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Everything posted by jk1101

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mswhatever I just got married yesterday. It was so perfect. It was more than I expected. I will post more when I get home. All I can say is WOW! YAY!!! I WAS THINKING ABOUT YOU YESTERDAY! Congratulations!
  2. The problem is that her shop is an hour from my office and 20 minutes from home so I definitely can't go at lunch - I'll have to see if they have anyone that can do them at night - I just don't like the uncomfortability of it all. I'll call there tomorrow and see what they can do for me.
  3. I've had gel nails forever - I recently switched places because I wasn't happy with the girl who was doing them, when a friend of mine, who I'd reconnected with on Facebook, told me to come to her - she's been a manicurist forever, so I figured, ok, sure. The first time she did them they came out fine. Yesterday i went there, and she mentioned she was in a hurry...they looked ok at first, but they felt a little "thick". When i had a chance to really look at them, they look awful. the gel is caked on and not smooth, and separating from the nails. She's only there on Fridays and Saturdays, and I'm going to be away for the next 2 weekends, so I can't even go back to get them fixed by her till my next appointment in 3 weeks - I'm not sure they will make it 3 weeks - I don't know if i can handle them looking this bad for that long. What I want to do is go get them redone somewhere else and just not go back to her - we aren't good friends - just people that have known each other forever and reconnected....I can always tell her she's just too far and her hours aren't convenient. DH wants me to go back to her shop and have someone else do them so i don't have to pay, which makes me uncomfortable...plus, they aren't open evenings, and I work full time. What do you think?
  4. If one of the people in the couple is closer to you ( like your friend and her boyfriend), you can send it to that person, but with both names on it. I'm sure they will all understand and not expect 2 invitations per couple.
  5. jk1101

    As IF!

    Quote: Originally Posted by kevnanna So I've come to the realization, that I SUCK at DIY, and it dissapoints me to no end, I want to be able to do a BP STD for my guests to enjoy, but I can't for the life of me figure the templates and terms out, seriously I'm 33 and I need someone to hold my hand, HOW SAD IS THAT! And then I'm completely lost when it comes to templates, everyone seeems to have done their own, and yay I could pay someone to do one for us, but then how do I use it!! do I print it off, and then what When did I become so incompetent?? lol Off I go to post stalk some more, and hope and pray a DIY faerie drops in my lap! Do not feel bad- I am not DIY or crafty - i was very excited to make labels on Vistaprint, but that was as far as it went - I had everything made for me and I'm ok with that - anything I made would have looked like a child's art project! Plus I would have had to buy a new printer, all kinds of cutting things...not worth it to me. Good luck!
  6. TA Maureen is right - it really depends on what you are looking for - You could spend days looking at all of the AI resorts in Jamaica but figure out what is important for you first, that will help you narrow it down, then you can look at the tons of pictures, reviews and info that we all post on here, which is a huge help! Good Luck!
  7. Don't invite him....you didn't send him and STD....tell him you'd love to invite him but it's really only for super close family....
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jenninjamaica This is a great thread! Keep them coming! Here's my worst gift: When we got engaged my mom's friend gave us the creepiest gift! She is a great lady who always gives us very generous and lovely gifts. She gave us a statue of two hands, one putting a ring on the other, like during a proposal. I get the symbolism seeing as we just got engaged, but really, the floating hands are just creepy. We've been storing it on top of a bookcase in case she comes over and wants to see it. My mom thought it was great, I don't get it. But here's a photo, what do you think?? Jenn, that may be one of the oddest things I have ever seen. At least if you ever have a break-in, you have something to use as a weapon - it looks quite heavy!
  9. WOW!!!! I'd be mad too!!! She'd NEVER say that to a client that she didn't know (or would she?)! What a terrible situation to be in - hopefully you can have a quick conversation with her - maybe she's never photographed an AHR before You can say something like: "Hey, I think there may have been some confusion...we're not having a second wedding, this is a party celebrating our marriage, so it's a little different, which is why I don't want all of those wedding-type pictures taken. I'm really excited to have you be a part of this, and I know you're going to do a great job - these are the pictures I would like you to take." Kill 'em with kindness...usually makes them back down! Good luck!
  10. I used my logo (made by BDW member Sarah Sproullie) and our hotel name and wedding date. Everyone said they loved their bags - they definitely used them around the resort - I don't know if they use them now - I know I use mine and it makes me happy every time I see it!
  11. Definitely generic - everybody got exactly the same thing - it's a lot of work to put them together (although a labor of LOVE for sure!!!!) Once you start customizing for people's tastes or preferences...you will make yourself crazy way more than you need to!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by greysgirl Congrats on losing the weight! My sister-in-law had an abdominoplasty after her babies and is quite pleased. She too has regained some weight but still has a flat abdomen. You may not even qualify for an abdominoplasty though and may just "need" abdominal liposuction....which is whole lot cheaper and a much quicker recovery. I do anesthesia for these procedures a few times a month and know that most patients who've get abdominoplasty have lax abdominal muscles. If you have a reasonably tight base layer of abdominals and the covering around the muscle (called fascia) then liposuction may be helpful. I have never seen it completed, but I have heard some good talk amongst the plastic surgeons about the laser lipo because it apparently shrinks the skin also. It still is a surgical procedure, just less invasive. Here's a link to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and their info on abdominoplasty. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Cosmetic Procedure Information They have good info on before and after pics, FAQs, etc. I would be certain you pick a plastic surgeon who is BOARD CERTIFIED in plastic surgery. I'm not sure how NJ is, but in my area of the country, any doctor who gets "special training" can do plastic procedures!! I have been in the operating room with some of their patients trying to fix their bad results. Not good. Another word to the wise: shop around! Ask to see his before and after pics. Remember you are the customer and have options:) Just because he's a doctor doesn't mean he's a good one unfortunately. Good luck whatever you chose and feel free to PM me if you have any ?s Thank you for that insight - I saw a plastic surgeon last year who told me I'd be better off with the tuck because i have so much loose skin - i lost 75 lbs in total, so my belly got really stretched. i didn't like the surgeon's personality at all, and that's important to me. Defnitely agree with you about the Certified Plastic Surgeons - there are a lot of Dermatologists doing SmartLipo around here - I have a consultation with a Dr who is ASPS and ASAPS (Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) We'll see what he says on tuesday when i go, but i'm pretty sure I need the Abdominoplasty, and then lipo on the hips and thighs.
  13. Thanks for the feedback ladies! I'm not having kids, so I'm not concerned with that part...I'm more worried about the scar and how much time out of work. I have to call the doctor back to make my consultation appointment today - I spoke to one last year before my wedding, but I didn't like him and didn't have the $$ - this doctor has financing, which will make it easier.
  14. Awww...you guys are so cute! Love the one of you looking into the water with the reflection!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs well, *i* decided it a long, LONG time ago, then T came along and changed my mind on the subject, but now he and i agree that it's just not feasible or responsible to have a kid that he will never be around for, between school and work (both full time). and he's got at least 5 years of that ahead of him, after which i will already be 43. i was kinda blown away when he said it because i never expected it to come from him, but i have to admit it's sensible. i have no desire to be essentially a "single mom," especially since i'm not the one who really dreamt of kids in the first place. so i guess i can make this fit the confession thread by saying i am just afraid that later, he will be full of regret and resent having married someone so much older than himself. we have discussed potentially adopting later, though. Quote: Originally Posted by miss_delerium My FI and I aren't having kids either. And I confess I hate it when people look at me like I have two heads when I tell them that. Quote: Originally Posted by wendyjd Cougs and Miss Delerium, totally understand the feelings. I'm 37 and am childless and THRILLED with it. Had recurrent cervical cancer and at 32 was told to have one if I wanted one bc every procedure would make it harder and the "cure" was a hysterectomy. I was all for surgery but my now ex-husband tried to convince me to have a child. So fast forward 5 years, I'm cancer free, much happier and about to marry my best friend. My FH is thrilled with the concept of a lifetime together without the restrictions kids provide. I understand that we may be the minority but more and more couples are choosing this... just read an article on MSN about the growing numbers of "childless by choice" couples. I didn't mean to go on a vent but I totally agree with you. We are also "childless by choice" and it stuns me that people are so bold about telling us why we HAVE to have children, how it will add to our lives...we have a FANTASTIC life without children and we want to keep it that way. I have no biological clock ticking....and one of the things that DH and I loved about each other was that neither of us wanted kids - a very hard thing to find when you're dating in your late 30s. I was not meant to be a mother. This is something I know. I will not conform to society's idea of how a family should be. Only my cats consider me "mommy" and I'm ok with that! And Wendy, Congratulations on being cancer free, which is the best thing ever, and how could you not want to celebrate every day of life when you know how precious it is, and celebrate it the way you want, with whom you want.
  16. Tracy - CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WEDDING DAY!! Pazzesca - good luck on your dress shopping and have fun with your Engagement pictures! Asbury will be a great place to take pictures! Nicole - welcome! Danielle - I've never been to Disney either - I worked at Great Adventure for 6 years so I'm all Amusement Parked out - I hope I never go to another one again lol!
  17. If you haven't sent out invites or even STDs yet, I think you're ok. When you do start to send things out, if anyone says anything, you can tell them that you decided to make it a very small intimate event for extremely close family and friends only.
  18. I am so ready to have one. I've lost a good bit of weight in my life - I'm down to a size 8 - but for the life of me cannot lose the last 10 pounds, and I have a big flabby thing of loose skin at my belly, which looks like I used to be pregnant, which I wasn't! I just want to have a flat stomach! I've been to diet doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers....I eat very well, I exercise - I'm on a medication that makes weight loss a little more difficult to add to my struggle....very frustrating. Just wondering if any of the BDW ladies had experience with this to share on the procedure, recovery, scars, etc.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by **Kat** I confess that I really could care less about my job. I wish I could quit. I'm right there with you sister~I'd quit mine in a heartbeat! Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs Price 2010 This thread is great! Confession 1 - I have done nothing at work for the past 30mins but read a load of these confessions!! Confession 2 - Family!!!!! My sister isn't coming to my wedding first her excuse was that they can't afford it - so we offered to contribute, our parents offered to contribute and my grandmother offered to pay the whole thing. Then it was because she didn't want to take her 14 month old little girl on a 9-10hr flight - because she think it's harmful!! WTF - It would be banned if it was! It's obvious her husband doesn't want to go - if it was his sister they'd be there!!! I hate him!!! She now wants to come to my dress fitting and I really don't want her there!!! If she doesn't want to come to my wedding then I don't want her to have anything to do with it!!! In laws - where do I start FBIL is a %&*£!!!!!! He's caused so much stress between me and FI - sending me nasty text messages, completely ignoring me at family parties. He's jealous because his brother has an adult serious relationship and he can never hold a relationship down and my gosh is he spoilt. He's 25 years old yet his family treat him like a 16yr old and every time he acts a %&*£ their excuse is because of his age!! He effing 25!!! He's never going to grown up and take responsibility for his actions!! FMIL - It's her fault that he is like this!! I entirely blame her and want to tell her that FBIL name is banned from being mentioned in Mexico!!! Whoooo that feels so good to get that off my chest!! My sister didn't come to my wedding. She said she couldn't afford it so my parents offered to pay for her. Her husband told my parents that she couldn't go without him (nice, right) even though he goes away without her all the time. She turned it into "I don't want to travel without my husband" even though there were several of our friends who came without their spouses. then she got mad when I went dress shopping without her. About 3 months before the wedding, my parents offered to pay for her and her husband to come to the wedding and my DH and I said NO. They have had money for the things they've wanted to have money for - a new dog, another new dog, a new fence....it was obvious they didn't see our wedding as important and i didn't think they deserved a trip as a gift for "the sake of the family". And I'll be honest with you, I didn't miss her at all the whole time we were there. When it all first happened I was very sad - crushed even - but I got over it - I didn't want someone at our wedding who obviously didn't want to be there. So I totally agree with you not wanting her to be a part of your dress fitting or anything else - my sister has been a total brat since i met my DH - no clue why - I've spoken to her 1 time in 5 months - she has basically cut ties with her entire family in favor of her husband and his family. She didn't call my parents for Mothers Day or Fathers Day or for their birthdays. What she will learn, sadly, is that Karma is a bitch, and her little girl is learning that you don't need to respect your parents....and will do the same to her. I guess that turned into my own little vent....
  20. Definitely agree with pinayflava and carolina24 - go get some makeup put on, just so you can get used to having it put on, and you can see what you like and don't like - even just black eyeliner vs brown can be a big difference - and also that you will need it heavier than you're used to for the pictures. I also brought my own waterproof eyeliner and mascara for the makeup artist to use since i'm a cry-er...it definitely kept my eyes from running!
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