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Everything posted by deniden

  1. I've heard of Hungry Girl, but I'm actually a bigger fan of Skinny Taste (www.skinnytaste.com)
  2. Just ordered my wedding jewelry! Seller: livelovebead (they are currently having a sale!)
  3. I planned on using these as my placecards: http://www.etsy.com/listing/66025695/escort-or-place-card-votive-cuffs So, I'm trying to figure out how I could logistically do the menu cards... maybe place them under the person's votive placecard? So when they get their votive, they also get their menu card?
  4. Hi ladies! For those who did a private reception, how did you handle letting the wait staff know which entree each guest is getting? I wanted to print up rack cards from Vistaprint and then just perforate the bottom with the guest's meal selection, but I'm wondering how I'd do that logistics-wise? Put the menu card with the guest's place card? Thanks! Denielle
  5. I actually have a mashup of "When I'm 64" and "Sugar Pie Honeybunch" that I'm now considering using. LOL.
  6. What I did was email Marvin with my wedding date and the colors I was interested in and he sent me a tons of pictures of arrangements he had done. I then told him what I liked from which arrangements and he sent me pictures of that.
  7. Also, I've been making use of the WW Recipe Builder recently. It's a pretty handy little tool. I have a couple of recipes posted to my WW profile is anyone is interested. My username is deniden, just like here.
  8. Hi ladies! How is everyone doing?! Well, after a HUGE eating/drinking binge for Labor Day Weekend, I posted a -0.1lb loss at my weigh-in last Friday. I'm hoping for a bigger loss this Friday! Also, I got an email for the Bridalicious Boot Camp DVD set for $59. Thought I'd share!
  9. Hi ladies! How is everyone doing?! Well, after a HUGE eating/drinking binge for Labor Day Weekend, I posted a -0.1lb loss at my weigh-in last Friday. I'm hoping for a bigger loss this Friday! Also, I got an email for the Bridalicious Boot Camp DVD set for $59. Thought I'd share!
  10. We have several options, but most people are doing Thursday-Monday (4N/5D) or Monday-Monday (7N/8D). 4 Nights/5 Days = $583 plus airfare (around $500) 7 Nights/8 Days = $984pp plus airfare (around $500) Includes all-inclusive plus transfers.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Bride2B22 Cant wait to see them! were you guys affected badley by the hurricane??? Luckily here in RI we just had a lot of power outages. Some of the images of damages are so sad. We were VERY lucky. We live down near Atlantic City. We, personally, didn't have any damage or lose power or anything. The biggest scare for us was the tornado warning - my mom, sister and I got in the basement with all of our dogs, lol. My fiance worked through the hurricane (he's a Critical Care Nurse/Paramedic) so I was mostly worried about him. There's a lot of flooding around us though, and some major roads closed. But honestly, we were SO lucky.
  12. I'm thinking maybe in a week or two, I'll be able to do my Passport Invite Thread. I know that so many girls on here helped inspire me to do mine and gave me the confidence to try it, so I'm hoping I can do the same for others. "Labor of love" - love that, it definitely was. I'm a detail psycho, so I have all these spreadsheets and word documents with everything I've been finding and "liking" and ideas, lol. I can't wait until we are closer and all those details come together and we can start really ordering stuff. We are using Juan Navarro for photography and Mike from Cancun Wedding Video for videography. Originially, I didn't even want a videographer, but then I was reading all these threads and reviews from girls who had a videographer, and decided I need to have 1. So, those two things were the most important to me - it's the only way to preserve all your memories from that 1 single day. I love going to the sites and watching the videos or looking at the pictures.
  13. It HAS been super quiet! We went out our DIY Passport invites last week. Everyone has LOVED them. It makes me so proud that we did them ourselves. I love coming home from work, checking the mailbox and seeing if any of the RSVP postcards have arrived. I've been trying to find the time to take pictures of them and make a thread with the template but with the hurricane and all, we've been super busy. Since things are kind of "on hold" until we have a headcount, I've just making notes with my ideas for OOT bags, favors, etc. My dress is ordered, and we plan on ordering the guys' suits in December/January time frame. Other than that, my flowers are picked out (via Marvin), photographer & videographer are booked, and now I'm just reading reading reading lots of stuff on the forum.
  14. Love these! Great job! And congrats on your big day coming so quickly!!!
  15. Morning ladies! I FINALLY broke my month-long plateau! I lost 2.1lbs this week for a 12.9lb total! YAY! Hope everyone is doing well and if there any other ladies in the hurricane regions - be safe! We are evacuating one of my sisters and my dad today. Denielle
  16. I did C25K before and I believe there are continuation programs, as well.
  17. Hey ladies - just checking in, how is everyone doing? I've been on a month-long plateau, but today I did a quick scale hop (just to check in) and it looks like I'm finally losing again! I had 4 sessions at the gym last week, and will have 1 session on my own this week and 2 with my trainer. My weigh-in day is Friday, so fingers crossed!
  18. Hey ladies - just checking in, how is everyone doing? I've been on a month-long plateau, but today I did a quick scale hop (just to check in) and it looks like I'm finally losing again! I had 4 sessions at the gym last week, and will have 1 session on my own this week and 2 with my trainer. My weigh-in day is Friday, so fingers crossed!
  19. Exact same song (and by Michael Buble) that we are using
  20. We are doing a cocktail hour - I figured it would give us an hour to get pictures done, and to switch people from ceremony mode to reception/party mode. We plan on doing all of the dances and the cake cutting BEFORE dinner - that way, we can get through dinner and it can just be party time!
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