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Everything posted by FutureMrsGlover

  1. @@rachelchic81....I am planning on a Jamaica wedding. Which resort did you get married? I have three in mind, Iberostar, Secrets and Royalton White Sands. I did a site visit last year in October to Iberostar and Secrets. I will be going to Jamaica June 6th to visit Secrets again and Royalton White Sands. Any advice would be great!!! Congratulations on your wedding!
  2. This resort is great! Was there July 2013 for a wedding, absolutely beautiful. Moon Palace will always have a special memory for me as my fiance proposed while we were there.
  3. @Inb2014 congratulations on your wedding. That is so wonderful she was able to take care of you with short notice. A true testament to customer service. I will have to contact Dawn as I was thinking of doing a cruise but didn't want to use the cruise line to plan the wedding at port (Trying to decide between regular DW and cruise as my parents don't want to fly).
  4. @@Soon2beMrsJ.....I am so glad you made your decision. I am going for a site visit to Royalton White Sands in June 9th. I am going to Jamaica June 6 to 10th. I can't decide between Secrets and Royalton. I did a site visit with Secrets in Oct of last year but I am going to visit them again on June 6th. Congrats on your decision!
  5. I agree with all of the previous brides who have chosen Jamaica. It is a lot easier to be married, no blood tests, no translations etc. My girlfriend was married in Mexico last July, she has yet to receive her marriage documents to submit to have her marriage legalized here in the States. With Jamaica, if you live in the states (and many other countries), it is automatically legal and you don't have to submit additional documents once you return home.
  6. @@pamelas21.....thanks! I have de-stressed quite a bit. I have decided to do the wedding my way (a cruise was not doing it for me!) lol. The good thing is this is my second marriage. (I am an older bride - 46 years young!!!) My father walked me down the isle the first time. I spoke with them and they understand why I want to have a destination wedding. When we come home, we are going to have a dinner for the parents (my fiancé's parents won't be flying either). I have realized there is way to make it all work out. As far as the venue...once I come back from the site visit (June) I will be able to make my final decision and get my STDs out. My travel agent is very good, so she will be able to get the everyone on a payment plan.
  7. Congrats....as @@malyna said smaller resorts may be the way to go. If doing Jamaica I would look at Negil...which is very laid back and more rustic. Most resorts have set packages that may work for you and if you need something else added they can accommodate. Trying not to stress is easier said than done but try not to. As long as you have a clear vision of what you are looking for you will have the special experience you are looking for! Happy planning!
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