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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. I can't really recommend any other form of birth control other than the pill, but I did want to tell you that my obgyn said the IUD is not an option for a woman who has never given birth. I don't know why, and I didn't ask questions... Maybe it's something you should talk to your doctor about
  2. You sound COMPLETELY sane, but that may just be because I am in exactly the same position! Definitely don't stress being too picky - finding the right job takes time and patience. I hope your interviews go well!
  3. This decision was SOOO hard because they were all great pictures! I finally "narrowed" it down to 2, 3, and 4 ... and chose 4 I think it's the most DW-ish and very romantic
  4. Welcome to the forum! I LOVE Costa Rica - where are you getting married?
  5. Welcome to the forum! I am getting married at Occidental Grand Xcaret, which is the hotel right next to Xcaret Park! I actually recently went for a site visit and the park is sooop beautiful! You definitely picked a pretty place! Let me know if you have any questions
  6. Can'tHardlyWait


    Welcome to the forum! Happy planning
  7. Welcome to the forum! I don't know much about Jamaica, but I am sure there are lots of ladies (and gentlemen) who can help you here
  8. Can'tHardlyWait


    to the forum, Leslie!
  9. I am toying with the idea of calling it "flip flop fancy" ... only problem is, I haven't figured out exactly what that means
  10. Still trying to find the perfect song. I am trying to find the perfect balance between funny and cheesy...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Medina Hi Galit! I am glad the site visit was a success. I can't wait for the wedding! I really like the ceremony location. :-) Hi Elizabeth! My site visit was great, although it made everything that much more real and now the pressure is on to get all the details done Can't wait for May though... we are going to have sooo much fun!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by pccrespo82980 Hi! I'm planning a wedding at the Occidental in July of '09 and I need all the advice I can get. Who should I contact at the hotel about how much should i be expecting to pay per head? thanks, patricia Hi Patricia. The best way to get in touch with the wedding coordinators at Occidental is by phone, although they are definitely hard to get a hold of because they are sooooo busy! Try calling Edith or Marialma at 011 52 984 871 5400. I suggest calling a few times until you actually get one of them on the phone. The other way is to email Edith and Marialma. Their email addresses are: Edith - [email protected] Marialma - [email protected] How much you will be paying per person all depends on what you are looking for. Are you thinking buffet or sit down dinner? They offer both options, and I am actually doing the buffet for my rehearsal dinner and sit down dinner for the wedding. Hope this helps!
  13. Congratulations Tammy! I wish you nothing but health and happiness I can't wait to see pictures of your new baby boy!!!
  14. So I am currently in the car with FI trying to talk him into it as I type! He says he will do it if I find "the perfect song." Can you girls give me song suggestions? I really think this will be perfect if we do it! All our friends always joke that it's not a party until FI and I do the fishing pole/caught fish routine on the dance floor (our poor children... they have no chance!)
  15. I got an email from my little sister yesterday entitled "must see." It was a link to you tube, and when I clicked on it I found something like 30 videos of brides and grooms surprising their guests with funny/crazy first dances. My personal favorite was the Jackson/Michael Jackson, as well as the British couple who reinacted the final scene from Dirty Dancing I showed it to FI and begged him to do this with me - how funny would that be! I should also tell you that we are totally that couple that dances at every single wedding... and when I say "dance" I mean DANCE! We twist and shout, we do the robot, and yes, we have even "jumped" invisible rope Check it my favorites: YouTube - Wedding first dance w/ surprise Jack Johnson Michael Jackson YouTube - Dirty Dancing UK - Julia and James First Dance I just watched them again... my new goal in life is to talk Steve into this!
  16. Happy Brithday Edna!!! My fingers are still crossed for you
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by PVBride I love, love, love this idea! FI and I almost did this for our Save-the-Dates. We found several companies that we could have sent our "footage" to and they would have made them for us. Off the bat, I remember Inviting Trends as one of the names. They were a little pricey for STD's though. Thanks Jackie! I am going to look into that company right now... Last night I talked to FI and he said he would definitely do it if it's what I want, but he was also worried that too many people wouldnt play the dvd... I think I am going to look into pricing and stuff this week and still be open to more traditional invites Like everyone on this forum always says, sometimes too many ideas makes it impossible to make a decision!
  18. I just wanted to add that I totally heart getting presents! I would be lying if I said I didn't check my registries several times a week
  19. Ladies! You are killing me! Picture this: I am sitting on the couch watching the yankee game with FI and I started reading this thread (don't know how I missed it before)... I start sniffling, he doesnt notice... I start sniffling and wiping my eyes, he starts to notice... I look at him and say " I am going to be a crying mess when you marry me," hes says "you already are a big crying mess and I don't even know why?!?!" ... ahhh, love...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by akh by the way ... these were my inspiration, i certainly didn't come up with much on my own! (i ordered a sample) Handmade Paper and Letterpress Wedding Invitations: a171-Maui Wedding ironic, i just noticed the sample was called "Maui Wedding" - i was legally married in Maui! Sorry if this is a stupid question, but did you print everything on your own too? I really like the design of your invitations but I cant figure out if you printed the center piece and attached it to the folds.. Urgh, I am so painfully DIY-challenged!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by vale Do you have to work to a time scale? Valerie I'm sorry, I am a little burned out today - if you are asking if I have a set date for when I want these out, then not really... the STD's are going out this week and I emailed all of my friends to remind them to book their flights.. I feel comfortable with aiming for the invitations to be out by December
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by naughie i think it's a great idea - quite original! you could get thicker cd or dvd cases and put all of the info inside like a real cd/dvd! Thats what I was just thinking! It might be cute to put all the information in a little pamphlet with a picture of us on the front
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Maybe if you included a letter (or DVD label) to state what it is, you might get someone like me quicker to my DVD player... I was thinking we would put a DVD label with our names, wedding date, and location. Also, we will probably include a really inexpensive invitation (that I will print at home) with the basic invitation information (date, place, time, parents' names, etc) Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Do you have a DVD burner? Otherwise, it could get expensive. I think it sounds really cute. I'd include something written too for people without DVD players. I actually have a DVD burner so I am going to give it a try myself first. I will definitely check out the threads about the movie maker program. However, if it turns out that I am clueless, FI's parents have a friend who does this kind of stuff so we may ask for his help. Invitations are something FI and I are paying for ourselves, so we have a pretty decent budget (up to $15 each). Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva How many of them are you sending? I will be sending out 90 invitations I don't know if this is just another one of my crazy ideas, but I think it could be a really cute personal way of inviting our guests to our wedding. I have a good amount of family flying in from Israel for it, so I thought it would make them feel special to "hear" the invitation in hebrew (FI has been working on his hebrew for almost a year now).
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