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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Ooh I love these. They are flirty, fun and romantic. So gorgeous. I love pink.
  2. 1. Famous singer/band : G-Unit 2. 4 letter word: Good 3. Street name : Gansevoort 4. Color: Green 5. Gifts/presents: Golf Clubs 6. Vehicle: GT Mustang 7. Items on a menu: Garlic & Mixed Vegetables (Thai Food) 8. Girl Name: Gabriella 9. Boy Name: Greg 10. Movie Title: Glitter 11. Drink: Gatorade (non-alcoholic)/Grey Goose (alcoholic) 12. Occupation: Garbage Collector 13. Flower: Gerber Daisies 14. Celebrity: Gwenyth Paltrow 15. Magazine : GQ 16. US City: Gainseville, Florida 17. Pro Sports Team: Giants (NY) 18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Gas ran out 19. Something You Throw Away: Garbage 20. Things You Shout: Geez louise! 21. Cartoon Character: Goofy 22. Foreign Country: Germany 23. Adjective: Glorious 24. Article of clothing: Gurdle 25. Animal: Gerbil
  3. That sounds so cute! But like everyone else said, we would love to see pics. Especially of a french themed wedding. I love France.
  4. CONGRATULATIONS! I hope it is everything you dreamed of and more. We will anxiously be awaiting your beautiful pics. I know Jonathan will do a great job! YAY!
  5. Also Jen, I don't know what your planning on doing with your invitations but I thought I would show you these: palm tree pocketfold invitation, unique tropical wedding invitations, custom destination wedding invitations, envelopments They are made especially for an elegant beach wedding such as the one you are having. If you look at the invite closely you could do a cobalt blue ribbon and then the square could be that light green that you want, with the white envelope. I think it would look really pretty and tie in the different colors of your wedding.
  6. Jen I love the blue/light green color combination. And I love the look of the blue tableclothes that the Hilton has. It looks so crisp and elegant against the blue from the sea and the pool. I think this will all work out perfectly.
  7. Well you've already made a good decision but for what it was worth I also think the earrings were too much. They are beautiful but I think you should keep looks simple for weddings and a bracelet, with a necklace, and matching earrings will distract from the beautiful dresses you chose for the girls. I like your plan to keep an eye out for cute earrings and if not to pay for their hair.
  8. I just spent a good half our reading all of these ceremonies on the website. Thank you for posting they are so nice. This is a good site that other brides can reference to, it pretty much has everything.
  9. Ann have an amazing time! As you know I am so jealous but I will anxiously await pics so that I can live vicariously through you. Hurry back and have a great time!
  10. OMG TRISHA!!! Of course you know I am dying! I haven't been this darn happy and excited in ages! Okay here's my story. I was supposed to meet Trisha and Jen for lunch and I had my digital camera with me so that I could take pics of the rock b/c I just had this feeling that he was going to propose. But of course I get holed up in court b/c the NY judicial system loves torturing me! AHHHHHH! Anyways, I wanted to call Jen & Trisha and tell them that I couldn't make it but of course I left their numbers on my office desk. At this point I am in the worst mood. I step into a restaurant to get a salad to go and as I'm waiting for it to be made, Trisha calls me. She proceeds to tell me that she's engaged and I literally scream inside the restaurant and everyone turns to look at me. So I glare at them like "What, you've never seen somebody scream in NY before?" And they all go back to doing whatever they were doing, b/c really in NY nobody cares. Then I sign on here and I felt like I was going to explode. So I had to sign off for fear that like Jen, someone would ask me if I had heard anything. Jen you are amazing for keeping it a secret. I knew and I could barely contain my excitement. ~Trisha that ring is amazing! Def worth the wait for this amazing proposal and that beautiful ring.
  11. First of all Stacey, congrats that is an amazing accomplishment! You should be on the commercials with Kirstie and Valerie! I also did Jenny Craig but only for 3 months. I loved it. Okay I got sick of the food after awhile b/c I am a picky eater and I didn't love everything they have so I ended up eating the same meals over and over again. But if your not a picky eater and you like a wide variety of food its great b/c they really do have a lot to choose from. I have to admit most of their food is pretty good for frozen foods. The portions are teeny tiny. My first day was hell. But I swear to you after a week my stomach got used to eating the portions and by week 2 I found that I couldn't eat all the days meals. They say you will lose 1 to 2 pounds per week, which I think is what WW promises as well. I exercised 4 to 5 times a week (just a half hour per day) and I lost 9 pounds my first week. Every week after that I was able to lose 3 pounds on average. At first I would never go out to eat b/c I was terrified I was going to reverse all the good I had done. But slowly I started incorporating outside meals. I was able to still lose weight. What I found was that I had to eat things plain (no adding salt, sugar, dressings, etc) and I would still lose weight. Also I would not go near a carb. I would go to a steakhouse and eat half the portion of the petite steak and order lots of vegetables. I would order the fish at most restaurants and just ask them to make it grilled. And I would pile on lots of vegetables with all my meals. I was able to lose more than the basic amount per week b/c I only drank water and cut out carbonated drinks and caffeine. I loved Jenny Craig b/c I am not a disciplined person and if I did WW I know myself, I would cheat. Whereas if I am paying money for something and there is someone telling me what to eat, I am more likely to set goals and be more focused.
  12. That sounds like a fabulous b-party! I know it's going to be amazing. Once you get there all these little problems will be long forgotten.
  13. These are so hot! I heart, heart, heart this slidshow. This is honestly one of the best TTD I have ever seen.
  14. I'm really sorry that you are going through all this. It seems terribly unfair (not to mention inconvenient) to put this all on you. If they have offered to organize your shower and bachelorette party then they should not be expecting you to do all the work. It's not your job to fix it, whoever is in charge should fix it. Whenever a problem arises, I think you should just direct them to whoever is in charge and remind them (nicely) that you don't know much about either event b/c most of it is a surprise. I hope everything works out.
  15. Heidi that is nothing I try to vote for like 1,000 each time! Okay my MRS. would be Kelly (dragonfly), Jamy (Starchild) & Anny (anacgarcia) My BTB would be Maria (Mikkistreak), Shelly (beachbride) and there is someone else I am forgetting but I will post her later. Amy don't yell at me you said I could nominate 3 so I did. For each one!
  16. Galit I am not saying this to make you feel better or b/c I am a nice person. I am saying this b/c it is the ABSOLUTE truth. That dress looks amazing on you! It is so fabulous, you look stunning. If you look this good in it now, imagine how great you will look in it when you have your hair, make-up and jewelery done! I also have a sister so I completely understand where you are coming from. However, I think your sister is probably comparing the dress to something she pictured on you if you were having your wedding at Temple or somewhere like that. It probably still hasn't fully sunk in that you are getting married at a beach destination and not going to wear a poofy cinderella dress. Not that there is anything wrong with a poofy dress but you know what I mean. You like this dress b/c it is a bargain, beautiful, and perfect for the beach weather. Once she sees the whole thing done up she will be so happy for you that she will love the dress. Trust me.
  17. I am so sorry that your FI is changing his mind now. Unfortunately with DW it is bound to happen. I can't even imagine how you feel with your cousin not speaking to you and your sister telling you that you are jealous of her. That is way harsh. I think maybe you should take a step back and relax a little. Let some time go by. Planning a DW when your constantly hearing in the news that Hurricane Dean is ruining everything is kind of a bummer. I would wait until it blows overs and then talk to FI about what it is you both want to do. Also, I'm sure your sister is telling you she won't come now, but maybe as time progresses she will change her mind about the whole thing. And you never know, your cousin may see the guy she's with for the person he's really for and she may end up breaking up with him and being on good terms with you again. I like to think positive no matter what and I truly believe that everything can be worked out. The important thing is that you will be happy in the end.
  18. Darn I'm at work and I can't watch it here. I will have to wait until I get home. Poopie!
  19. A lot of these songs are awesome just be careful with the lyrics b/c some of them are sad. LOL.
  20. I'm sorry I am not much help but this is like the 3rd thread I have read about rude family members. AHHHHHHHHH my head is going to explode. Just tell them your knocked up and you have to elope. Maybe then they'll leave you alone.
  21. $4,000??!!! That is awesome! Why don't we have cool traditions like that here?
  22. Shut the hell up! You invited people to come party and drink and they pay to get in and it helps raise money for the B&G? Wow Canada is awesome! I have never heard of such a thing! AMAZING! Maria maybe we should have Michael Moore do his next documentary on this!
  23. When I first saw the title of the thread I thought it was something to treat your windows to prevent them from rusting or cracking or something like that. Then when you all started giving input I realized what you meant. LOL. Goodness gracious I am so sheltered sometimes. Being an apartment city girl you don't do much decorating or home improvement activities. Sorry I'm no help. We don't do curtain we just get blinds at like Home Depot or something. (Actually when you move into an apartment the last person who rented it usually leave them there) But if you need advice on cockroach spray I'm the person to call. Eeew. LOL.
  24. Simply tell people this "When we want your opinion, we'l give it to you."
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