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Everything posted by Can'tHardlyWait

  1. I love the first one! I actually just recently saw it in a magazine with my mother and she was like "why can't you were something pretty like this?" (I have a sheath)
  2. How cute are you?!?! That looks great! Maybe I can steal your idea and use it as a cake topper... hmmm...
  3. Hmm, I think I am going to call the Mexican consulate tom... I know it's still really early, but I really just want to start getting organized! I think the most pressing issue is the kosher food. If we could bring packaged meals with us, it would save me tons of money! Plus, knowing I can just bring the snacks for the OOT bags would save me atleast one or two trips to walmart Ann, did you bring cookies to PV? I think homemade cookies would be an awsome addition to the OOT bags!
  4. So I am now reading up on customs policies at Cancun Airport, and it seems that you CAN bring in food if it is packaged and sealed, or if you have special dietary needs. Can anyone shed light on this?!?! I have a bunch of guests that can only eat kosher food and it would make their lives so much easier if they could bring kosher food with them for the weekend. Also, if I can bring in packaged food, that means I might be able to bring in some sort of wedding favor (I'm thinking personalized cookies) for the wedding. Does anyone actually know what the policy is?!?!
  5. I don't know how I missed this thread but your dress is GORGEOUS!!! Seriously, so beautiful... and as for putting my dress back on, they are filming a Kate Hudson movie in Boston right now and I have seriously considered putting on my dress and trying to get into the background of a scene... imagine?!?!?!
  6. I don't know if this counts but I sent my rabbi a STD, even though I am paying for him and his wife to fly out there. I figure out of all my vendors, he is the one I can't afford to offend!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by LEIGH Ok, i'm nervous about this customs situation. We will be going through Cancun in about 2 weeks. Anyone have any suggestions? We don't have that much stuff, and we can split it between 6 of us. Any of you do your shopping after you got to Cancun? Medicines and such for OOT bags? Anything will help my nerves at this point! thanks to all! I don't know if this helps you or not, but there is a walmart, costco, and sam's club in PDC/Cancun. We went to walmart when we were down there for a site visit and they had everything you could need. The only thing is, you need a car and some time to get it all together!
  8. I actually begged (I think it went something like "please please please let me have fireworks pleeeeeaaaase!") my wedding coordinator to no avail... apparently my resort doesnt permit any type of fire! I think if it's within your budget, you should definitely do it. I remember getting a quote when we were considering other locations that was upwards of $4000 for 10 minutes
  9. When it gets a little closer to the date, I am going to get a quote from Fed Ex to ship all this stuff. If it is really high, I am going to have my family members (between FI and I we have recruited 12) either pack some stuff in their suitcases or just pay the money for an extra bag... did that make sense? I think so but I could be wrong
  10. That would be sooo great! The hotel gives us white chair covers, so I would like to dress them up with bright sashes. I am looking to rent 75 green sashes and 75 pink sashes. Also, I would like the price for pink and green tableclothes (I think I will need 16). Thanks Anny! On a side note, do you think I should just hire a wedding planner in Mexico to help me with this? I am starting to realize that my hotel wedding coordinator may be more worried about her vendors than me!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia I think this one has chair bows: BANQUETES MARGARITA but I don't know about the tiki torches 'cause I bought them and sent them to cancun (which wasn't so smart 'cause I spent way more than what they cost to send them) Thanks Anny! I am really worried now because some of the prices my wedding coordinator are SOOO high! It really makes me worry about a lot of the decorations and stuff that I have planned. I am really considering hiring an outside wedding coordinator who will work with different vendors I am so torn right now... I don't want to give up all my decorations
  12. I bought 50 pairs for (what I hope will only be) 125 guests at a wholesale store NYC. I got them for $9 per dozen. Mine were green and pink, our wedding colors, and I bought them in random sizes (7-10 because I have a feeling only girls will be using them).
  13. Anny, do you know where I can rent chair bows and linens? I saw that in the very first post you mentioned them, but I wasn't sure if the contacts info you posted was just for the tiffany chairs. Also, any chance you know where I can rent tiki torches? My hotel's supplier is charging me $17 EACH to rent! I can BUY 5 for $17!!!!
  14. Welcome welcome welcome and happy planning
  15. Oh Heidi, I can't even tell you how sorry I am. I imagine it only makes it that much harder that your relationship with your father was such a rollercoaster. My heart really goes out to you and your family... just take care of yourself and each other
  16. Love the pictures! Each time I see you girls looking so freakin hot I get a little more courage to try it myself
  17. I tried searching the forum but I didn't find anything. Does anyone know of any English speaking DJ's in the area? The one recomended by the resort required a translator during my site visit which made me a little nervous for the actual wedding day. I would really like someone who speaks English well enough to make all the customary announcements (first dance, jewish blessings, etc) without a third party.
  18. We just finally signed a contract for the room block with our hotel. Long story short, it took over 3 months because FI's parents are paying for 2 nights stay for all our guests. Our biggest concern was having the rooms that our guests booked available to them when they arrive (ie, guest books a king room but only a double bed is available) because our hotel is known for its crappy check-in service. Anyway, after weeks of negotiations, we couldn't get them to guarantee the rooms. However, we were able to negotiate that a week before the wedding, the hotel would review its occupancy for my weekend with FI so that we can try to confirm all our guest's rooms are correct. It's not exactl what we wanted, but its something. We did do better with other parts of the contract. For example, privacy was really important to us so it is in our contract that the hotel places security guards around the ceremony area to prevent random beach people from getting in our pictures. Also, they took out the clause that gave them the right to move our wedding to another location. The only way the wedding is happening anywhere else is if it rains. However, we don't have any actual penalty for it - it would just be a breach of contract and I would sue the crap out of them! I know there is other stuff I can't think of right now, but if it comes to me Ill write some more
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW Hehehehe...a while back (when I was 20) I forgot to take the pill for a week and a half or so, so guess what I did (I didn't know any better) I took all 6 to 7 pills in a row one day.... I almost passed out a couple of hours taking it. I do not suggest doing this.....Yeah stupid.... Been there, done that... more than once. It's as smart as doing this:
  20. My mom was with me when I found "the dress." She told me it was perfect and beautiful and that she loved it... then I decided not to buy it because it was $3000 more than I wanted to spend and she cried because she was so sad that I couldn't have the dress I really wanted. Needless to say, when she saw the dress I ended up buying (which I love) she thought it looked beautiful, but I definitely didn't get the same reaction! It was really hard for me to deal with her being disappointed, but I realise now that no dress can compare to the first dress in her eyes because she knew I loved it
  21. Your pictures are sooo beautiful Leigh! All of your couples are so lucky to have you capture these priceless moments
  22. I couldn't decide whether to do my own or trust the hotel spa, so I decided to just cough up the extra money and do a trial run 3 days before the wedding to see how they do. If they suck then I will just have my sister do it (she works at a salon but does makeup, not hair).. sorry I am not much help
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