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Everything posted by anichols8

  1. Definitely talk to your TA. It's pretty commonplace to get concessions when dealing with hotel contracts.
  2. Ditto to everything! LOL. I just started planning a few weeks ago and I feel like the list is endless. With Brandon being in the military I can't even vent to him because I don't want to waste the precious time we have to talk complaining about everything. Sighs...
  3. I am dreading doing a website. Which site are you guys using?
  4. Congrats! I agree that picking the resort was/is the hardest thing. I reserved my date and am now having buyer's remorse!! I am just indecisive. As I am sure you have already seen, you will learn so much here!
  5. I think it's TOTALLY up to you. I know that doesn't help much but, I believe I have something similar, 1 free room for every 5 paid rooms per night...and we are anticipating 15 rooms...so if it works out that's three free rooms per night. It is my thinking now that I will cover my mom and sister's room with that and then just let it play out and see if there is someone that I really want there that needs some help getting there. Of course, I am very early in the planning process so if I go over budget I may revisit the idea. I never considered spreading it out amongst all of my guests...hmmm.
  6. Congrats, welcome and Happy Planning!
  7. I have seen many Dreams Punta Cana brides. I am Dreams Los Cabos May 25, 2012. Congrats!!
  8. Same here! I am seeing a lot of 11-11-11 brides!
  9. Reserved my date a few weeks ago! Dreams Los Cabos May 25, 2012 And I haven't done much else. =)
  10. Wow, I just entered a bid. This is awesome. When you got the coupons, where did you actually buy the kits?
  11. Like many others, I am going to contact the single people and let them know they can "roommate" to save if they would like.
  12. I've been dreading this decision! During the summer time I usually keep a really low buzz cut, but my mom is begging me not to cut my hair all off for the wedding, so I guess I will add another thing to my list of stuff to search for on here.
  13. Aww, that was a very interesting story!! Congrats and happy planning!
  14. Hey Anna, Welcome and congrats! You should probably do a search for your resort, looking at reviews and planning threads. I can't give you any specifics because my wedding is taking place in Cabo. But check out this thread: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/68720/blau-varadero-review-long There is sooo much information on here I am sure you will find answers to most of your questions and answers to questions you haven't even thought of yet. Happy Planning!
  15. Hey there! I am getting married at Dreams Los Cabos May 25, 2012 and this is what we are calling our "religious ceremony". We eloped on May 25, 2011 as he is in the military. So, we are actually still deciding how we are going to announce this. Most of our family/friends don't know yet. I haven't gotten much accomplished as much as planning goes other than reserving my date with Dreams and getting a room block through my travel agent. But anyway, good luck planning!
  16. anichols8


    Welcome and Happy Planning!
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