the shade, it was just difficult to think about sacrifices while I was cooing at the cats.
  10. Looks like you had an amazing time, and well deserved too! There must be something about that side of Mexico and the sunrises, the only sunrise pictures I've ever taken were on my trip to Cancun, and they turned out amazing. So glad you enjoyed Chichen Itza, I absolutely fell in love with the place when I was there. Do you remember where you were when the haunting feeling came over you the strongest? For me it was the "games" field, and seeing the spot where the royals would sit to watch the games. ooh, there go the shivers, just thinking about it. I bet we went to the same place for lunch and entertainment, I don't remember the names, but I remember the dancers were the cutest little kids. They tried so hard! Loved reading all about it...now I can't wait to go back someday!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda And Jenn you're lucky there's been no bloodshed yet! Keep the piece between the Leafs man and the Sens man!! LOL haha, don't I know it! It's actually pretty tame...My husband even broke down and helped me pick out a Leafs jersey for my dad last Father's day...it hurt his soul to purchase it, but it was for a good cause.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by bridetwobee Hi, My mom's pushing for a cruise ship wedding, but I've got some reservations, and I'm not finding answers to my questions about it. Some help would be appreciated. Is it possible to do an in port, beach wedding, and stay late enough on the beach to get sunset photos? If you do the wedding earlier, what do you do with the rest of your day How accommodating are cruise ships with allergies (I have celiac disease, and I can't eat gluten - I desperately don't want to be sick for my wedding). How are the cruise ship wedding co-ordinators to work with? Thanks in advance! I have to agree with everything posted by both Cattie and TA Dina. I was married in Bermuda two years ago, and we traveled via cruiseship as well. We ended up using the cruiseline's wedding company, but in hindsight, I would have gone with an onsite coordinator like Cattie. The cruise company basically works like a middle man since they contract out to island vendors anyway. Our wedding turned out wonderfully, but only because the on site vendors contacted us rather than try to get information from the cruise company. In regards to the cruiseline itself, and the allergy issue, they are AMAZING. One of our guests has a gluten allergy, and they were great with helping her out with the menus. They even brought out gluten free bread to the table with dinner. We sailed with NCL, but I'm assuming it would be the same for any cruiseline. All in all, I am so glad we did a cruise. I love cruising, and it really was the most cost effective way for everyone to get to the wedding (Bermuda is fairly expensive). There's also something for everyone on board a cruise ship, so there's no worry that people aren't finding someting to do. That said, it is your wedding, and while your mom may think it's a great idea, and we all tell you that it's a great idea, at the end of the day, it has to be something you want to do. Good luck with whatever you choose!
  13. One of my favourite teachers in high school did palm reading, usually for school functions and things, but she was pretty accurate. I had one done while I was in school, and another a few years later when she volunteered her services for the release of one of the Harry Potter books at a local bookstore. Each time, she was pretty dead on in her reading. She didn't delve too much into the future, but focused on personality and past occurances. I guess she could have been as good as she was since we had history, but there were some things that she really couldn't have known about. As for other psychic stuff, well, I sometimes thing I might have some sort of psychic-ness. It's nothing extreme, but I seem to be able to "predict" when I will run into someone I haven't seen in years, when a certain song will come on the radio (not a recent song that's played all the time, but a real oldie that hasn't been on in forever)or when a specific re-run of a tv show will air on tv. It kinda freaks me out.
  14. Welcome!!! I'm a little late to this thread, so I hope you're still checking in. I got married in Bermuda two years ago, and there are two places that come immediately to mind based on your ideas: The Reefs and Coco Reef Resort. Both are on the South Shore of the island (so right on the beach), and both have a cliff area where they perform weddings. I know The Reefs has a requirement for the Bride and Groom to stay at the resort, but the Coco Reef doesn't. Any of the South Shore beaches would also be a great choice, particularly Chaplin Bay, Stonehole Bay, Warwick Long Bay or Astwood Cove. Have a look at this thread here for some great places to start looking. Good luck with your planning!
  15. We picked our date in an attempt to coincide with the Star Wars Weekends that occur every year at Disneyworld, where we went on our honeymoon. Yes, I am that much of a geek. Unfortunately it didn't work out, as they changed the dates to the four weekends in June as opposed to the last two weekends in May and the first two weekends in June that they did in previous years. But I still had an amazing time! The weather was perfect at that time of year (not too hot, not too cold), and we got to enjoy Disney without any crazy summer heat or crowds.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez I would like to read an autobiography on someone famous just because I'm curious. Soes anyone suggest any good ones. Do you remember the girl who played Liesl from The Sound of Music? She wrote an autobio a few years back that is pretty good, called Forever Liesl (author Charmian Carr) Then there's the figure skater Ekaterina Gordeeva who wrote her autobio, My Sergei, chronicling her career with her partner and husband, Sergei Grinkov. And just because his story was really fun to read, Slash (from Guns n Roses) wrote an autobio a couple years ago too.
  17. Reading is like breathing to me...If I don't have a book to read, I feel like part of me is missing. I will read pretty much anything, but am partial to historical fiction and mystery/thriller/horror type books. Some of my faves (in no partcilar order): The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer (totally obsessed with these, don't get me started talking about them or I may not shut up) Swan Song by Robert McCammon The Stand by Stephen King Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Emma by Jane Austen White Oleander by Janet Fitch The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides The Host by Stephenie Meyer Watchers by Dean Koontz The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks The Sweet Hereafter by Russell Banks Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon Harry Potter series by JK Rowling Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy The Cider House Rules by James Irving ok...I think I'll stop there....but just so you can see, here's a picture of my personal library, I like to own the books I read Jennifer Hill Holmes's Photos | Facebook
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I really want another book now. I don't care if it's from Edward's POV, Bella's, Nessie's, whatever, LOL. I've re-read them all and need something else! I finally saw the moive and was not impressed. Way too much was left out. I really hope the second movie is better. I know what you mean...I've read them all four times each, and will likely read them again leading up to each movie. I'm really quite hopeless.
  19. First, let me say Congratulations!!! I was married in Bermuda almost two years ago, and lived on the island for five years. The Southampton Princess is gorgeous, very elegant. You really can't go wrong with Bermuda, there are so many beautiful places to choose from. I have a thread posted here with a bunch of great links to Bermuda information. All the best in your planning! May is a great month!
  20. ----------------------GENERAL INFO---------------------- Birthday: August 25 Astrological Sign: Virgo Color of eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde Shoe size: 8.5 Brothers/Sisters: one older brother Who lives with you? my husband When is your bedtime? I try for 10pm but it never works out that way What town (or area) do you live in: Ottawa, Ontario Favorite Sport: Figure Skating Number of Tattoos: 2 Number of Piercings: 3 (two in each ear; navel) Birthmarks? a few, I never really counted -----------------HAVE YOU EVER----------------------- Been so drunk you blacked out: No, but the room started to spin Missed work because it was raining: yes actually. An hour and a half commute will do that Been in a car accident? No Kept a secret from everyone: Yes Had an imaginary friend: Yes Cried during a movie: Oh yes...even movies that you wouldn't normally cry at Had a crush on a teacher: A substitute Ever thought an animated character was hot: I always thought Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid was cute. Been on stage: Yes Been sarcastic: From time to time Where do you go to school at: No more school, at least for now ----------------------FAVORITES-------------------- Shampoo: Pantene Pro-V Classic Clean Soap: Ivory Color: Turquoise Day or Night: Night Summer or winter: Fall Commercial: don't have one TV Show: Big Bang Theory; Castle Ice Cream: Chocolate Mousse Royale Drink: Chocolate Milk Childrens' Book: The Phantom Tollbooth Cartoon: Gummi Bears Food: Pizza Day of the week: Wednesday Word: Whatever Cookie: Peanut Butter Cake: Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting ---------------RANDOM QUESTIONS------------- If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? Twilingate, Newfoundland What is your favorite article of clothing? pj bottoms Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? eyes Favorite nonphysical feature of the opposite sex? sense of humour The last CD you bought? The Twilight Soundtrack. Where's your least favorite place to be? work Where's your favorite spot to be massaged? calves What's your favorite kitchen appliance? Kitchen Aid mixer What makes you really angry? rudeness and ignorance If you could play an instrument, what would it be? Piano Which do you prefer: sports car or SUV? a Vespa If you could have one super power, what would it be? read minds Can you juggle? no, I'm way too uncoordinated.
  21. My brother actually got mad at me when I told him he had to made a decision by a certain date, saying if he wanted to wait until the last minute to get he best deal, he'd wait until the last minute. Never mind the fact that I needed to have a final headcount so there would be enough chairs, cake, champagne, transportation available. Needless to say he didn't make it to the wedding, but his entire attitude just blew me away. It was a wedding, not a party cruise!
  22. A fellow Ottawan! Congrats! You'll have a blast searching this site, there's lots of information available
  23. Turquoise/Aqua and pale pink. The colours were based on the pink sand beaches of Bermuda where we were married.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita This is totally me!!!! Whew! I'm glad to know it's not just me! My father in law is always afraid to borrow books from me, since he fears he'll do something to it.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_miss_frogg Okay...so I loaned a book to a co-worker of mine back at the beginning of February...yes February! Keep in mind this is a book that I have read once.....in perfect condition. She emails me this morning to see if I am here so she can bring me my book. I shot her an email back right before lunch and told her I was here but would be out at lunch and she could just leave the book on my desk. I get back to my desk and see the book.......it is covered with stains all over it and pages folded down. Is it so hard to ask that you return something in the same condition that it was in when it was loaned!?! This just bursts my bubble! Someone did this to me with my Memoirs of a Geisha book...I had to turn away so she wouldn't see the tears in my eyes, I was so upset. I may be a bit of a freak, but my books are like my babies, it actually causes me physical pain to see a creased spine or a bent page. I was on the bus once and saw a woman with her copy of Outlander bent all the way backwards and I almost had a panic attack. Like I said, I may be a freak, but it's still uncalled for. It's someone else's property.
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