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Everything posted by capecodder

  1. That's so exciting Janet!! I'm sure you will get everything done!
  2. They look great!! Hopefully, mine will turn out just as nice. I would also like to know what font you used. Looks great!
  3. Thanks for the great ideas girls!! Since I make wedding cakes, it has been very hard for me to give this portion up. Yes, I am little bit of a control freak! lol!! After seeing all of your great pictures, I decided to make my own gumpaste flowers to put on a simple but elegant, hopefully, white cake. I'll post some pictures once I get some done,
  4. Thanks for the link! The price is really good. I'll be putting my order in shortly!!
  5. My FI and I met online. I was very nervous about dating online but it has turned out wonderfully! Happy to see there are some other brides out there who met their FI's online.
  6. Thnaks for putting this together! I know will be taking advantage of these sites!
  7. Don't you just love moms? lol! I was just thinking about this. I have no idea if my resort has cake cutting sets or if I need to bring some down with me. Do you ladies know if most resorts have them?
  8. Tori - I would love to see a picture of how your hair flowers turned out. I'm sure they are beautiful. What are you girls using to cut your cake? Are you bringing down something with you or does the resort have something you can use?
  9. Great ideas ladies!! We will be doing personalized playing cards and travel mugs. Still keeping my eye out for a couple other things and this thread has definetly helped!
  10. Love those flip flops! Has anyone made their own flower for their hair? Since I can't find anything I love to buy. I figured I would attempt making my own. Fingers crossed it works!!
  11. Depending on the time of year you go, the bug situation is different. I went to Cuba a couple of years ago in late April and no bugs. A friend went the same resort 2 weeks later and she said it was bug city! I will definetly be taking down bug stuff with us!
  12. I never thought about tipping my WC! I agree with the other girls, if she does a great job, she'll get a tip. The photographer is coming with us and FI's best friend, so I wasn't planning on tipping him. He will get an OOT bag though! I called my wedding dress shop yesterday and found out my dress will be in at the end of September! Yay!!! Can't wait to go visit it!
  13. Love your bags! I'm sure your gues will love them! I was looking on Oriental Trading yesterday but didn't see those bags. Hopefully, they still have them!
  14. That's great news!! Guess I will be calling my store today to find out when mine is coming in!!
  15. Thanks for the information. Makes me very happy with my decision to get married at home first!!
  16. Yay!! I can tell you are very excited! How long did your dress take to come in? I ordered mine in April and still waiting, not so patiently.
  17. Thanks for the idea Tori!! Unfortunatley, his dad is not able to come with us but his uncle will be there. I'm sure he would be able to fill in for us!
  18. @Camy 47..I've been wondering what to do about the father/daughter dance too or a way to remember my dad. He passed away 2 years ago. I think I may do the photo idea too but not sure yet. FI's mom also passed away many years ago so not sure what to do about that yet either. Just got back from the States and finally got FI's wedding outfit. JC Penney for his wedding shirt, it is ivory with tropical imprints (palm trees) and linen pants at Old Navy. His whole outfit cost less than $50. Yay for deals!! I'm also working a photobook. Still trying to decide what pictures to put in!
  19. Finally catching up with my reading after being away in the States. Many good deals to be found done there. I don't understand why everything is so much cheaper there sometimes. Christmas Tree Shop and Dollar Tree had really good deals. At Christmas Tree Shop in Portland, Maine they had a whole section of travel stuff. Picked up packs of 4 Shout Wipes, Advil 10ct, Puffs Kleenex and they were all $1 each!! Has anyone heard of beer floaties? They would keep your mug afloat in the pool. We looked all over for them but no luck.
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