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Everything posted by renee1811

  1. Lolo, I love the corsages! They look awesome Man, I need to kick my butt into gear on DIY projects!
  2. True Lies: Jamie Lee Curtis
  3. love--it's so relaxing! facials?
  4. The Mod Squad: Claire Danes
  5. congrats and welcome to the forum from a fellow Texan! Happy planning
  6. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  7. congrats and welcome (back!) to the forum! happy planning
  8. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  9. I think we're all addicited! It's 2 in the morning, and I have no intention of getting off this site anytime soon, lol
  10. Magalie, thanks for that article! It had some awesome suggestions that I will definitely use for my BD shoot
  11. I think that sounds like an awesome idea! If that is what he likes, then I think it shows a lot of thoughtfulness getting him something that he finds sexy
  12. I'm sorry about your friend, but am glad she is getting the help she needs. I don't really have any advice on how to handle this situation, but know we're all here for you!
  13. I'm sorry you are having trouble with your family. I hope it all works out
  14. thanks for the planning thread! I hope you have an AMAZING time, and can't wait to see pics when you come back!
  15. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  16. welcome to the forum! happy planning
  17. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  18. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  19. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  20. congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
  21. renee1811


    congrats and welcome to the forum! happy planning
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