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Everything posted by kisskissmd

  1. Thanks for posting this seller! I am also considering the edible diamonds for cakes - that would be perfect to add to our relatively small (yet important) resort wedding cake in Mexico.
  2. Hey all, we decided to try to stick with what is included in our package at Secrets Maroma Beach Resort - after reading some of the helpful information here about brides being disappointed about the upgrade bouquets. So - this is what I sent to Cecilia, and we'll also be having a 'small bird of paradise' boutonniere for the groom and the other corsages/boutonnieres included in our package. We thought it might be simpler to stick with one simple flower (one hearty, simple flower that won't wilt -that's the kicker for a Mexico August wedding!).
  3. I love the idea of an 'activity' as a gift - so many BP gifts that are marketed to Brides are seriously un-usable, or would only be used on the day of the wedding. Awesome ideas!
  4. Thank you for pointing to these products! I have used the LA Fresh line before and they do make a good product. So perfect for travel!
  5. Hey there, I would be interested in the Postcards if you still have them - I'll PM you!
  6. Congratulations to you and your family! Thank you for the reminder about the men's dinner dress code; I need to be sure to get that on my blog and in an email to the guests while they are packing! I might also try the tipping of the WC to get the room upgrade...Thank you!
  7. I am feeling the pain with you ladies who have closer weddings...mine is not until August but the general hubub this is creating has freaked my guests out quite a bit. And all of the ones that were on the fence are ready to say 'no way' at this point. Plus - the FI's parents will definitely not be joining us, as they are both elderly and the flu most commonly impacts young children and the elderly (or those with a compromised immune system) the hardest. I work in the public health field (epidemiology) and I can safely agree with a few of the earlier posts that indeed, this flu is just like any other, in almost all ways. The tricky part is that it is composed of 3 viral strains (swine, avian/bird, and human) so the treatment of it is a bit more strenuous and complicated, particularly if you have pre-existing conditions. Be smart, wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze/cough, and hopefully the world response to this possible pandemic will help everyone in the end (by reducing the spread of the virus). This is 'just the flu' with a few extra considerations, but none so grave that you should not enjoy your wedding day - as long as the airlines are listening to the CDC and WHO, which they should be. Best wishes to everyone!
  8. Hi there! We'll also be hitting Le Blanc for our honeymoon (after our wedding at Secrets Maroma Beach) and I was first alerted to Le Blanc from the program "Whose Wedding is it Anyway?" (I think...or it may have been "Married Away"...they all blur after awhile!) You may want to try to track down the episode to get a really good look at it from the inside-out. Everything I have ever heard/seen has been that the service is outstanding and the venue areas are gorgeous. You cannot go wrong there. Even our travel agent, when asked, FIRST recommended Le Blanc Spa for our wedding (but in terms of cost to our guests, we just couldn't swing it). Good luck!
  9. This is a fabulous idea! We have really been struggling to come up with a unique, yet non-cheesy, idea for groomsmen gifts. I'm going to pass this by the FI this evening - thanks again for posting!
  10. Hi all, I found some great options online - the two I was considering included those from Windy City Novelties (Genuine Hand Painted Maracas) which run $33.00 for 24 maracas, and those at All4Fun (Maracas - many kinds), which seemed to carry the same ones that I wanted at Windy City for $5 less (plus their shipping wound up being less expensive so I did end up ordering through them). They even have simple maracas that you can get personalized for very little moola. I hope to give guests 1 maraca per person, to save money and bulk in our suitcase going down, and am hoping that doesn't make us look cheap or stingy! It's always tricky to figure that out as you go, especially when you have a budget. I hope this helps!
  11. I found this burlap paper from the Family History Store (listed above) a few days ago and was excited to see it mentioned here too! I am going to use it for a 2'' belly band around our invitation, and then tie either rafia or satin ribbon (1/2'') around the center for a more elegant touch to our somewhat-casual printed invitations.
  12. If no one has claimed the table runners with shell accents, I would be interested in those - all 10 if you have them - zip 82009 and I will also PM you.
  13. To add to the 'show and tell', I was at Michael's yesterday and found all of the things people listed above in this thread, along with a few others that I purchased - so here they are! They had these adorable blank notecards with a spanish-feeling picture on the front surrounding a letter - so my friend and I dug through the bin and found all of the C's they had - and I will use these for our thank-you cards (since our stationery set did not come with matching thank-you's) - $1 for 8 cards and envelopes! Then, we stumbled across these adorable 'packing list' pads - and my friend suggested folding one sheet nicely and including it in our invitation packet for guests - brilliant! Our invitations are rather casual so I do not think it will look nearly as ghetto as I was worried it would. 40 sheets to a packet - $1! Michaels also had quite a few things on clearance - I found these cards for $.50 each, and they had just the right quantity for me to use them as thank-you cards for our bridal party. Finally, I bought some paper to try different textures for invitation belly bands, and I scoured the $1 ribbon bin for ideas (we want to tie a ribbon around the paper belly band to add texture) - here are a few that I found that may go well with a DW theme: Hope this helps!
  14. These are wonderful, your hard work paid off for certain! Is the extra 20 cents due to the post office having to hand cancel each letter? I always thought that would be cool to do (we wanted to use a seal with our invitations) but wasn't certain of the cost, or whether it was the same no matter which post office you visit.
  15. We met online through Match.com...I was living in a different state but moving to where he lived, and we talked online intermittently for about 6 months before meeting in person. I actually just posted our full meeting and engagement story as a new thread - read only if you have some time and/or are bored.
  16. We placed our meeting story on our website - my fiancee wrote his version, and I wrote my own version independently. Here they are (a bit long, hopefully you are somewhere comfortable...). His Version For the purposes of this website (and my “self preservation†?), I won’t share my dating follies prior to meeting M. Most of the details are irrelevant other than to say that our story begins with Shane’s prediction that I would meet my future wife in Arizona. Had I known that Shane had been in the fortune telling business I would have heeded his advice much sooner… …I hate dating. Absolutely hate it. In the words of Chris Rock, ‘you don’t date someone when you first meet. You date their “agentâ€. It’s weeks before you even meet the real person.’ This was not the case when I met M on an online dating site in May 2005. She had posted a beautiful picture of herself, and after reading her bio, I knew I had to meet her. I wrote her the longest email I had ever written, my life history, my dreams, my fears, my passion for all things, and she responded with a brief response. This continued… I would write, and she would reel me in with a brief response. And then one day, it ended. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She fell off the face of the earth. The last thing I remember telling M was that I would at least like to show her around Arizona (as friends). ….Chirp...Chirp…. So, the fall season rolls around, and I decide to scrap the whole online dating thing. I had met my lifetime quota of psychopathological women, and decided I would become a monk in the Himalayas. I was clearing out my dating “inbox†and I came across M's profile for the last time. I wrote her one last email. “M, I imagine that you’re in Arizona by now. I hope the move went well. I really enjoyed our conversations [i wanted to add, “as brief as they wereâ€] and I hope that we might meet sometime now that you’re in town. I’m closing out my account, so my contact info…..blah blah blah……and maybe we can in person. If not, take care and I wish you the best.†I liked the last part the best. “If not, take care and I wish you the bestâ€â€¦â€¦it was my way of saying, “if not, you should feel terrible that you never contacted me when you got into town like you said you wouldâ€. I got a call the next day, and I didn’t even know what to say. She told me she was dating some guy. Great. I suggested that we meet for ice cream later that night at Cold Stone Creamery in downtown Tempe. I somehow felt like it was a date even though it wasn’t a date. I parked and as I was walking to Cold Stone, I got a call from M that she had just parked. Then I saw her across the street on the phone. I waved over my head like I was trying to land a plane. As M started to cross the street I fell in love with her, and I knew she was the one. Yes, I realize that this potentially puts me in the stalker category, but I just knew she was the one. My future wife. After exchanging an awkward hug, we walked to get some ice cream. I tried to play it cool, but the most random things kept coming out of my mouth. We finally got to Cold Stone and she initially ordered a cheesecake ice cream, only to find out that her favorite flavor “birthday re-mix†was back on the menu. I offered to eat her cheesecake order so that she could eat her birthday ice cream thingy. This is the part of the story that, for lack of a better descriptor, sucks. So we carry our ice cream prizes over to the outdoor seating area in front of Starbucks and talked about our lives and our families. I had to remind myself not to be psycho and tell her that I think she’s great and that we are going to get married one day. Instead, mid “this-is-not-a-date-conversation†I made my first mistake. I asked M if she found me attractive. I needed that little glimmer of hope despite the fact that she was dating some other guy. I held my breath. “No. I’m sorry.†Ouch. So I chalked my future wife up to be just a friend, but somehow or another we got engaged. [[M says that I’m writing too much so she’ll tell the rest of the story]] The end. Her Version I met C...well, technically we met via an online dating service in the summer of 2005. I knew I would be moving to Phoenix, so to start meeting people, I put a page in that zip code, and C wrote to me. We emailed back and forth about things we had in common, such as our love for music, my upcoming laser eye surgery, and other important things I'm sure. We didn't technically meet in person until November of that year...and when we did, I wasn't too sure that I wanted to be much more than a friend to C. The first indication of his character should have been a bigger sign than it was at the time, but I was a little slow on the uptake. C was willing to eat the ice cream concoction that I ordered at Cold Stone (Berry Cheesecake) because I didn't realize right away that they brought back my favorite ice cream (Cake Batter Ice Cream!) - so I ordered my favorite and was able to enjoy it without too much guilt. Sign #1: and I missed it. We got together a few more times as friends, and on Thanksgiving C came over later in the evening and surprised me with a gift for my then-new-puppy, Chloe (he was working at a gourmet dog treat company at the time). Chloe also tried desperately to give me a huge sign that C was the one I should be dating...he walked in the door, knelt down on the floor to say hello to her, and much to my surprise, she ran toward him and leaped into his lap like she had known him for years. She never reacted to anyone else this way. Sign #2: again, I missed it. A few weeks later, I flew back to participate in a graduation ceremony for my Ph.D.. C kindly took me (and Chloe) to the airport, and gave me a friendly hug goodbye. After arriving, driving the 2 hours my school, and wandering randomly around Walmart for a bit...it hit me. I should be dating C. Crap. I might have already screwed it up. So I called him immediately and let him know what I was thinking. We talked every day that I was away, and actually planned a trip to Sedona, AZ (see the pic) for the week after I returned as kind of a testing ground, just to see if we really were compatible. By the end of that trip, I was about 99.8% certain that I didn't need to worry about looking any further for someone who would love me better than anyone ever could. Sign #3: I finally got it! Chloe still gives me that haughty look at times... "Duh, I knew it all along." Then, on a cold cold December day in 2007, C and I drove the very long 17 hours to my hometown through snow, wind, and ice to be with my family for Christmas. We arrived exhausted and delerious, and little to my knowledge, C had quietly taken my mother aside to ask her permission to marry me (my father is deceased). She was walking around the house all crazy-like, with tears in her eyes, but it didn't seem too abnormal because we do not get to see her very often and she gets misty more as she gets older. So we finally went to bed, and at 6:59am the next morning I felt someone staring at me. I rolled over to find C on his knee next to the bed with a piece of paper. As he started reading, I had no idea what was happening, and could barely make out what he was saying (delerium will do that). Finally, after he pulled out a white box and something sparkly caught my eye, I realized what was happening - and of course I said yes! Only later did I discover that he videotaped the whole thing at the foot of the bed...so now, my horribly stinky morning self is forever memorexed into history looking confused and bewildered.
  17. This is a great website- I always type in 'wholesale' or 'bulk' when I do Google searches for items like this because it seems to open new doorways. Is anyone interested in sharing generic bags? I only need about 22-25 total so a minimum order of 50 would be too many for just me. PM me if you'd be interested!
  18. This is a great website- I always type in 'wholesale' or 'bulk' when I do Google searches for items like this because it seems to open new doorways. Is anyone interested in sharing generic bags? I only need about 22-25 total so a minimum order of 50 would be too many for just me. PM me if you'd be interested!
  19. I love that you call a hangover aid 'recovery'...that is fantabulous and will keep with the elegant vibe we are hoping to have for our wedding (even though we will be staying at a non-stop-free-alcohol resort!). Thanks for the fab idea!
  20. Here is the engagement ring... And engagement ring with wedding band!
  21. Hi all! My ceremony dress is a Casablanca (1870) in ivory. I bought it on Ebay (*gasp!*) from a bridal store that was selling off sample gowns. (Magic Wand Bridal on Ebay is phenomenal, they cleaned the dress for me, packaged it perfectly, and then sent the extra straps, buttons, and the tags were still perfectly intact when I received the gown.) Please ignore my ridiculous expressions and bad hair, lol. My second gown (reception and TTD photo session) is a Maggie Sottero Couture gown (style Amy) that I just came across the other day. I have not yet purchase the dress, but you can bet that this one or one very similar will be coming to Mexico with me - it is about 1/4 of the weight of my first dress! Everyone looks so beautiful in their gowns - I have always believed you have to purchase the dress that you FEEL the most gorgeous in - and don't let yourself be restricted by the 'rules' (e.g., curvy women shouldn't wear mermaid, tall women shouldn't wear ball gowns, etc.).
  22. Hi there - I have seen good things about this company on other websites - maybe they can rush your order a bit faster? 3 months seems a little crazy to me too! Pamelas Parasols
  23. Thanks so much for posting this, it is a great template! Also, for anyone unable to edit the .pdf, you can use one of the many free online document converters to get it into a .doc (Word) file. Free PDF to Word Doc Converter - easy and powerful pdf converter software. Hope this helps!
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