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Mom just informed me they wont go to mexico


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I'm having my wedding in the Bahamas and my grandmother told me it was stupid and that I should have it in Baton Rouge and that she don't know if she will have the money, even though I told her a year in advance. My mom is coming up with all sorts of excuses and probably thinks I care whether she goes or not, but I don't. My dad said he was coming but a month later he asked to borrow $1500.00, so I doubt he's coming. The people who really matter will be there unless it's for financial reasons which is understandable.

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I'm sorry you are going through this. You have to think about what is most important to you and follow your heart as silly as that sounds. There are a few of my really close friends that promised they would come but are now backing out. I was extremely upset at first but have come to the conclusion that it is about my FI and I that day and what we want. I know my situation is a little different than yours considering its your mom...


Best of luck! *HUGS*

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I am so sorry. I agree this is really about what you want and what is more important to you. If this is what you really want than those who really care about you will come. I a mean Mexico is a beautiful place where all the people are wonderful. It is a vacation for everyone. I hope your mom comes around. Keep us posted :)

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That really sucks, I am sorry. A lot of people seem to have a problem with destination weddings, but just remember that this is your day. Do what you want to do. My mom keeps saying that I should do a wedding here in Colorado, but I figure since we are paying for it ourselves and everyone from his family and 95% of my family would have to travel anyways so we are doing ours in Mexico too. You only get married once (hopefully lol) and so you should have your dream day, and if your mom doesn't come well that's her problem. I hope you figure this all out

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When we decided on a DW we knew that there was no guarantee that everyone or anyone will join us. My FI's parents aren't coming, but that is their choice. Ultimately we would love to have everyone there, but we want a DW and after all it is our day.

I hope that it all works out for you....and you never know, maybe your mom will come after all is planned.

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I know how you feel. I have been back and forth with my parents on the traveling factor for our wedding. It is really a terrible feeling to be torn. I agree with everyone's advice on here though..its your day! I simply told my family this is what I want, I would love for you all to be there, if you cannot I understand. Good luck and hang in there!

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Aw that sucks sad.gif We have heard nothing but complaining since declaring we would be having a destination wedding, and after going back and forth on what to do, I finally got to the point where I knew it was what we both wanted, and that in the end, it was for us and if family didn't want to support that then we would go on our own and celebrate with them when we got back. However, it kinda depends on how close you are with your mom; even though my mom complained, she never said she wouldn't be going. I'm not sure what I would have done if she had said that. I think I might have changed my plans cause we're very close.......

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Oh you poor thing! My fiancé if very close to his family but they are half way across the world. We had a tough choice to make. It came down to my family and all of our friends being able to attend or having it where his family could attend. After many weeks of discussion to figure out what was best for us we decided to get married in Mexico and web cast the wedding. His family will be attending on a laptop in the front row right where they belong. We will also have the entire reception video taped and will have a family dinner watching the video the next time we are with them. I hope this helps, good luck with your tough decision.

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