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Everything posted by jawedding

  1. So nice! I love your cake box - what a cute idea! Congrats!
  2. ahhhh it's so fun looking at your thread! I can't wait to be an ROR bride!
  3. You look OUTSTANDING in your dress! and so happy!! Congrats!!
  4. good idea making a checklist of who's coming when! thanks for sharing!
  5. Your invites are probably my favorite of all that I've seen! So beautiful!! Congrats!
  6. you look gorgeous in your dress!! Thanks for sharing!!
  7. they are wicked! seriously! you're probably more critical because you've been looking at them so much (while doing them).. but they are totally rad, and if you saw them in a store you probably wouldn't even notice the things that are bugging you now!
  8. Hi! So, I know this is going to sound SUPER cheesy! BUT, I would really like to do a photo/video slideshow (pics of us as babies, and of our guests at memorable moments in their lives!). Does anybody know if this possible at the ROR? Has anyone done it? Thanks!
  9. Hey! How late can you have the fire dancers? Ie, do you have to do it right after dinner? or could you have it at 10:30 or 11pm?
  10. I just booked sandals montego bay for my second week (honeymoon).. we're getting married at the ROR at the end of our week there, and we didn't know if we could do a second week or not, so I am SO excited to have a romantic week! I would love to hear from anybody who has been there! (we done a ton of 'resort' travelling.. other than one soso cuban resort and one soso dominican last minute cheap vacations, so I have no idea what to expect!)
  11. your poor nail! glad to hear the rest of it went fairly smoothly!!
  12. Gorgeous!! Your dress is so so lovely and you look so happy!! Definitely inspiring!
  13. I LOVE this thread! I just booked my second week at sandals thanks to you ladies!
  14. Ok I disagree! You look BEAUTIFUL in both.. honestly, you truely can't go wrong, HOWEVER I think number 2 is more flattering! It hugs your curves YES, but in a GREAT way! I also think you look much more "glowy" in the second dress. You look great in both, but i think you look fantab in number 2 AND you obviously love it more! See if they will take number 1 back if that's what you want! esp. since it was off the rack.. im sure they'll accomodate.. if they can't though, or if you just love number 1 more, know that you look gorgeous in that one too. Be happy though! It's ok to change your mind! You're a woman!
  15. I'm in! I only need about 50 though.. how much are they?
  16. you are truely beautiful!! The story of your dance with your dad made me cry.. a reminder of what is truely important in life.. congratulations, your planning thread was amazing!
  17. RUBY! it would be easier to choose if there were pics of YOU in them!
  18. 6 with the strap is SICK! (in a great way!) you look GORGEOUS... seriously knockout.. has the "wow" factor without the "wierd" factor!! you knocked it out of the park girl!
  19. I mean.. and I don't fully understand how everybody can be saying "oh it will all be great, just marry him".. she is saying that he has a history of being a manipulator (for booty calls no less), that his dad basically "wipes his bum", he has a history of cheating (or dating multiple at once and hurting people), he doesn't seem to care when she tries to talk to him AND she is having serious worries AND she is a single mom! That sounds pretty serious to me!! I know we are all pretty 'wedding and love' crazy on here (i know i am), but this is a reality of weddings too.. that sometimes it's better to have these conversations and sometimes supporting someone means helping them to make the "hard" choice. Either way, Jennie you were so right to post, and I really really hope that this all works out in a way that leaves you incredibly happy.. you sound like such a nice person!
  20. Aww.. I'm so so sorry to hear that you're feeling like this.. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you to have these feelings with your wedding so quickly approaching. I know everyone is saying "it's stuff you can overcome" etc.. but I am going to (at least slightly) disagree. Especially if you are a single mom.. you should be very careful.. nervousness and jitters are normal to some extent, but big worries like the ones you have, especially considering that you have a child of your own, are definitely something to consider seriously.. It's so hard being so close to the wedding, but this should be a happy time in your life.. I know nothing is completely perfect, but I don't think it's great that you have so many (and such serious) stressors.. it's a whole life that you're committing to.. if any part of you doesn't feel safe in that choice, then maybe You deserve complete happiness.. you deserve to be happy and excited, and to feel comfortable and safe, and to some extent at least taken care of. If you believe in the two of you, and you truely think he is deep down a genuinely good person, then you might have something worth working on, but if part of you doesn't.. to the point that you're getting increasingly uncomfortable.. I think it would be dangerous for you to ignore that voice.. uncomfortable.. but a child together followed by an unhappy unreasonably stressful marriage and a potential divorce will be much worse.. No, everything is not always easy, in any relationship, but that "it" factor that NYC bride2be was talking about.. yes it's special, and important.. but it's definitely not enough.. The other thing is.. when you talk to him about your discomforts (ie.. about the wedding coming up with the ex etc..) does he seem to care? He should. And a 'good' guy would. ALL the best to you!! I hope that in a month we will be hearing that you are happy and either seeing BEAUTIFUL pictures of your wedding OR just your vacation!! (there is no shame in telling your guests "hey, we just aren't ready" and then going on a fun vacation together!). IF you get married, do it for you. Nobody else's opinions matter (including ours.. we aren't in your situation). xox
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