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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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fmichelle - another good option for cardio with a bad ankle is a boxing video.  A lot of them incorporate kick boxing as well, but you can just take it easy on those and focus more on the upper body/punching exercises.  They're a great way to get your heart rate up and burn lots of calories without having an impact on your ankle!

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Originally Posted by lsmith211 View Post


fmichelle - another good option for cardio with a bad ankle is a boxing video.  A lot of them incorporate kick boxing as well, but you can just take it easy on those and focus more on the upper body/punching exercises.  They're a great way to get your heart rate up and burn lots of calories without having an impact on your ankle!



Thanks lsmith. Guess it's time to pull back out the old Billy Blanks VHS tapes ;-). Oh, good times ;-). But you're right, I do remember a lot of punching and upper body in those videos, despite the cheesy music and less than motivational chitchat, they did kick my a$$.
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Hey ladies.  I've been in denial for far too long.  I have gained about 15lbs over the past two years and I believe (not certain) that it is due to birth control.  (I plan to stop taking in March)  With a May wedding quickly approaching, I need to focus on my tummy and arms.  I already have dress and it looks great but I must also consider that I will be in a swimsuit daily for almost 2 weeks!  Suggestions on how I can get it together are appreciated.

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Hello ladies, I started doing the Insanity videos and they're amazing. A lot of CARDIO!!!!!! Which is great because you burn those darn calories and the fat will melt off. Some people complain that it's too intense for them and often find themselves having a hard time with the video. There's a solution..... I just tried a jackie warner video yesterday called "Personal training with Jackie...power circuit training" and it's GREAT!! You sweat and feel the BURN!! For those who don't know, Jackie Warner is a celebrity trainer. She had a show on BRAVO TV called "Work Out". I loved her workout video and will be alternating from the Insanity workout to Jackie Warner. 

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With Christmas over, I now have no excuse for not getting in shape for my June 2011 wedding!! I have about 15 pounds to lose to feel amazing, so it's about time I start working out!! I have already begun eating healthier and try to workout about 5 times a week. I do cardio and strength training. The one thing that I seem to continue to do is drink wine though!!!

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Originally Posted by june11bride View Post


With Christmas over, I now have no excuse for not getting in shape for my June 2011 wedding!! I have about 15 pounds to lose to feel amazing, so it's about time I start working out!! I have already begun eating healthier and try to workout about 5 times a week. I do cardio and strength training. The one thing that I seem to continue to do is drink wine though!!!


In the same boat as you June11bride!

No more excuses. With a wedding in 2011 and plenty of time to be spent on the beach I need to get in shape! 

Over Christmas I have been eating like crap and not working out at all. So come January I have to kick my butt into high gear!

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I'm with you girls...I have until July.  I need to lose at least 30 pounds.  I got an elliptical for Christmas, so I'm going to start using that EVERY day.  I'm also going to do make myself eat chicken, brown rice, and broccoli for a while...5 small meals a day.  I know that sounds drastic, but I can't let myself have options or I'll cheat...I know me!  I have put off dress shopping because my first experience was so depressing, but I have an appointment the end of January...hoping to lose about 10 pounds by then and then go a little slower as my wedding gets closer.  What's your plan, ladies???

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I am going back to running and the 30 Day Shred.

Our basement has been in renovation mode for months but it is finally getting done so the FI is going to set up the treadmill for me.

I also plan to take lunch break walks at work.

I got a cookbook for Christmas that takes favourite meals and lowers the calories and fat so I plan to get cooking out of that book as well.

My biggest problem is chips! I friggen love them so I need to cut them out. And I am a stress eater, so that's what I turn to.

Major changes starting Jan. 1!!!

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Originally Posted by june11bride View Post


With Christmas over, I now have no excuse for not getting in shape for my June 2011 wedding!! I have about 15 pounds to lose to feel amazing, so it's about time I start working out!! I have already begun eating healthier and try to workout about 5 times a week. I do cardio and strength training. The one thing that I seem to continue to do is drink wine though!!!


My guilty pleasure is wine!! LOL pair it up with some cheese and sorpressata and i'm a happy camper!! UGH! I guess i better start weaning myself off of the cheese and sorpressata, but not giving up my wine. I'll just workout a little harder :)  

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