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Everything posted by merocket59

  1. I used the vertical advantus badge holders as well, got them off of amazon, but I used ribbons instead of loops. I velcroed the ribbon ends together, it was a PITA , I don't suggest using velcro it is sticky and hard to cut. You can just tie the ribbon together and use it for a loop if you want to do a bright color so people can find their bags easier. I used different inserts for the men and women and I didn't buy enough of the ribbon which was on clearance so now I have something a little different for the rest but oh well! Here they are so far..
  2. I started planning before nursing school (16 month accelerated program, aghh so glad to be done!) so planning was long but I didn't have much time to plan anyway while I was in school, but during breaks I lived on these boards, BDW is amazing! I also like to look at pics and bios on Project Wedding and the knot, that way when it comes time to get invites and dresses etc you have a good idea of what you want. Other than that, try to find out the nursing books you will need and start reading! If nothing else get the Pickar Dosage Calculations book and read/do the whole thing!
  3. Actually the wooden starfish are from AC Moore not Michaels, sorry!
  4. No, I haven't gotten them yet, I got wooden starfish and put magnets on the back of them at Michaels... but they do have wooden fans at Michaels if they have updated your wedding section (not all stores are updated yet)... I wanted to do something unizex b/c I don't know how many men will use the fans, did you get your fans yet?
  5. I agree with the post above, just get them a paper gift bag because they probably wouldn't use anything to tote around their stuff anyway.
  6. I don't know the quality but I have seen them on OTC ... Personalized Golf Tees
  7. Wow those look like a lot of work as gone into them, great job!! I love them!
  8. I'm doing hand fans and DIY starfish magnets (I bought wood painted starfish from Micheals and magnets to put on the back of them)
  9. hahaha i totally forgot about that episode!! ... I really shouldn't laugh b/c now that is going to happen to me! I'm going to keep my dress as close as possible now.
  10. Awww I voted for the other shell but I was wrong, the menus look great and I love your luggage tags, the "on my way to paradise" is a nice touch
  11. Some people do both, others only do one or the other, I'm doing both but my favors will just be hand fans and DIY starfish magnets, so they are both inexpensive and then more fun things will be in the bags.
  12. ohhh good deal, my grandmother was a crossword addict and wouldn't use any book except PennyPress or Dell so believe me they are the best!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by binzer Ordering from Vistaprint always makes me feel like I'm going to get busted for doing something bad! I think printing thank-you notes on "business cards" is possibly an abuse of the system, but I say that it's their fault for making everything so customizable! My last order was $178 in savings, but I hope to one day break $200 Haha I always feel like they are going to "catch me" but hey they offer if for free, I'm going to take them up on their offer! $200 in savings is a great goal!! It would be funny to add our up savings from everyone on BDW and see how much it would be!
  14. That is a great idea and I'm sure it will be appreciated by guests, it means a free drink! My guests are getting an onboard credit for our cruise wedding, they were an incentive for group booking but are still very much appreciated by our guests!
  15. Thanks so much Barrow, sometimes I feel bad asking the seller these questions esp if I decide not to buy, I know they probably don't mind but it's just one of those things hehe. But that's why BDW is so great right!?!
  16. Just want to clarify I believe the 10 items are all different items, just incase you may have thought that you could get 10 free pens at once or something like that... unless I'm wrong and you can, in that case let me know b/c I have been wasting a lot of time & $!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by purrfected Hi. Thanks for all of the well wishes. Barrow - The passport invitations are great. I am going to order them this week. I want to include all of the information so I will need the full size ones. I emailed her for a quote. I will only need about 30 of them at the most so it shouldn't be too bad. She is so creative. I am sad I didn't know about her before I would have ordered the boarding passes for STD's. I am going to go to Michaels tomorrow to look for some goodies for my OOT bags. I am heading to my local dollar store to look for some chapstick and scented candles. Wish me luck ladies!! Tammy Look for the playing cards in the dollar section they are really cute, they have travel pics on them (a plane, boat, etc)
  18. How about with a pair of flip flops? You could make them a decoration on the part of the flip flop that goes b/t the toes, or just lie it next to a pair of flip flops.
  19. You can do something other than a welcome bag, they are a nice geasture but not mandatory, the donation idea sounds really nice.
  20. Good review, I'm a little sad to hear about the service on Destiny but I've read it in other reviews as well so I will go in knowing not to expect much, as long as we have our fam and friends there we'll have fun too! I completely agree that your photographer gets an A++ those pics are great!!
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