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Everything posted by StephanieMN

  1. Not sure if this will help put I used this site when doing a research project just a few weeks ago Google Scholar
  2. Here is ours: I put together ideas from a few cakes and from a greeting card and gave them to our baker. She rocks!
  3. They are so cute and they have a pool side suite! I have always loved Westies.
  4. Well that totally sucks! Are you guys renting a car? Will you be able to get a bigger one? Hope you can get it all fixed up and get that little sweetie to Minnesota.
  5. Oh no! Yes of course it's the bad rehearsal the wedding will be wonderful.
  6. Yah publisher doesn't come with the package. From what I remember it's pretty expensive. I know there are other versions of it if you look newsletters software downloads and reviews at Download.com try this site.
  7. What a freaking emotional rollercoaster!! Ahh! I was so happy and excited when I saw the ones of you coming down the aisle and really wanted to befriend the man with the hat! I got the chills when I saw the ones of you in the doorway and freaking cried when I saw the ones of you both in the bedroom with the door closing. beautiful!
  8. Oh how sweet! I hear you about taking lots of photos-our dogs hate us for always taking their photos.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by adias.angel How much candy did you end up buying per guest? Was it just the right amount or too much? How did the huge lollipops go over? Where did you get the huge martini glasses and how much were they? lets see... We got about 50lbs of candy and had about 80 guests. We had about 10lbs left over after all was said and done. So it was too much but I prefer that over having the containers look half empty. The lollipops were a hit-my sister said people were asking if it was ok to take them. I didn't do the best job of weighting the vase so they tipped over at some point. I actually ended up renting the Martini glass for like $5. Had to buy the damn thing cause it got lost SOMEWHERE!! God only knows were that thing is.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK do you think the orchid is too much? Like.. if I switched to a smaller flower it'd be better? It isn't that big in person but I can see how they're competing. If you just went with the orchid and found maybe a smaller starfish you would be fine. I think the orchid is pretty and doesn't look huge. I guess what I was getting at with the competing thing is 2 factors-size and the bright colors of the Orchid. Neither of them blends into the background do they are both in the "spotlight"
  11. Here is one I just found. I think what you might need is a more simple flower or foliage (sp?). You have two very beautiful, strong features fighting for attention.
  12. I wonder if it might be too much. Maybe it's too big to be pinned. What about using just one of the two or do you want to use both?
  13. uumm, can I come to your wedding?! Your colors are great! I love the runner, place cards---everything. Have a wonderful wedding.
  14. I wanted to share some photos of the final product. It was a HUGE hit I mean HUGE! If are even thinking of doing one do it! The cost per guest is a great deal. The sign: Some close ups up the signs our "vase-o-lollipops" A few tips The one metal scoop we had ended up breaking the containers. People would throw it back in and hit the glass-it broke one of my vases. The scoops I used are actually coffee scoops I got from walmart for 50 cents each. I tied some wired around each handle and spiffed them up with beads and a little charm. I wouldn't do that again because they just fell off! We had tons of candy left over so it was really nice at the end of the night to throw out the bags. I had little cups out so people could snack on it and after the crowd thinned out our coordinator put out the bags and people loaded them up. I would do the same thing again so everyone gets some. Just so you can figure out how much space to use-this table is a 5 foot table and it looked nice. Any bigger and it would have been dwarfed.
  15. UUGH! That is a huge load of trouble for one girl. Sorry to hear you are dealing with it all.
  16. Here is a thread already started on the topic- http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6916-6
  17. I hear ya! I swear it took forever! We waited 5 weeks and some brides have to wait 3 months.
  18. AAAHHH! That is so wonderful! Congrats on being a mom 24/7-not that you were not before, all that worrying makes you a full time mom! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys on the MN end of things! seriously!
  19. I hear you about the shaking thing! it's WAY different at the wedding-you don't have to sit and stare at them all! You look great-love your dress.
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