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Everything posted by Ashley0802

  1. Congrats & Welcome! Im sure most of your questions can be answered here!
  2. Congrats & Welcome to the forum!!
  3. Ashley0802


    Congrats & Welcome!!
  4. i think they are all so cute! i like #2 the best tho.
  5. When my son was born, i went to Walmart got a wood picture frame, lime green paint, wood animal figures (his room was rainforest theme) & a box of letters to spell his name.. i have had SO many people ask me to make them one of these for their kids, it probably cost me $7 to make & have been offered $15-$20 to make one.. im not crafty at all but it was so easy & didnt take a lot of time at all.. u could just make simple things like this that other people think looks hard to make, throw it up on etsy or ebay and make some cash.
  6. hey girls.. this is our top choice right now for our wedding in June 2010.. i am signed up for the webinar but would be interested in any pictures or price info you girls have to share! thanks!
  7. yayyy!! looks like it turned out to be a blast!
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