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So, I got some really bad news....


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Originally Posted by beachbride View Post
she just called me back, and "she just said everything is normal"... what is normal, lol, it was a tech in the office and not the doctor, so I just would like to talk to the doctor now... So, I hope that is good news....

That sounds good....So happy that you got that news. Let us know what the doctor says. Thinking of you...
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Originally Posted by beachbride View Post
she just called me back, and "she just said everything is normal"... what is normal, lol, it was a tech in the office and not the doctor, so I just would like to talk to the doctor now... So, I hope that is good news....
well that has to be good!!! Hoping for good news from the Dr too!!!
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Only when there is something wrong does the doctor call herself. The fact that she had a tech call means that everything is okay. I had some blood tests done awhile ago and they told me I had a high blood count which was indicative of an infection, and then after extensive testing the tests came back normal. Sometimes they just tell you stuff to be cautious but in the end it turns out everything is okay. I think this is great news and you should celebrate!! cheer2.gif

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Originally Posted by beachbride View Post
I have to tell someone other than Fi, I just haven't had the nerve to without breaking down again....So, I have been very down and upset lately.... Ever since I can remember I have wanted kids and that has never changed. I went for some testing and found out my FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) is 17, and apprently anything over 10 is bad.... So, I either will have a very hard time when we are ready to get pregnant, or I never will be able to... I have been pretty devestated when she told me that, so today I went for another whole slew of blood work. I really don't understand all these tests fully, so if anyone knows more about it, feel free to tell me more. But from everything I have been reading online, says anything above 10, it is almost medically impossible...
Shelly-I'm so sorry. I don't really know anything on the subject but I'm sure there are some different options available that you can try. Hang in there and don't count anything out yet!!
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Well, "normal" sounds like good news Shelley! I would request to get a copy of your labs though, so youi can see the difference.


I would take it as good that the tech called you...the doctor usually calls w/bad news. But def get back in there & get a full explanation so you can put your mind at ease.



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