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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Yeah what's a buck and doe? I wouldn't invite them. Easier said than done I know. But still if you really wanted them there, you would have invited them. I still don't get how people can ask to be invited or say "I better be invited when the time for your big day comes around." Here's my take: 1. May I sleep with your husband? 2. Have you gained weight? 3. Is your acne acting up again? 4. Are you pregnant? You look like you have gained some weight. 5. Are you inviting me to your wedding? All of the above are rude and tacky things to say to people, and I till this day do not understand how people still have the audacity to make these rude comments. I mean seriously people need to get some tact.
  2. I think you should wait it out and see how you feel around November. If at that time you feel very close to them and really want them there, then I would invite them. This way they at least have three months to make arrangments/save. But don't feel obligated to invite them now.
  3. I'm sorry I can't really help but I don't know a lot of alternative/rock lovey dovey songs. Hmmm I will have to really think about this...I'll be back.
  4. Kelly your family is absolutely gorgeous! Your children are so beautiful and you already know I want to eat up Liam to pieces. You look so pretty, especially with that beautiful dress and those stunning eyes of yours. You and your husband look so in love and that is what makes your pictures that much nicer. I'm glad the resort photog did such a good job. Congrats again!
  5. How about Edwin McCain "I'll Be"? It's too bad he wouldn't do "At Last" b/c that is a quick song!
  6. Umm yeah...I had only seen the first set of pics. Now I saw the rest. Let's just say I'm pregnant. I fully understand how Stella got her groove back now. Kelly if you want to slap me you can but your husband is hot! He is FINE! I would not let him out the house. You guys look absolutely amazing. Those are amazing shots I love them. And I think its so funny that you guys were just making out with people watching you. That is awesome! Way to start the marriage off right!
  7. Paula I am so excited for you! That is going to be so awesome! I love Sol's work, she is great. Congrats! I can't wait to see pictures.
  8. Damn girl those are hot! I had to turn my fan on and smoke a cigarette after viewing these. You guys look great. I heart them!
  9. Thank you to everyone who offered to help the possibly displaced brides. I hope it works out for everyone who had a wedding cancelled. I am keeping my fingers crossed and wishing you all the best of luck!
  10. Matt thank you for posting. I love the pics! Good for the bride and groom for having the best attitude and still making the best out of whatever resources they could. I am so glad they still had a nice wedding day.
  11. As Whitney Houston's song said "SAME SCRIPT, DIFFERENT CAST". Everyone on this forum has heard the "selfish" remarks at one point or another. People just love throwing their two cents in on what's convenient for them. I think you should do what's best for you and your FI. You shouldn't let other people pressure you (although that's completely hypocritical of me to say b/c I cancelled my DW for now b/c of family pressures). However, I would hate for anyone else to feel the way I did and give up what they want to do for what people expect them to do.
  12. Julie I'll marry you but only if Rob Schneider dresses up like a chinese man and is our officiant. LOL.
  13. Katherine I'm sorry that your party was cancelled. I'm sure everything will work out one way or another. I think she is lucky that she is getting you as a daughter-in-law b/c you are very patient and compassionate. I'm sure there will be bumps along the road, but in the end I have no doubt you will have an amazing wedding. ~Ann how dare you disagree with me? Where do you get off thinking for yourself and formulating your own opinion? To go against the word of the all powerful Glenda? I am appalled. Everyone knows what I say is right. I am the good witch after all. LOL.
  14. Your right Julie I do heart you so I'm going to start learning now. And I'm becoming Canadian eh. See I'll fit right in.
  15. Julie I'm sorry that your BF is not coming, but I'm glad its finally resolved. And at least now you won't have to stress about the extra money, you can just help GM out. I would offer to do your hair and make-up for your wedding but: 1. I don't know how to do hair and make-up and 2. I'm American, I can't travel to Cuba.
  16. I think I would go by myself the first time also (even though I would be so nervous). This way I could get a feel for what I like and then go later with someone special and get their opinion. I would hate to go the first time and have different opinions interfering...that can get stressful. Good luck with the dress shopping and def take pics if they let you so that you can post here.
  17. I did Jenny Craig. I would go pick up the meals every friday at a Jenny Craig center and buy a weeks worth. You can also get delivery and order online. Some of my food was frozen some of it you just kept in the pantry. Jen I also thought that keeping it in the pantry thing was weird. I found that the frozen food tasted so much better. I used to spend about $130 a week. It was actually pricey and that is why I stopped. I followed the thing religiously and I lost a lot of weight. The first week I lost 6 pounds and the weeks after that I kept losing 3 pounds per week. But I would exercise 5 days a week and I didn't cheat, and I didn't drink any alcohol. Also, after awhile I stopped eating the desserts and I the pounds would just fall off. Its hard doing that though. The problem that I have with these things is that they are not realistic. What am I going to do eat frozen food for the rest of my life? Plus, even though you are losing weight, they really aren't healthy at all. They have so many preservatives, etc. It was a good start for me though b/c I learned to figure out what 1,200 a day looks like. And now I know what portions should be. (teeny, tiny and microscopic) I also wanted to do the Zone diet delivery but here in NY it is like $50 a day or something crazy like that. I def could not afford that. Good luck with the meals I hope you lose the weight and you like the meals.
  18. Welcome Brooke and Gen! I'm glad you guys formally introduced yourselves, I know you had posted in a couple of other threads before. Congrats on the upcoming wedding.
  19. Congrats Shelly! I hope its everything you dreamed of and more. Hurry back so we can see pics!
  20. That is so annoying! I have to say from my experience DJ's are cocky little bastards. Even the ones that are shy think very highly of themselves. They are not very accomodating at all. Then again I'm talking specifically about DJ's that play at big clubs in huge cities. So wedding DJ's may be different, but still. Can you try Julie's sister's DJ?
  21. Anny I love all the ideas everyone has given you already. I was going to say you should get a pinata of a donkey that would probably be fun. And I love Merryme's idea of enlarging the loteria cards and making them into placemats. What about throwing a couple of sombreros on some chairs for extra decoration? What about those mini guitars? Are they cheap? I remember when I went to RM I bought one for FI and it was so cute. Maybe you could do that for a favor? If not I love T's cactus plant idea.
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