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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Shelley you look so beautiful! And I love the sunglasses! I can see why they were a hit! I absolutely heart the cake! You look amazing! Can't wait to see more pics!
  2. Shelley that is so gorgeous! I can't believe you can make something like that yourself. Doesn't it feel so fulfilling to make something yourself though? Especially when you wanted one so bad?
  3. Carly that dress is fabulous! Let me know when you start making your plus size line so I can order some dresses. LOL. I love the hair btw! It looks so good on you!
  4. Erica you looked stunning! I loved all the pics and I love the songs on your wedding website.
  5. Erica I am super late but I hope you had an amazing wedding. Congrats on your wedding!
  6. Hey guys, I don't know much about this but my friend's wedding (who is a member on BDW) was relocated to the Paradisus at no extra charge to her guests. Even if they purchased through Expedia, Orbitz, or through their travel agent. So I think there is hope. Her wedding was for Nov. 1, 2008. Hopefully the DT will relocate people, although I have to be honest I don't see them opening up anytime soon. But I am an eternal optimist so I am keeping my fingers crossed for all the DT brides. Let's pray things work out for everyone.
  7. DJ Jeff please know that I am not passing judgment on you or jumping down your throat. However, I think its important to clarify misunderstandings. Melanie has been an active member for a long time and she is a great contributor to this forum. She mentioned this topic b/c it is relevant to a destination wedding forum. She didn't mention it to be debbie downer, she mentioned it b/c she knows that there are members here who are either having weddings there or are interested in having weddings there. She is being an active member and frankly a good friend by notifying people of the dangers. In no way shape or form has she said that people shouldn't have their weddings on this island. She was only warning people of the conditions of the ocean, not of the island itself. Just b/c a tide may be strong doesn't mean that the island is an unsafe place to visit or even have a wedding at. There are dangers in having a DW in any area but that doesn't mean that the pros don't outweigh the cons. Drownings, robberies, kidnappings, corrupt police, etc, are a possibility in all DWs. That doesn't mean that people still won't choose to have a wonderful experience and enjoy the beautiful locale. That being said even if the drownings had nothing to do with a DW, we are a group of individuals who like to share wedding advice along with current events. We are compassionate, caring people and things that affect the world are of importance to us. I think it speaks volumes of our members that we can spend our time planning a wedding AND still care about the world and the things affecting it. Alyssa is a moderator of this forum and she also got married in Hawaii. She was merely commenting on the tragedy of the situation and showing compassion for those that have lost their lives. She was in no way insinuating that people shouldn't have their weddings there or that these 4 separate incidents should qualify as a reason to not have a wedding there. Just so you know, the original resort that Alyssa chose to have her wedding at closed down and Alyssa did not shun away from Hawaii. In fact, any member of this forum will tell you that she was MORE concerned with the people that lost their jobs than her own wedding. Again I'm not judging you but I wish that you had taken a little more time to get to know Alyssa before judging her. I understand that your living in Hawaii and you want people to appreciate the island for all the amazing things it has to offer, but the way you attacked Alyssa was really uncalled for. She literally posted one sentence and you took that to mean that she was somehow amplifying the tragedy and suggesting that people shouldn't have their weddings there. That was completely unfair on your part and honestly I think you jumped to conclusions. The same way we may not know you very well and we should take the time to get to know you, I hope next time you will take the time to get to know the other members before passing judgment on them.
  8. Klonopin, xanax, or ativan should do the trick. Speak to a doctor and see if they can give you a small dose. But don't ask for the medicine or else they probably won't give it to you. Just mention all the anxiety your feeling and they will probably prescribe you something. I'm sorry you are feeling so much stress and anxiety but like Christa I completely understand. Sometimes life gets the best of us. Try your best to relax and destress whenever you can.
  9. You def sound super stressed! I think you need to try to relax a little. That wine sounds like a good start. I know its natural to worry about your daughter but hopefully it will just be acid reflux and she can take over the counter prilosec or something like that. I hope all your tests come back negative! Keep us posted! I'm sending you healthy vibes.
  10. I heart GG more than anything in the world. I just absolutely live for it! I pre-ordered Season 1 on DVD and I got it earlier than when it hit the stores and I've been watching it for days. I love every moment of it and I can't wait for the next season. It starts Monday, September 1, 8PM eastern time on the CW. 90210 (2.0) starts Tuesday, September 2, 8PM eastern time on the CW.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by trance_angelx0x I think at the end of the day we have to count ourselves lucky if we have a roof over our head and food on the table. A big house, a nice car, all those things are superficial. I know it's nice to have things but there are always people way worst off than you. Know what I mean? Also I just wanted to add that the problem with this economy is that a lot of people are losing the roof over their head. So many people are foreclosing and have nowhere to go. They can't rent b/c rent prices have skyrocketted as well. As far as food goes I'm sure most of here are okay but there are a lot of low income families that cannot feed their families b/c of the increase in food prices. So just for clarification my thread is not about luxuries its about the basics like feeding and buying diapers for your children and maintaining that roof over your head.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by trance_angelx0x I think at the end of the day we have to count ourselves lucky if we have a roof over our head and food on the table. A big house, a nice car, all those things are superficial. I know it's nice to have things but there are always people way worst off than you. Know what I mean? I agree with you 100%! And just to clarify I don't own a car or have a fancy house or anything like that. I intentionally don't own a car b/c (a) its very expensive and ( I love walking everywhere and commuting by mass transportation. Its so much better for the environment. I am not going to pretend like it wouldn't be nice to own a house and all that jazz but I am sooooo not a materialistic person. I hope my complaining didn't come off that way. I just wondered how people are able to afford children and mortages. I am talking about basics such as paying into your healthcare and retirement funds not about vacation homes and shopping kwow what I mean?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Virg At least I have a car! 0% financing. THANK YOU GM. BTW, for those of us that carry a balance, and have a MASTERCARD. Call them every 6 months as they can reduce your interest rate, and you can save HUNDREDS! I did this when I first got my card (even when I had 0$ balance) and I now have it down to the lowest amount possible. Most credit cards will do this but you have to have good credit. If you have bed credit you are SOL. Also I read in economic journals that banks are going to raise interest rates on credit cards b/c they are being hit hard. WTF?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! My job is to collect Christmas presents for children. (I work for The Salvation Army.) It is so hard to get donations this year because people can barely afford their own bills, let alone spend money on other people's kids. It's so sad. See that is so awful! Every year my family and I would each spend $500 on buying tons of toys from Toys R Us and then donating them to different charities including the salvation army. I just can't do that this year. I couldn't even give a $10 donation right now, that's how pathetic my finances are. I really hope things change. I don't know how they are going to but I pray that they do.
  15. I just don't get it. I don't have a mortgage, I don't own a car, have no credit card debt, have no retirement funds, no children, and I still am living paycheck to paycheck. There are times when I have to pay for something with a credit card just b/c I don't have the money for it. How did this happen? LOL. About 2 years ago I used to be able to save so much money. Now I am literally counting change hoping I can afford a damn bagel.
  16. Alyssa just take into consideration that people tend to drink differently when they are at weddings and especially when they are on vacation. They may drink more just b/c they are in Hawaii. But let's hope they stick to their usual. I think the white wine/red wine is a good idea but I personally would get pinot instead of a chardonnay. I don't like wine but I throw plenty of parties and James is a bartender and we find that most girls like pinot not chardonnay. And two people have already responded to your thread and said they prefer pinot so I would go with that. I love the signature drink idea. If you do need more drinks would it be so bad? Maybe if it goes over it won't be so bad. I can't remember if your going to allow beer? Personally I love beer but I think most people don't drink it. They tend to like fancy drinks or wine. So I think you may not need it. ~Jamy its never too ghetto to get a 12 pack! LOL.
  17. Ok for anyone that's bored I want to rant about the economy. (Like we don't already have 90 threads on this topic right? LOL). Ok we all know the economy is hurting and oil is high, blah, blah, blah. Here is my question. How in the heck do people have mortgages and children? Here's what I don't get. Let's assume a middle class person makes $45-50k. That would mean about $30-36k after taxes let's say. So how then is someone supposed to support a child (or even 2 or 3?), pay $5,000 a year for retirement funds, pay their mortgage, pay into their healthcare, afford gas and increasing food prices, and still be able to save? And this is assuming that the person has no student loans or credit card debt or automobile financing. Wtf? I don't get it. Am I slow? Someone please explain it to me or feel free to join in and bitch with me.
  18. Tammy that is so cool! James is going to be super jealous when I tell him. He went to a Rancid concert a couple of weeks ago and he was super jealous when I told him that you knew Lars. He thinks your the coolest girl ever. LOL.
  19. I always do the thigh machines and they do nothing for my thighs. LOL. Its pathetic. I find that just like the article says squats or lunges are much better to work those areas. Damn machines! LOL.
  20. Tammy when you find the people who are purchasing this could you please ask them if they need a housekeeper? I need a job and I'm thinking cleaning this huge penthouse probably pays well. LOL.
  21. Ok here are pics showing that the fight with Audrina and Lo are fake: The Hills Feud Between Lo Bosworth And Audrina Patridge A Fake | I'm Not Obsessed - Celebrity Gossip And Pictures And here are sites that show the fakeness of the Hills editing with the Spencer and Heidi drama. Everytime they fight its fake. They just do it for ratings and to sell pics. SURPRISE: 'HILLS' FAKED - New York Post The Hills: Fake or Real? I'm still trying to find the ones about their jobs being fake.
  22. Gosh I've read about it so much that I can't keep track of it anymore. I read the rolling stones issue where they were on the cover and they admit to a lot of the fake stuff they do. I'm not sure exactly where I read that but Heidi admitted to a news article that she and Spencer do not live in the apartment they shoot at. Also remember how the apartment that LC and Audrina "lived" in wasn't really their apartment. They had to move out of that apartment after a few seasons b/c people would stalk them. I can't remember who but it was either Audrina's sister or Heidi's sister that used to live with them. There was always a third roomate but MTV didn't feel the person was interesting enough to be on camera so they pretended like only two people lived there.
  23. Wtf is wrong with people? Would they leave their family member tied up on the side of the house with all their stuff? And please someone spare me the lecture as to how animals are not the same as people, blah, blah, blah. I respect your opinion but respect mine and to me my pet is my family and he is a breathing, living animal and deserves more respect than being left alone tied to the side of the house. People make me sick.
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