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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. Congratulations ladies! You both totally deserve it
  2. I am giving my bridesmaids the option of ordering their dresses from House of Brides because they are $60 cheaper there. That being said, it looks like most of my bridesmaids would rather pay the extra money and get their dresses from a place like Pricsilla of Boston because they want to have an actual "person" accountable for their measurements and shipping and everything
  3. OMG, where have I been?!?! Congratulations Trisha! The pictures and the proposal and the ring are alll AMAZING!!!! So happy for you
  4. I'm thinking some sort of label, but go with a plastic one so it doesnt wash off
  5. I know there is a picture of it somewhere around here, but I love Edyta's hair... I fully intend on stealing it for my wedding
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA Here is my theory towards BM and their dresses. These are my favorite females in the world. I adore them. I want nothing more than for them to have wonderful, happy lives. I refuse to become upset with them over a dress. It makes no sense. If they show up in rags, they will still stand next to me, love me, and I will still get married. Let them wear what they want. They will not show up naked. They will not intentionally embarass you. They are your friends. They love you. You will still get married no matter what they choose. I love that Kate... it's my new bridesmaid motto. I might actually email it to all my BM's (however, I will wait until AFTER I send them the link to their "mojito" green dresses)
  7. You are all way too sweet. Seriously, I went for a walk to kind of clear my head and regroup (did you guys know weddings can be stressful?). When I came back, I signed on and found all of your kind words... I kind of teared up. I am still adjusting to the fact that when I get stressed/freaked/excited/confused about this wedding, I turn to you girls as my first line of defense as opposed to my friends and family. Thank you all so much, from the bottom of my little heart
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Ok I have a question, you mentioned you are going to wear a veil, Did you try one one with that dress? Tammy, I tried the dress in the store with a veil, and you are absolutely right - it totally hides the back. I haven't figured out exactly what I am going to do since it is part of a jewish ceremony to wear a veil. I might just try to find a really sheer veil and then take it off ASAP. Is there such a thing as only wearing the veil that goes over the front without the back piece? Quote: Originally Posted by akh if it helps you at all, i did buy the super expensive dress. and i regret it. not that i didn't love my dress, i did. but it didn't make my day any more special. i wish i would have gone w/a cheaper dress - i would have been just as happy, felt just as "bridal" .. and i'd have a few thousand $$ more in my bank account! i love your dress - it's exactly what i wish i would have bought! Ann, that totally helps! I think part of my worry is that I will regret not spending the money, but it helps to hear from you (as well as the other already married girls) that on the day of, the last thing you were worried about was the dress. To everyone else - thank you SOOOO much! What would I do without all of you?!?! The back of the dress is my favorite part... getting married on a beach is the best possible excuse to be a little sexy on my wedding day and i love it For right now, I am going to stick to my guns and stand by my dress... I just know that FI will love it as much as I do, and in the end, thats all that matters. It's def not the dress I thought I would end up with when I started looking, but I really do think its perfect for my wedding (plus the jew in me can't pass up a $500 Reem Acra dress)
  9. Thanks for the advice ladies... as usual, you are all right. For those of you that have sisters, you know "the tone" - I sent her the same pictures I just posted for you all and she just said "its very nice." I think the problem is that its not "wedding" enough for her. You are all right though - shes not wearing it, I am... fI just hate teh that little voice in my head that wants my mother and sister to love it as much as I do. I love the dress and I just hope that when she sees it in mexico with the veil, hair and makeup, she will understand why I chose it. I have another week to decide, but I really think this is the perfect dress (atleast I hope it is) TammyB - the first dress is a Pnina Tornai dress, which she makes exclusively for Kleinfelds. There are no pictures of it ANYWHERE. Also, the designer was in NY (from Israel) for a trunk show and personally takes your measurements. That was part of the stress of that dress - I couldnt even think twice because I had to make my decision in the store that weekend.
  10. When I look at pictures of me in the dress, I think of the beach and the warm weather and the sunset and I love it... it's just that after falling in love with another dress, I really needed some reassurance from my sister. Here are some pictures: The front: The side: The back: The back close up:
  11. I am so sad I could cry As some of you know, I fell in love with a $5K dress and decided against it. Since then, I have been hitting bridal stores all over the east coast and I ended up at this discount bridal store called Vows outside of Boston. They have TONS of sample dresses, some of which are still pretty expensive (one of my favs was a $3K Kenneth Pool)... anyway, I was checking out their discount rack and picked up a Reem Acra sheath gown that was marked $1400. I was pretty excited because it was simple and pretty and a great price. So I try on the dress, and the woman who was helping me into it looks at the tag and says "that's not right, this dress is only $499!" I was FLOORED!!! I really liked the dress because it was so perfect for a beach wedding in Mexico PLUS for $500, how could I say no So I didn't get all crazy and buy it, instead I put 20% down (which I was told I could put towards a different dress if I changed my mind) and went home. The more I thought about it, the more I loved the dress and decided to go back for it. I showed my sister pictures of the dress online and she said it was really pretty, but in that tone that as her sister, i know meant "really? this is the dress?" Now I dont know what to do. I know its not "the dress" but its really pretty, looks great on me, and i am super happy about the price... I know I am settling, but I am not willing to spend $5K on a dress... how do I get past this feeling that I am settling?
  12. Wow... that's a good question. For us, it was the cost of rooms bc my inlaws were paying for guest's hotel stay for the night of our rehearsal dinner and wedding... but as far as personal preferences, the one thing i didnt hesitate to spend money on was the photographer bc to me, pictures are what you are left with when all the food is eaten, guests are gone, dress is packed away, etc.
  13. We are sending out 175 invitations and actually expecting approximately 145 to show (although were hoping to stay closer to 125)... should be interesting
  14. Hotel review is coming soon, I promise. My baby sister is visiting me in Boston this week so I have to keep her entertained ... all the time
  15. Main Lobby: View from 3rd floor hotel room into the "stairwell": Pool pics: I loved the swim-up bar: Adult pool:
  16. Map of the whole place: Walkway towards ceremony area: Where the "chuppah" (ceremonial arch thing) will be set up): Part of the view from ceremony site (minus the half naked man):
  17. Sorry I am so late on this, but they came out really great! If I saw them I would swear they were professionally done
  18. I am planning my 150 person wedding at Occidental Grand Xcaret. The gazebo area they suggest wasn't large enough (in my opinion). When I told the wedding coordinator she totally let me walk the grounds and pick my own place What's better than that?!?!
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