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Everything posted by tiffanyan02

  1. Great pics! We need to do our engagement pics soon so it's great to get idea's!
  2. Congrats! You will find a wealth of knowledge here to help you in every way! Happy planning!
  3. Hi Steph! I'm from Minnesota as well! Welcome to the forum! There is so much GREAT information about the Dream's resorts on here! Good luck on everything and happy planning!
  4. Congrats Mandy! All of the Dream's threads are amazing! I think I read all of them when I was trying to decide on a resort
  5. Congrats Catherine! There is so much great information and Jamica will be amazing!
  6. Congrats! Would love to see a review or some pics!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 OK..Found it....Just note that since these are small versions of the pictures...the ones that have alot of people in there seem blurry or far away...they aren't. The real versions look 100 X better I thought these were great considering he was the resort Photographer http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...c-heavy-45063/ Thank you PhillyBride09 for posting this link. I think the pics turned out Fabulous! I am planning on using the resort photographer, so it is very reassurring! As far as the new beach/rock's I'm trying not to even think about it. I loved the look before, but I'm sure it will still be breathtaking! I just can't wait to get married there!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 Agreed! I don't run unless I'm being chased by someone with a knife I played soccer most of my young life, until I was 17, and then just got in the cycle of being a lazy-bones. I REALLY need to find something I LIKE doing and stick to it! So much easier said than done. I was EXACTLY the same way. I found the Couch to 5K program on WW board and decided to give it a try. For anyone that's interested in running I would suggest giving it a try. Just start slow and re-do week's if you have to!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 Well I didn't have a DJ, For two reasons...#1 I only had about 21 guests (3 of those were toddlers) & #2 I didn't realize I wanted one until it was a little too late for me and I couldn't afford it. I had a DJ make me a bunch of CD's and I made playlists on my iPod. I didn't like it. I had to keep changing the music myself and I messed up on my cake cutting song. Plus I didnt buy a Bose, I bought another sound system and the way they set up my reception, it wasn't loud enough to carry over to where we were dancing. It jsut didn't work out for me HOWEVER....I think it also depends on your group. If you have alot of friends going who like to party & dance, you should have no issues with everyone having funn and maybe you can have someone take over your music when you want to do the first dance & garter toss & etc.... Alot of people on here used iPods and LOVED it....So I really think alot of things will factor into it... 1. Do you have a big group? 2. Do you have a lot of Partiers? 3. Do you have a Bose? **I will say that my sounds system would have been loud enough if they didn't set my tables up in a circle with the music to the side. If they would have set the music up where we would be dancing, it may have worked*** If you can afford a DJ, my opinion would be to go for it...but if you want to save some money, bring your music Either way, it will be funn! Thank you for the advice on this. I am thinking about skipping the DJ, but I'm hoping to find out how many people we having coming first. It makes total sense depending on the number/people I have there. My FI loves to dance so I'm sure he'd love the idea of a DJ!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Hi there! I just want to tell you that YES, YOU CAN DO THIS!! Over a year ago, I lost 60 lbs and I've been able to keep it off. I lost the weight over 13 months (avg ~1 lb a week). My best advice is just stay focused, watch your portions, and go slow! My philosophy is that the slower you lose it, the more likely it is to stay off b/c you've learned along the way what it takes to be healthier. It's all about portion control and exercise. There were certainly weeks where I gained weight, and it can be hard not to get discouraged. But weight fluctuations are natural, and as long as the overall trend is the way you want it to be, you're doing great! Oh, and don't deprive yourself either! If you want that piece of pizza, then go eat it! Just only have one piece, or balance it with a salad, or pair it with some exercise. If you deprive yourself you're only going to want it more and more until you finally cave in and then OVERindulge. Just my two cents. Good luck!!! Thank you for the great advice! It is so nice to have somewhere to go to discuss our weight loss goals. I have struggled this past week, but I am back on track. I hope spring is on the way soon. I'm sick of the winter blues! I'm hoping to do a 5k or two this summer as motivation to work out:)
  11. Hi Heather! Welcome to the forum. You will learn so much from all the reviews and bride's who have done this all before us! Happy planning!
  12. Congrat's Sara! When I found this forum I didn't even have a clue yet! So take your time and read up on the forum. I'm sure it will help you decide the best resort fo you! Happy planning!
  13. Good morning 2011 brides! I have been attempting to do WW without great success for the past year. I lost about 30 pounds on it and then just sort of got stuck. I figure the only positive is that I have maintained my weight. My goal is to lose 15 more pounds!! I am with everyone on the stress eating part. I work as an IT consultant and some days make me insane with stress. I have been trying to pack my lunches and eat healthier. I love to exercise so I've got that part down, but eat to make up for it Goals: Drink more water and less diet dr pepper, 30 minutes of exercise daily, and no stress eating
  14. Those are really great! I want to do a magnet for our STD, so will have to check it out!
  15. Amazing thread! I just spent WAY too much time going through it. I haven't heard of Etsy until now. I know my Mom will love this site. So many great idea's! Thank you everyone for posting on here.
  16. What a wonderful proposel! Isn't it great to have a man that takes such great care of your children
  17. That is SO funny! I love how he isn't paying any attention to anything at all!
  18. Awesome thread! I am a May 2011 bride and also would LOVE to drop some weight. The sad part is I would also like to not GAIN weight! I'm a total stress eater and could see that happening if I'm not careful. It would be great to have a place to discuss our success and struggles!
  19. Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to get all your questions answered!
  20. Congrat's Morgan! I have found a ton of review's on Jamaica on this forum. It will help you in so many ways! Everyone here is very nice and helpful.
  21. Congrat's Gen! You will find so many resources and review's that will help you find the perfect location for your wedding! Happy planning!
  22. Congrats Sasha! You will find so much help on this forum!
  23. Amazing review! I loved everything! It makes me so excited to go there for my wedding!
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