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Everything posted by gkashmira

  1. BTW my husband suggested we also do a second and third prize (like $100 for #1, $50 for #2 and $30 for number three) - in case one person pulls way out in front it mght help everyone stay motivated. Just a thought...
  2. God! My "before" (read: NOW) pics are SO depressing! I had no idea I look so terrible in workout clothes! Yuck!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB Ohh Yummy Cheetos! I just finished a bag of the 100 calorie pack of Ritz snack mix. Thinking of going back for another....LOL. Only I'm allowed to do that BTW! haha I so wish I could continue on with you guys! :-( But I am determined to not gain any extra unhealthy weight, so I will try and still eat food similar to WW, but just more of it! Did I miss something? Where are you going? Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha I started back today after a 3 week haitus! Welcome back!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR so I say you all move out of the house and/or stop seeing your significant others and family until this is all over. and then we can film their reactions to the new you! whatcha think? lol OK,. but we're all moving in with YOU!!!
  5. Glenda - you are a brave, brave woman! There is NO WAY IN HELL I am taking a picture of myself in exercise shorts and a sports bra! But I guess I could do yoga pants and a tank-top... that's close enough right?
  6. You can also ask your wedding coordinator to rent you vases only. Then you add your own flowers. I think you could probably get them for under $10 a piece.
  7. I am so nervous! I feel scared having to send my real weight to someone! Ann, at least I know you are a super sweetheart
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Aimless911 Congrats on the 8 lb loss already...I have until March 2009...but I definitely need a headstart on that so I'm going to join you all if that's ok! Have to 2nd Corey's recommendation on Dotti's Weight Loss Zone website. I've gone back to that site SOOOO many times whether I was on the program or not. Has 1000's of restaurants as well with point values assigned to each item on their menu's! Good luck to us all! :-) Amy - we are happy to have you! Dotti's is great tyo figuring out points - especially places that don't publish their nutritional info (which means of course dotti is guessing to but I trust her!)
  9. I've read it but it's a fantastic book! I actually may need to abstain from the first book only because I just started the last Harry Potter book and I can't put it down!
  10. Awwwww! I wish I could have joined you guys! You guys clearly had a great time and i know the last SoCA get-together was super fun!
  11. I guess if it was me i would invite them and the rest and hope/assume the others wont' come. What do your parents think? They might be a good resource for understanding how to handle this situation..
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Thanks for the recipes....I'm cranky and hungry today....those chocolate muffins may cure me. I tried making them last night but I must have done something wrong - they are gross! But when my friend made them they were pretty tasty and filling - so let me know how your's works out!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Thx for the support Kashmira! I'm already looking fwd to my next meeting. BTW, I really enjoy your posts on this thread, very informative and motivating Awwwww! You're so sweet! I think that's the beauty of us all doing this together - we can share what we've learned so far! At this point I've been doing WW (on and off as far as ACTUALLY doing it ) for over a year and I have to give credit to my WW leader because she is amazing! Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB As far as curbing the cravings, I say don't try to curb them at all because thats torture. LOL. BUT..do try to substitute them. Me too! I love the WW Smart Ones chocolate chip cookie dough sundae for 3 points topped with Cool Whip (the fat free kind). It's about 3.5 points and I literally eat it every night for dessert! That way I feel like I'm indulging and I don't end up feeling deprived and saying F it! BTW - these are delicious but only buy them if you can handle them! What I mean is they are SMALL and you need to be able to limit yourself to one. Everyone has their things that they can't moderate. For me it's actual cookies, cheese, other delicious things - but I seem to be ok with these sundaes. If any of you start feeling deprived go check out the frozen dessert section in the grocery store - there are lots of great substitutes! And you can just include them in your daily points if you prefer not to use your flex points.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB Hatha Yoga. I'm pretty sure it's just the basic type. I was thinking of doing a power yoga or hot yoga at my gym to. I love power yoga, ashtanga, all those Hatha Yoga's that get you sweating! Try out a power yoga or a "flow" class - you may find out you've been doing one all along! I've taken the hot yoga classes but only Bikram - which I did not like at all. For me it was very boring - I did not like that you do that same exact series of poses every class and you do not ever "flow" from one pose to another. However a good friend just loves it so it's worth giving a try. The heat for me seems unnecessary because if you're getting a good yoga work-out you're creating lots of heat of your own! Oh and not all "hot yoga's" are bikram either (which to e is a good thing! ) - so try it out and get back to us! OK, sorry, I love talking about yoga - I am a total dork! Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw i crave really bad, greasy, salty foods when I have my period Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 I wish I knew a way to curb it because I get the same types of cravings! Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha us girls are always PMSing at the same time and eat a CRAZY amount of food and laugh because were still starving.. I am the SAME exact way and in fact was just saying to my DH that last week when I had PMS I couldn't get enough food. now all of a sudden I have my period and I'm not very hungry (rare! I must take advantage).
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari You should call him, I am sure he will get a good laugh. Now back to the question, I break out in hives because of nerves or allergies. Do you know how to swim? Yup. But my dad doesn't and I always forget! Q: What size are your feet?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita That's probably the most retarded wedding thing I've ever heard.. you shoulda kicked her in the cooch and said, here's something for you to remember THIS leap year date by... Ha! I actually am laughing out loud - literally right now over this comment! I think it's the combination of the word "cooch' and "here's something for you to remember THIS leap year date by"!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 There are children in 3rd world countries who don't consume that many calories in a month! MOOOOOO! Hee hee hee! That is funny (although not that funny for the children of course). IAs some of you may know, I volunteer for an organization that feeds refugee children in Ghana - I think we give them more than 1/2 a pizza a month (in forms other than pizza) so don't feel TOO bad! (The Niapele Project if you're curious... FYI: it does not mention pizza.) Anyway, that is the beauty of tracking what you eat! We can't lie to ourselves anymore. And P.S. I can EASILY eat half a pizza and not even feel that full (assuming it's thin crust )!
  18. I just had to laugh at myself! I thought you wrote homemmade SOUPS and I was like, Yum! I love soup! Alas, soaps are nice too !
  19. I think if you can show us what you did for your regular STDs we could come up with some Spanish ones. Or why not just have Anny or another native speaker translate your English STDs?
  20. I like the pink/blue one better - to me it's feels more tropical and fun! Just like your wedding. Plus it sounds like you really want pink in there so why not?
  21. Oh no! i am in trouble because I've been losing weight on WW so I'm not going to be able to "drop big numbers" like they do on the show! But seriously I don't need to win - I just need to lose weight!!! If I lost 10 pounds I would be super happy and if I can lose more, well that's just icing on the cake! P.S. I have also met Andrea and she is NOT FAT at all! She's not even slightly plump (it's a good thing, Drea!) but I can understand wanting to firm up. So MOOOOO!
  22. I don't have an iPod (but Dan does) and I was always under the impressions that they worked on a Mac OR a PC but not both. Is this not true?
  23. I just wanted to yell... FAT COWS UNITE!!! (oh and smaller calves can unite with us as well )
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