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Everything posted by meltanirie

  1. Just came back from visiting our site...didn't want to...HAvE A GREAT TIME!!
  2. Thanks Please email the files to me I would so appreciate it!
  3. Welcome to the forum it's great what ur doing for ur son & his bride to be!
  4. Hey Brandie I am fellow Jamaica bride too. Congrats & Happy planning
  5. There is a post, Passport for Anny she uses a an official looking passport paper anyone know where I can get those files, or pages. Thx
  6. Welcome to the forum + congrats!
  7. I love everything esp the gifts for your moms My fiancee's Mom is no longer with us so i could have him present it to his Dad.
  8. Welcome Sandy I am sure you will find lots of useful tips here
  9. I think anchoring them is a good idea! Play around with a few of them and see how it turns out
  10. We actually wanted our anniversary date June 18th. Took my guy 3 yrs to remember that date and I didn't want that drama with the wedding anniversay. But we realized, kids and teacher friends & fam of ours would still be in school about that time so we went for July. The reason we chose the first week of July was because we wanted the date as far away from hurricane season as possible (getting married in JA) and the date....well I wanted it on a Fri because I didn't want to have the wedding only for people to fly back home the next day. I wanted them to at least relax for the weekend. AND that's my story!
  11. Welcome and happy planning!
  12. Definitely try the tape! Spray adhesive is great too but with little no room for mistakes
  13. I am also using sparklers but only for my entrance. They will be handed to by bridal party but if i come with something I'll let you know
  14. I love em..those are my exact colors. How did you get the green and brown ribbons to be so in-sync..glue. They seem as if they are one ribbon! Great job!
  15. I love my last name and somehow my guy's last name doesn't match with my name even a hyphen doesn't sound right. My guy is also very old-fashion so now it's a debate between hyphen or not at all. I vote for not but marriage is all about compromise and what not so we'll see. I will keep you guys posted on who wins!
  16. I am sure you will find tons of ideas here. Welcome!
  17. Welcome to the forum!
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