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Everything posted by diamondpooch

  1. Dania, there are some great TA's on the site. Just do a little research! Good luck!
  2. Elizabeth, every time I see your photos I think how much I wish you were shooting my wedding! They look great.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MObride09 LOL Jacqui! That fire happened the night of my wedding! I didn't get to see it, most of our party had retired for the night by then, but my MIL saw it! Luckily it was just the thatched roof but I heard it was quite a spectacle!!! I have a pic of it from the next day.. I wrote about it in my review, however, when I went to post the review, something must have happened because the whole thing disappeared. It took so long to write it I haven't tried again, thought I would wait until I got some more pics as I only have one on my personal camera from the whole wedding... BTW, they had the roof fixed within a couple days, before we left on the 3rd of june... Oh, and it wasn't anyone from my wedding who caused it..LOL! The flags were not there for any of the beach weddings I saw routinely that week. They may have been something special brought by the bride or something new the WC's are offering... Ha! I highly doubt anyone is actually going to confess to being the one who flicked the cigarette. IDK how my FIL's even found out that's what caused the fire. I know it wasn't them cuz they don't smoke! LOL. I'm gonna try and get a pic of those flags from them so I can post them or send them to Claudia and figure out where they came from. I really like them. Then again, the plan now is to have an open air reception, not a beach reception. Where was yours? Can you suggest the best/better place? So bummed your review deleted That really stinks. I've been waiting for it!
  4. Same with us! That scene with Bill and Sam we were looking at each other like, "Tell me this kind of stuff isn't gonna happen this season". I think it's kind of cliche to add the wolves, but maybe because I think it's too Twilight. I do like the new thing they added at the end "True Blood PostMortem". Really cool. Frankly, Tara is annoying me as usual. I just don't like her character. And I love that Redhead waitress' hair color. So pretty! Sookie seems to have aged a little, but maybe it's just my hi def TV, and now I can see all her wrinkles and pores. And did I mention I am in love with Eric? Holy moly.
  5. Cara, no, they are HUGE flags, and like six to eight of them. they look sort of like this, but no printing on them, just different colors. Yes, the fire was at the Palace! I'm sure they fixed it quickly as it was just the thatched roof (luckily the building was made of stone). We have pictures of the fire!
  6. For those of you already married, my FMIL just came back from Barcelo this month and had taken some pictures, and in one of the pictures, there were these "flag/wind sock" type things on the beach surrounding the wedding area one night. anyone know if these are always there or if someone brought them? Also, she told me about the fire there that week! Someone flicked a cigarette off a public balcony onto a thatched roof and the whole thing blew up in flames!
  7. found another webiste today that's awesome! RentTheRunway.com. It's awesome. You can rent high end clothes and accesories for a special ocassion. It's really cool.
  8. Boo, I don't think you're being ridiculous. It is definitely a hard conversation though. I can understand how you feel that if you can see inclusions with the naked eye quite easily that you would prefer a better clarity. Maybe no one at the jewelry store took any time to educate your FI on the things he should be looking for in a diamond? If clarity is that important to you, maybe you could suggest dropping down in size so you can get a better clarity in your stone Just a thought. Yes, the ring is, most imprortantly, a symbol of love and marriage, but it's hard to know how someone feels about having visible inclusions in their ring until you have them in yours. Honestly, unless you have a fiancee who you KNOW FOR SURE would be receptive to this conversation, then I say, just wait for an anniversary to upgrade. Good luck!
  9. We didn't do a site visit either. Not enough money. But my in laws have been and they say its awesome.
  10. JamieLynn, don't be scared. Between this forum and the reviews on TripAdvisor.com you will get a lot of info on whatever resort you choose. Congrats by the way!
  11. Thanks Artistique! Great room review! Answered everything I wanted to know.
  12. elisha0607, great review! Sounds like your wedding was amazing. I would love to see pics too if you can figure out how to post them! On a side note, to all you ladies who have already gotten married, how were the rooms? I never read much about them in the reviews, but would really like to hear some feedback. Temperature control issues? Bugs? Bed comfort? Anyone have anything stolen?
  13. Well, we changed up plans a bit. We are going to stay 9 nights surrounding the wedding and then come home and go on our "honeymoon" in December. This way we get more time to save up for something awesome and also we won't have to take two weeks straight off work!
  14. Ashley: Hahaha. I thought it might be wax after I posted that comment! how funny. So, send them out in November then. No big deal. People aren't SO busy that they can't put a simple RSVP back in the mail. Don't stress yourself out too much over that.
  15. I'm off to have a drink with my MOH tonight! Celebrating the confirmation, and also drinking off a bad day at work.
  16. I'm so excited that Neil is back too. He is probably my favorite of all time.
  17. Ashley1316, your siggy photo is making me think. lol. You appear to be in the oval office and Obama appears to be behind you! Is this trickery? LOL
  18. Debbmach, that is a great idea to send booking info with the invites. What a great idea! I think I will use it! 8 months sounds like a good time to me, too.
  19. I found my travel a little cheaper through Expedia too, the only difference is that I havea a non stop airfare, and transfers are included in my price. So the $880 total that I would save through going through expedia isn't wort it to me. This way I only have two hours on a non stop flight as opposed to swiching in Charlotte (the opposite direction from me...lol) and my way from airport to hotel is covered.
  20. Carly, I agree with everything you are saying! Ok ladies, I've watched it so chat away! thanks for waiting for me to catch up! I totally agree, I can't tell which ones are the new ones and which ones are the old ones. My fav girls are the same too Carly, Lauren and Melinda. Melinda is suprisingly awesome! I was so nervous because of what happened to the tappers last year. But she is great. IDK about the Boys because I loved Anthony. I gotta wait and see. anyone else love Cat Deeley She is so cute and I think she does a great job. The routines were awesome though and I'm excited because I can feel that the level of choreography is going to be elevated this year. Also, I am obsessed with Wade Robson routines? They are so recognizable, but they are freaking awesome! I hope Mandy Moore does some routines this year as well.
  21. Good luck Barbara! Don't stress out too much! those women down there can organize your entire wedding in a couple hours when you meet them upon arrival! Cara, your siggy pic is awesome!
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