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Everything posted by merocket59

  1. I just came across this DIY project that I thought would be great for DWs. I know a lot of people are doing custom water bottle labels so this project would go along nicely with that. I am still contemplating on whether or not to do it but if I do I'll post pics Here is the link FamilyFun: Craft: Water Bottle Holder - and More Family Fun
  2. Those are soo adorable!! Great work, I can't believe you did them yourself! I wish my DIY stuff came out that good!
  3. Oh I've seen those, sounds really cute with the stickers that was a good idea! Can't wait to see pics!
  4. I have those mini passports in the back of my mind if my DIY idea doesn't work out... I'm glad to hear you got such a great deal! Did you have page inserts? And did you think they looked really small or were they a reasonable size?
  5. grrr again!! Thanks for sharing I am working on invitations now so I def need to remember to put the correct stamps on the reply cards
  6. Thank god I'm not the only one really starting to stress. I can't find invitations I love and it was really irritating me so I am probably going to DIY passport invitations so I can get all the info I need in them and it can have all the elements I want. I have a lot of stuff for my OOT bags but still need to work on them, I think the people at Michaels, AC Moore, and Target all hate me and all my coupons by now! And it is all taking up a big corner of my bedroom (we need to move soon!). And my guests are more together with booking their flights and hotel rooms than I am. Oh annnd I can't find a first dance song errgg... But on a better note I found a hairstyle I like and think that my hair will comply with. And I found shoes that I like
  7. Those are so pretty and look very tropical! I'm very sorry to hear about the fire, you are so brave to buy the materials and do invites all over again after your first supplies were ruined, cheers to your hard work!
  8. from what I've read here it varies, some people print them on regular cardstock and use the background they want, others use colored or metallic cardstock (for the cover), some use plain printer paper, and others use scrapbooking paper that has a decoration they like.. as I just posted in another thread I'm going to try to print my pages out using vistaprint flyer pages and I applied a background I found on there because it didn't work when I uploaded my image. I think the paper is shiny so I don't know if I'll like it but I'm going to see what it looks like and go from there.
  9. Here is mine, thanks to all the wonderful people here on BDW I was able to make mine from templates I found on here. I think the stuff is grouped together at this point but you can ungroup it to change, or let me know if you can't and I'll ungroup it. I am in the process of trying to print them from Vistaprint, using a postcard for the cover and flyers for the pages, I don't know if it will work out the way I want so I will probably end up printing them myself. MyPassportInviteBDW.ppt
  10. sign up for the vistaprint emails and they will send you emails for free stuff, you can get the magnets for free and sometimes the upload fee is half off so it would 2.49 to upload the pic and just pay shipping for the magnets, pick the slowest shipping and it will come sooner than expected... btw I am soo jealous, FH and I were just talking about wanting to go back to Vegas, so much fun!! Isn't the sign smaller than you thought from the movies and pics?
  11. That is even better than the dollar store deal!! Please let us know when you get them in and let us know the quality, size, etc. Thanks!
  12. That is even better than the dollar store deal!! Please let us know when you get them in and let us know the quality, size, etc. Thanks!
  13. Go with the coed idea, there wouldn't be much drunken fun if you don't have your best buds with you!
  14. I think that you should send an announcement focusing on the fact that you had an intimate DW which was a wonderful way to celebrate the difficult year you had, thank them for their support over the year and say you regret that you were not able to have the wedding last year but are glad that things are going well (I'm just assuming this from your message) and that you could celebrate your marriage in a more intimate fashion. You don't have to mention the AHR because you are not announcing the fact that you are having an AHR and they aren't invited you are announcing that you got married. Plus I'm going to assume that if your FI had an illness that there were medical bills involved and that you don't have the budget to invite as many guests again, which I'm sure the guests could assume as well and if they aren't your BFF getting cut off the list but more of acquaintances then they would be understanding.
  15. I'm not doing a wedding program, it will be a short wedding and I don't really see the point in wasting time and money on something that people will hold for 15 mins then leave behind. I am doing a welcome broucher for guests and I am sending on out a few weeks before the trip to my guests who respond yes, there are lots of templates on here for them if you do a search.
  16. Everything looks great!! I love your wedding location it looks beautiful! And I love the FG pails, I'm doing one too, I love how you decorated it, is that paint or stickers?
  17. That's what hair trials are for, trying them out, it didn't work so you should keep the appt for day of.. you are lucky you got to do a hair trial with them and find it out now. As for tips for doing it yourself you could get a hair extension clip? Depends how good you are at doing your own hair and how easy it is to do your hair. I have considered buying one if I don't get an appt somewhere for that morning because my hair doesn't like to curl and doesn't like to be sprayed into place, it just likes to hang straight, and it isn't very thick so an extension would really help me out.
  18. So sad, they don't have them at my DT! But I haven't given up hope yet, my sister has 2 near her so when I go there on Tues I'm going to look... fingers crossed
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