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Everything posted by gkashmira

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB Ok girls..today was my weekly weigh-in! I lost 2.6 pounds this week, for a total weight-loss of 11.6 pounds in 3 weeks! 20 pounds to go to hit the WW goal. Not sure if it is too low though, I would look like a twig at that weight. I would be happy with 10-15 more pounds. Last night was my first night back in the gym in about a year. But, I have been doing a yoga class twice a week. I've been watching and monitoring my food intake very closely. WW has a lot of really yummy recipes so that has helped too. OMG - That is FANTASTIC! I am SO impressed! What kind of yoga are do you doing?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha WOW that was great information. I think I will def look into this. How have you ladies done on this? Anyone lost weight? I will have to do something, maybe if the BDW biggest loser doesnt do it I will move on to this. But the time is getting closer. 20 pounds in three months, if thats even possible! 20 pounds in 3 months is totally doable on WW! Think of it this way - you have 24 weeks... that's less than a pound a week! I lost 10 pounds right before my wedding on WW and loved it. Then of course I stopped counting and put it back on over 6 months and 2 long vacations... anyway I'm back and right now I'm 5 pounds down from my "high" weight. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Sooo, I went to my first WW meeting today...I registered and I got weighed. The person who spoke at the meeting tonight was good & there was a large group of ladies (and men) so I think I will return. I would like to lose 50lbs. which is a lot but I think by writing down what I eat and going to meetings will help keep me motivated. Thx for listening ladies Yiiipppppeeeee! Sounds like you are well on your way. I think signing up can be one of the hardest steps to make. It's challenging for the first couple of weeks until you can figure out what you can/should eat, etc. There's people in my WW who have lost over 100 and are still going - so 50s not bad!
  3. Here's one of my favorite recipes that I've brought down the fat and calories. It's both filling and delicious! Pasta w/ mushroom garlic cream Sauce POINTS | 7 Servings | 2 Ingredients 1 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 cup fat-free skim milk 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp table salt 1 cup asparagus 5 clove garlic clove(s) 2 cup mushroom(s) 1 small onion(s) 1 small tomato(es) 10 sprays olive oil cooking spray 1/4 cup vegetable broth 4 oz Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Spaghetti style 2 serving Chavrie - goat cheese w/ basil and roasted garlic Instructions - Boil water and cook pasta separately. - Saute finely chopped onions and crushed garlic in cooking spray until soft on medium heat. - Add thinly sliced mushrooms and finely chopped tomato. - When mushrooms are about 1/2 cooked add asparagus and veggie broth. - Add salt, pepper, garlic powder, basil and parsley flakes. - Add skim milk and cook until milk starts to get frothy. - Add chavrie cheese and parmesan and reduce to low heat. - Stir until both cheese are completely melted and sauce is smooth and creamy. - Toss in cooked pasta and serve! **You can add chicken breast or vegetarian Quorn or vegan Boca burgers for more protein. **You can substitute other veggies for the asparagus.
  4. 3 c - All Bran cereal 2.5 c - hot water 1.5 tsp - baking powder 1 box ‘Better Crocker Sweet Reward’ brownie mix *I usually can’t find this, so use whatever ff/lf brownie mix the in the store Soak cereal in water for 5 min (will be pasty) Add brownie mix and baking powder; mix well Line muffin tins with linter or spray with Pam Divide mixture into 24 muffins Bake in preheated oven 350 degrees F for 20-25 min. If you choose to add 1/2 bag of chocolate chips, add 1 pt. Otherwise – this makes a lot – you can stick them in the freezer and take them out one at a time for a treat. Really good with Cool Whip. ------- This is a recipe I got from a friend of mine (who brought me some) and they are delicious! Warm them up to make them even tastier!
  5. Maybe you need to update your ipod software... I dont' really know how to do this since my computer just send me notices when updates are available. i say call Apple!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I also voted for Tammy! Sorry Tammy but you do so much by even having this forum here for us that you def deserve some recognition. Glenda - Love your sig!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha So Im completely ignorant about all the WW stuff. How much does it cost? and do you have to eat there food. I have to do something to get in gear for the wedding and I have heard great things about ww. Wondering if someon could give me a little insight? FYI: Most WW will let you sit in on a meeting for free as well incase you want to check it out before putting any money down. Basically there are two programs: 1. FLEX POINTS: You are given a certain number of "points" you can eat in a day based on your weight and activity level (20 points and up are the average). The you're given an additional 35 points for use anytime during the week. You eat your own food but you count up how many points something has. Each point is approximately 60 calories. However if a food is high in fat it might be more and if it's high in fiber (which is indigestible technically) it might be less. You also earn points to eat by exercising and eating more that same day. I think if anyone is going to do this they should by the point calculator and carry it around with them. However you can always use this free one online as well Weight Watchers Points Calculator 2. CORE: This program is there are a certain list of foods that you can eat off of. In this program you do not have to measure but the foods you can eat are very restricted and don't include any processed foods, fats, bread, etc. However you are allowed to eat one bowl of high fiber cereal in the morning and for either lunch and dinner (not both) you can eat high fiber carbs (brown rice, wheat pasta, etc.). You don't have to measure but you are only supposed to eat until you are satisfied - not stuffed of course. You also get those same 35 points a week to eat whatever you'd like with. So that's basically it. In my opinion signing up either online or through meeting where you can really get a hang of it is the best bet. For me I don't think I could really do it well on my own... but that's me. I sound like a WW commercial! I swear - I don't work for them! BTW - some interesting facts for all of us WWers: Supposedly people who attend meetings lose 3 times as much as people who do it on their own - I think it's because having to be weighed by another person is a lot more daunting then doing it yourself at home. However only the person who works there sees your weight and they never pass judgment as they are/were all members themselves. 90% of overweight people eat 90% of their calories after 3pm.... wow - THAT IS TOTALLY ME!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB That was a fantastic acronym Kashmira! I nominate you to become our "group" leader! LOL. You are so full of information! Do any of you ladies track cleaning, laundry, ect as activity points? I noticed it was in there, but kind of feel like it's cheating on activity points? You're too cute - thanks for the vote on confidence! I'm not sure if I'm leader material but I am happy to share everything I've learned along the way! I have never tracked cleaning/laundry/etc. but then again I hate cleaning or doing laundry so maybe I should... it might motivate me to do more of it! Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Thats exactly what happens on the weekend, I go out of control, but really if I didn't go totally crazy and used my extra points, I don't think I'd do too bad. And usually what happens is once I eat one bad thing, it just snowballs because I say "Oh well, I already messed up might as well continue". But really, I could definetly get myself to have a low point breakfast and a light lunch and still have plenty of regular points and my extra points to have some weekend treats. I do like how self tells you the calories, but it is a lot of tracking to count points and track on self, but I'm trying to still do both. I totally hear you. I am the same way which I think is why tracking ont he weekend has helped me. I feel bad when I track everything I ate over the weekend and realize not only did I use those 35 points but I went way over. Honestly when you're talking about restaurant food, drinks and food at parties and stuff 35 points disappears in minutes! For night where I know I'll be out (like tonight) that is exactly what I'm doing - low point breakfast, light lunch and then I'm going to eat a delicious Zone meal (have you tried the Cederlane Zone Enchiladas, Lasagna or Enchilad pie for 6 points yet? Tastier and more filling than most WW and Lean Cuisine meals and about the same amount of points) right before I go. I'll let you guys know how it goes tomorrow! Quote: Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes i weighed in at my ww at work meeting today, and i'm down 2lbs this week! yea! Wooo-hoooooo! 2 pounds in one week is FANTASTIC! I weighed in today as well and I'm down 1.4 for 2 weeks - but I hope all my exercise and hard work this week shows up next week (I find that that happens a lot). Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I'm not a big tapioca person but here's a recipe I got at my last meeting. Thanks for the recipe! I'm not really into puddings but it's always nice to have it in your repertoire!
  9. Id like to join as well! I will send you an email.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I just returned from my first WW meeting. Can I get a stinkin MOOOOO? Has it been that long since I weighed because damn, that was a big number. Or does WW make the scales heavy on the first day so when you return they are normal and you feel like you lost weight therefore you stay motivated? Ok this is pathetic that I'm coming up with WW conspiracy theories of why I'm MOOOOriffic. Well I don't think they weight their scale BUT I know that I weigh more at my meeting than at home because: a. I am wearing clothes b. I have eaten breakfast and drank a large coffee only 2 hours ago People are lightest when they first wake up in the morning and unless you're going to a morning meeting you might be a few pounds heavier than you are at home. However that being said, remember you're a few pounds lighter but still use that number for tracking losses. Moooooo!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha Dont say that!! Its everyones game!! Even though I wont win lol but it will be fun and get my butt off the couch! Ha! I guess I only say that because I tend to lose weight very slowly and I have been battling the same 15 pounds my whole life!
  12. OK, I'm in. I don't think I'll win but I could use the added motivation
  13. Check out this thread on budgets: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t933
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 Jay has been in love with Mexico for some time and I fell in love with it during our 2006 trip to Cancun. During that trip, we stayed overnight in Tulum and had the most romantic and magical 24 hours of our lives. It only seemed natural to get married there. Jay heard so many good things about Dreams Tulum and the price was right so that's why we chose Dreams as our resort. If you could stay one age (or age group) forever, what age would it be? Mid/Late 20s I love being married to Dan, being stable in my job but also still being young. healthy and pretty! hee hee hee! Q: What about your FI/DH/DW drives you nuts? Edit: Jean-Marcus! How creepy that we just totes asked almost the same exact question!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Oh I hear ya on that!! In the back of my mind I swear my little points calculator disappears on the weekends and suddenly reappears first thing monday morning, its awful!! You know, I never use my 35 bank points or my exercise points (or should I say, I never actually write them down and count them!!) But maybe if I actually did save them and use them on the weekends, it would help me to stay on track better. I'm going to try that this week. I also joined the self challenge yesterday, today was my first day doing it. They give you lists and how many of each item to eat, I tried it today instead of counting points, just to see how I would do. I did well and I just counted up how many points I actually ate for the day and I still have 7 left for the day, so I can have a little snack later. I like that I can log my info on selfs website, since I don't have a WW membership and I'm also following there exercise plan. Now I've just got to keep myself on track when the weekend comes! Well for me that's what those flex points are for. Otherwise when the weekend comes I just say F it - I want to have fun and I end up being out of control. You don't have to do it but maybe it will help. I signed up for the Self-Challenge too but then since I have a WW monthly pass I already track all my food and exercise points there. So I'm sort of overwhelmed with tracking! However I think for me I want to track on both for a day or two to try and figure out how many calories (not just points) I am actually eating. I think it would be very interesting...
  16. Just like everyone else said try the bigger shops (David's, Alfred Angelo, etc. first because they have lot of sizes AND they are affordable). Then if you don't find anything I would call the smaller shops, make appointments and tell them on the phone your street size - ask them to go through their dresses and pull out all the ones they think will work ahead of time. This is supposed to be about you and feeling great - so love who you are and make sure the stores cater to you and not the reverse!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW oh yeah, i need to be in this club because I was checking out my arms the other day and ummm sorry but I have no clue where the hell this wiggle came from ..... I need to work out, haven't been to the gym for a month Drea - i have met you and you are super dooper tiny! That being said - I think everyone can always develop healthier habits... but I don't think I'm ready to MOOOOO at you! Maybe you can be our "not-fat-but-want-to-tone-up-calf"?!? hee hee hee... Catherine, what do you think?
  18. Maybe you can just put a note to RSVP online or via email? If you really know exactly who is coming and who isn't then I don't really see why it's necessary. But just in case someone changes their mind? if you have a lot of time you could do one of those free business cards type things from VistaPrint with this info on it and just match it to your invite and send it out. But only if you really want to!
  19. I wish he would do it with me! Not because he's overweight (he is actually very thin) but because it would make it so much easier at mealtimes! Though I would probably get jealous that he gets more points just for being a guy!
  20. Well they're probably stupid AND trying to screw with you! hee hee hee... Sorry that was totally unhelpful.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild No regrets, seriously! Life is up and down. Music! Yes but there's room for improvement. Q: If you could choose, what would your last meal be? Sweet potato ravioli with garlic cream sauce from Fritto Misto, along with their greens and gorgonzola salad and an entire flourless chocolate cake served warm a la mode with fudge. coffee.... Oh a wine, lots and lots of wine! Oh and some fresh baked bread to start with lots of olive oil... How many real loves (meaning people) have you had in your life?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Ohhh I like it, great acronym. It really does make a difference not only physically but I am convinced mentally too! I know I am doing something better for my body so I feel better about myself. Thanks! I totally stole the main ideas from my WW leader but I came up with the Acronym all on my own! But I think you are so right - being able to treat yourself is what i think a lot of us are looking for on the weekends because "we've been so good all week." (this is what my brain in thinking at least). Finding a way to do this without blowing all my hard work makes me feel good and also not deprived.
  23. I just posted up this weekend-defense strategy on the WW thread but it is so brilliant (if I do say so myself!) Being S.T.U.P.I.D. to Get Through the Weekend as a Thinner Fat Cow! Save - Save up all your "extra calories" or WW extra flex points for the weekend. That means eat really well all week long so you can splurge a little on the weekends! Track - Write down (or type) or enter into Spark, WW or Self every thing you eat. Being honest with yourself about what you're eating makes a huge difference! Use - Use those extra calories/points you've been saving. In my opinion if you are always "good" you will eventually crack, feel deprived and go back to old habits. Plan - Pick a meal, evening out , etc. where you are going to use those extra points calories and plan what you're going to have ahead of time. Be excited for what you're going to eat/drink and enjoy them without guilt! In Control - So speaking of using these extra points /calories don't go crazy with it! Meaning don't eat so much you feel sick - do it in way where you can feel good about it and enjoy it guiltfree! Defense - Besides tracking this is the best tool we have! That means if you go to a party off to bring something and make sure it low in calories/points so you can eat it without feeling guilty (I recommend my beloved "Taco Soup"). It also means for right now avoid places where you know you tend to lose control. For me that means no Mexican restaurants - I just can't resist the chips and salsa! So that's been working for me over the past few weekend and I hope it can help someone else too
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