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Everything posted by meltanirie

  1. Half Moon is gorgeous it's my future bro-inlaws favorite hotel in the world he says and he's a tour guide for an int'l travel co. and has stayed at alot of first-rate hotels --but its waaaay on the pricey side. If you can afford I say go for it. I mean it's not everyday you get married!
  2. meltanirie


    Welcome to the forum!
  3. Welcome Sophie happy planning!
  4. Welcome Cherrie glad to have you!
  5. Welcome to the forum. I am a jamaican bride myself so I'm sorry I can't help you there
  6. meltanirie


    Welcome to the forum!
  7. Pics are great! Welcome to the forum!
  8. sorry can't help you there, but welcome to the forum
  9. Congarts you'll find lots of help here!
  10. Glad to have you welcome to the site!
  11. Hello and welcome to you glad u got so much help already!
  12. The people here are great we all help each other. Welcome to the forum!
  13. Welcome I am sure you will find lots of help here!
  14. meltanirie


    Welcome to forum!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I ordered the clear luggage tags from Oriental Trading. I designed the tag inserts using different versions of our logo/monogram for the front side and a back side where guests can fill out their information. I used the different logos/monograms so that for couples and families they aren't all getting the exact same thing. I am going to mail these out in late March to all confirmed guests along with our info packets. As soon as I get them printed (buying the card stock tomorrow) I will post pics of the finished product. But here is the template I used in case anyone is interested. I love em been looking for templates for luggage tags as I doing my rsvp cards as luggage tags to complete the travel theme...passport-board pass & luggage tags...did u do ur own monograms if so where did you get the clipart for them
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