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Have you exercised today?

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I did an hour of weights this morning. Also, I weighed myself which I hadn't done in weeks and I'm down 4 lbs. Which is nice.


Amy - you just made me feel 1000 years old. I totally used to bust it to Amedeus.

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Alright, I went to see my trainer on Monday night. Then last night I went for my second run ever and I ran from 30 mins doing 5 mins running and 1 min walking. It was tough, but I did it. I am better than I thought I was. Tonight I ate pizza and ice cream and sat on my ass. So, I just cancelled out all my hard work. doh.gifoops.gif

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We moved Sunday and cleaned our apartment Monday, not to mention it was like 90 degrees in Santa Cruz. My body was so sore and I sweated so much I am counting those two days as a workout. I also have two very large bruises from the move that it was very embarassing when I had my dress fitting last night in front of the girl that was helping me embarrest.gif

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Drug my booty to the gym at 5am today and did 40 min eliptical and 30 min weights! We are having two of my FI's old college frat buddies out to stay with us at our new house this weekend. I knew I had to sneak my workout in before the beer and dreaded chips and nuts come out tonight. shots.gif


I'm cooking chicken enchiladas with green chile sauce and mexian rice for them tonight and homemade stuffed manicotti with ceasar salad and brushetta tomorrow. I always fall off the wagon on weekends when we entertain so I'm going to try and do spin class first thing tomorrow am to get that out of the way. We'll see if that happens after a bottle of wine tonight....cheers.gif


Wish me luck hanging with the three stooges.....I just love being the only girl stuck reliving the old Sigma Chi days with these fellas.....lord....smile117.gif


BTW....good job Miss Cessy!

Kate..I'm going to try and break up my cardio too...I used to do that but then the machines would be full and I'd just go home...whoops.

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I did 50 min of weights this morning. My 5 day a week workout quota has been met!


Amy - I get to the gym at 5 am so it's totally empty which is why I get my choice of machines. When I used to go after work and it was packed I'd totally do the "whoops they are all busy I should leave" dance.

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