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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. I am so sorry you are going through this. I think she is going through a lot of stuff right now and it must be emotionally draining on her. While I don't think an illness gives people the right to act rudely I do think you should exercise compassion (which clearly you have already) in this case. She might feel overwhelmed b/c of her illness and then she took it personal that you didn't invite her to a shower and then when she saw her name wasn't on the invite it probably just added to the stress. Are your invites complete already? If they are not could you add FMIL and FFIL's names? I know they are not paying for the wedding but it may be nice to add their names just so they feel included. Don't worry I'm sure everything will work out okay. And the fact that she told your FI that she felt bad shows that she's not a horrible person. I really do believe that she is just stressed right now.
  2. I 100% think you should send a reminder. Like you said, most of your guests don't frequent your wedding website so its best to let them know by mail. I don't think you should just remind them, you should give them a definitive date of when they have to book by or else they will be waiting to the last minute. The prices will probably only go up anyways so it is best to book early.
  3. Ann Taylor has a wedding line now. If you go to ANN TAYLOR ONLINE STORE: Celebrations you will find a whole a lot of cute dresses. They are about $150-$180. Also did you try going through the knot website? They have way too many to post but there are tons of dresses. I am a BM for my friend's wedding and we are looking to t-lenghth dresses in sage, so we are basically looking for the same thing as you. I found tons and tons of dresses on the knot.
  4. I would also recommend Dino. Juan recommended him to me. He is a member on this forum. I have seen some of his videos and they are pretty good.
  5. CONGRATULATIONS! I hope it was everything you dreamed of and more.
  6. Laura if you really want the shoes you can have them shipped to me and then I will ship them to Canada for you.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak I just read all the way through your post now... Wow, I feel bad for your parents if they're financing a significant portion of each wedding and there looks to be 3 in a short 3-5 year timeframe! I think I'd probably elope to save them money and become the "favorite" child who was the least expensive of the 3! hehehe... Maria I would do the same thing. In fact I would chip in to pay for my younger sister's wedding so that they would make a bronze statute of me and place it on the front lawn, and so that I could be nominated for the congressional medal of honor. LOl. *Kate I am completely kidding and just being severely sarcastic. I know your new so I didn't want to scare you but most of us here love joking around. *
  8. Aww T. your time will come! And hopefully within the next few weeks...in NYC!!!!
  9. That is such a cute outfit and those shoes are so fitting for the punk rock couple to be! I heart it!
  10. Kate I'm sorry if I came off rude, I didn't mean it that way. I just meant that even if your sister throws a hissy fit, if you both get married in the same year, it would ultimately be up to your parents to decide how they split the money. Your wedding will probably be a lot less, so even if you are only getting half of what you would normally get, it will probably still be a huge chunk for you to pay your wedding. If your sister is going through some thing where she needs her own special time, that's understandable considering the fact that she is a twin. I think when the time comes that you are both engaged you should emphasize to her how exciting you think it is that you are both getting married, and that you will both get to do fun wedding planning together. Also, make sure you tell her how she'll get her special moment since she will have a big beautiful traditional wedding in Boston and you will have your DW. This way she doesn't feel competition. And if it makes her feel better to think that her wedding is somehow going to be better than yours, then let her have that piece of mind. In the end you will both have beautiful weddings.
  11. I apologize if this sounds stupid but what would happen if you both got engaged? Would your parents only agree to pay for one daughters wedding? Would it be the daughter who got engaged first? What if you got engaged this weekend and she got engaged 2 weeks after that does that mean that she has to wait until 2009? Wouldn't it ultimately be up to your parents to decide how to divy up the finances? I would think they want to give each daughter something and would never just pay for one's wedding. So in the end wouldn't they just end up splitting things 50-50?
  12. Jackie I love all of these! They are so pretty and tasteful. And I wouldn't worry about Juan, he is a complete professional and I'm sure he will do an amazing job. Ryan is going to love them. I think you should go with lie number 1 so that he doesn't get suspicious and start snooping.
  13. Thank you for sharing Matt! I love that you guys are being married by a Mayan Shaman and having a ritualistic Mayan wedding, that is so cool! I know your wedding will be awesome.
  14. This is such a pretty dress and it looks absolutely perfect for a DW! YAY!! You must be so excited!
  15. Julie I hope everything works out with both your friends. Keep us posted.
  16. Jackie I agree with what Rebecca and the other girls said. I'm sure if you explain to them that they will have a fee for other days if they want to come and hang out, then they will book at Dreams. Also mention to them that Cabo is a pricey city and places such as the One & Only (who cares if its one of the most expensive places, they won't necessarily know that) charges like $35 for a margarita. Once you explain to them that all their food, room service, and alcohol is included I think they will see things differently.
  17. First let me say that I am so sorry for the loss of both your parents. If you want to honor them is there a person that you think your parents would have wanted you to walk down the aisle with? Think of who they would want you to walk down that aisle with and then pick that person. I don't think you are betraying them in anyway and I think there is no better way to honor their memory than by walking down the aisle with someone you know your parents would be happy with. Does that help at all? If not, then I would walk with your cousin's husband. It seems like you are closest to him and that will probably make you feel comfortable.
  18. Even if you can't fix it and your daughter doesn't want to wear it, keep it so that she can play dress up. Daughters love having stuff from their mommies. And think of how cool it will be for her to have her mother's veil.
  19. Ugggh I have no motivation. But I signed up for the gym and told my sister that I would pay for her membership if she promised to come with me. So hopefully that will motivate me. Think of little milestones. Like do you have a huge party coming up? Or a family reunion you want to look good for? I used to do Jenny Craig and they would tell you to picture little milestones you want to look good for, or else you will just give up. It usually makes it a little bit easier if you think your working towards a goal. Or you could do what my sister does and tape pictures of anorexic models on the fridge. That usually disgusts her into never wanting to pig out and she immediately goes to the gym. LOL.
  20. Welcome! Good luck with the planning, let us know how we can help.
  21. Natalie I love that you guys were laughing the entire time. You look like you had so much fun. And I love Lance's tattoo on his leg of his favorite team. All I could think about was how they messed up the cake colors. LOL. Great job like always Juan!
  22. That is so cute! I love the little flowers on the lantern.
  23. Welcome! The El Dorado is so pretty. A couple of brides here have gotten married there you should def do a search so that you can get ideas and see their pics. Let us know how we can help in the wedding planning.
  24. Welcome! I love Mexico. Let us know if we can help you pick a location in Mexico. There are so many great places: PV, Cabo, Cancun, RM, etc.
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