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Everything posted by silverangel

  1. Thanks Adlergray...it's by Ella Rosa...here's the website that has many others that are similar. I saw it at 3 different bridal shops and kept going back to it so I knew it was the The One! Glamor Designs
  2. spring cleaning : warmer weather
  3. Did anyone hear the rumour about Bethenny and A-rod They were seen eating at a restaurant and later dropped off at her hotel, and that they hooked up 3 months ago...no idea if it's true but here's one of the few sources i've read it... FOXNews.com - Report: A-Rod Dating 'Real Housewives' Star Bethenny Frankel - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment
  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one obsessed with the series! All 4 books consumed my life for the week it took to read them all...sad i know. Have you all read the pieces that she removed from each book on her website My fave was the start of Midnight Sun (Edward's pov) of course someone had to ruin it and leak it so now we don't get the whole thing...but it was really interesting to see it from his side... I highly recommend reading it! StephenieMeyer.com | Twilight Series | Midnight Sun
  5. I too love to read! The twilight series was my favourite by far!!! Followed by Emily Giffin...all the "something" series was really hard to put down... I also enjoyed most of Nicholas Sparks...especially the ones that have been made into movies but the books are always better. ...and I'm now reading P.S.I love you
  6. And it's not that I don't like everyone or aren't honoured that they want to be apart of our special day...BUT as someone mentioned earlier...IF I wanted a wedding of 200+ I would stay and have it here...
  7. We had originally planned to invite 10...just immediate family and our 2 best friends...I wanted close and intimate...and now it looks like we may be inviting 50! Everyone assumes they are invited and I'm having a hard time telling them FAMILY ONLY! It really is a tough situation, but as they say...only half will show...so I guess we're looking at 25.
  8. I love coffee! I drink from 2-4 cups a day...and every single day! I like any kind of flavoured coffee with a flavoured creamer.
  9. I think that's a good idea with the hang tag...I personally would not want to carry a bag out in public with another couple's name on it...and your right...a cup is a cup that will be in their own home and will still probably be used.
  10. I agree with Alyssa...they are kind of a pain to pack not only for you but for your guests as well...I would put the money towards another item that will not be left behind or not used...unless you don't care and have your heart set on them, they are a nice gesture.
  11. Wow you ladies are creative! I've checked out the site but never realized all you could do on there...great thread...keep sharing!
  12. Looks great, love the palm tree! I've been putting off trying to make mine, they look hard to do?!?
  13. I have the same dilemma...I'm planning for Jan 2010 as well but don't have any package prices yet...I guess sending a STD now is not a bad idea and then an updated letter after when the prices are finally out...
  14. Oh those sound cute! I hope the Michael's in Canada has the same stuff...thanks for sharing!
  15. This is the cake I want or something similar...I want to incorporate my colors in somehow which are going to be turquoise and brown
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