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My Family Picnic Shower w/Pics

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Hello BDWers!


Yesterday was our first and only wedding shower. Some of you may have read my shower anxiety post a week or so ago. I was a little nervous going into this adventure! FI & I are both not center of attention types so it we were just a little anxious about it :). Plus, our families were meeting for the first time and we've been together almost 13 years! Crazy, I know! So we got to the park early to settle in and be there to greet our guests.


Here's me and FI arriving at the park. My cousin had leis for us to "lei each other" with :)


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Here are some pictures of the park:


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They went with a beach and picnic theme and put out a few decorations. My cousin was so proud of the his and hers dolphin balloon find!

Click the image to open in full size. Click the image to open in full size. Click the image to open in full size.


The whole time i'm thinking, I've got to remember to take lots of pictures for BDW! It's easy to get overwhelmed and forget. There are a lot of pictures I wish I would have taken. If this is how a shower feels I can't imagine what a wedding will feel like! I highly recommend asking friends or family to snap some photos for you ahead of time. Most likely they will be doing it anyway.


We spent the day hanging out with about 50 or so family and friends, playing outdoor games like volleyball, had a yummy BBQ/picnic, opened presents, and served cake.


Here's our delicious cake with our logo courtesy of BDWs Amy! I love how the cake turned out and everyone thought the logo was great!!!


Click the image to open in full size.


And a few more random pictures of FI & I opening gifts:

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.


My two favorite gifts were a KitchenAid Mixer (in red) and a huge gas BBQ grill!!! I really couldn't believe we received these gifts! They weren't on our registry but for sure things we wanted! It was a big surprise and so generous!


Overall the shower went really well! We were both nervous right up until it started but that faded away quickly. And the wine and beer probably helped too :). I was sick with a fever the entire time but didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to ruin what they had worked so hard to put together. I think I hid it well :). Our families met for the first time and really seemed to enjoy each others company. It was also good to get them together before we all spend a week on a cruise ship in February! So many people worked their butts off to make it such a special day and we felt very loved to have something like this put together in our honor!

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The wedding shower picnic was such a good and cute idea. Everything looks like it was so much fun. Its so great that both families were able to get together and the shower didnt have the traditional "women" type feel. I love your decor. The basket with the fake ants totaly freaked me out , I had to look again and realize it was fake.

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Sounds like that was a really fun time! Not the traditional type of shower, but more like a fun party with you guys as guests of honour :)


I love your mongram, btw! It's so cute.


And just how did neither of your famiies ever know eachother before nowhuh.gif!!!

We were just at dinner at FI's parents' house and they were tellng us that the woman across the street may be putting her house up for sale and weshould move in! I like my soon-to-be in-laws, but not that much! pokestick.gif

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Cool idea for a shower. Different and I like it. I've already told my family/friends that I did not want a shower. The whole thought of sitting around with a bunch of women playing toilet paper wedding dress and making me a hat with ribbons, just freaks me right out! No offense meant to anyone that has had that kind of shower or is planning on that kind of shower - it is just doesnt fit with my personality at all. I would totally be game for your type of family/friends/co-ed casual shower. Looks like it was a lot of fun - other than having a fever all day.. ugh.

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