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Everything posted by ~Nicole~

  1. Welcome back Andrea and Congrats!!!! Wow, I must have done something wrong because my onsite team was crap!! I actually complained about them big time to my TA. But, I'm in total agreement over Tiffany. I had MINIMAL planning but I had to be on top of her for every little thing. I think the only reason I didn't get screwed for my paperwork is because I did all the work to find out what I needed and them emailed her asking when she needed it by lol.
  2. Amy I love the slideshow!! I didn't get to the end because it kept freezing on me so I didn't get to see the last pic
  3. Awesome! Thanks so much for the recommendations
  4. There were 4 of us getting our hair done and I made our appts 5 hours before the ceremony. We did our own makeup and it worked out. I had a few hiccups to deal with but even with those i still had time. It only affected how many pre-ceremony pics I did, but I think I still ended up with a good amount. I guess it depends on how many peeps are getting their hair done and how many stylists they have working.
  5. Amy, I am sooo happy it went perfect!!! Sounds amazing! I need to see pics! I held off doing my review because my wedding was literally my first time out of the country and I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm glad I held off because after staying at a 4 star it definitely changes things I would have said out of my traveling ignorance lol. Congrats again AMY!!!
  6. I'm sure this will blow over as it sounds like a typical irrational petty argument. The fact that he can't give you a specific example likely means that he's just saying it to make you mad. I do that sometimes, and my DH does it to me sometimes too! So I wouldn't freak out about it. I'd just ignore him when he's being immature and picking ridiculous arguments. If he's anything like my DH, the more he KNOWS something is bothering you, the more he'll do it lol. So pretend it doesn't bother you is my advice lol. Good luck!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd This is the one thing that bugs me about AB. People pay all this money to get mediocre rooms. I want a jacuzzi in my room damnit! But, I figure that since this is truly the only thing on my "Do Not Like" list about AB, it's worth staying for all the other reasons I love it. If it makes you feel any better we didn't even use our jacuzzi except for the wedding night, and that was only because THEY filled it for us lol. For real it takes like 2 hours to fill. My drunk ass is passed out by the time its ready lol. You're not missing anything IMO.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Hey pretty ladies!!! im backkkk! so tired and promise to write more later. But azul sensatori was amazing. The onsite team are so awesome, they honestly will do anything for you. I had the best BEST BEST time ever. oh, i could cry.... so excited to tell you girls all about. Ill come back on tonight! xoxo. WooT!!!! Welcome back and CONGRATS!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by momichele Cake question-Is everyone getting a cake? I know it is a tradition and would be really nice but it doesn't sound like the cake is good and will be a waste of money. We are getting the Mexican Flan with our meal so I am just curious what everyone is doing. If you are getting the cake, what flavor are you ordering? I got the cake that came with my package. I didn't spend any extra money on it. I got the basic vanilla. If its important to you, get it! If not, then maybe spend the money elsewhere. That's what it ultimately comes down to. We all have different preferences and priorities. IMO there's really no wrong in anyone's choices, otherwise we'd all end up having the exact same wedding lol!
  10. I completely know how you feel. I struggled with the same difficulties, but in the end I went with what I wanted. If a few hundred dollars was going to make or break someone, then oh well! And to be honest, if I would have went with a cheaper hotel I bet my life that I would still have exact same people attend the wedding - no additional peeps. So I guess its really up to you in terms of priorities. If you know that the extra money will deter the most important people that you HAVE to have there, then maybe consider the less expensive place, otherwise go with what you want! Good luck!
  11. Hi Amanda, welcome to the thread! Although time consuming, I would highly recommend reading through this entire thread. A lot of your questions were once our questions! A quick sum up: Food is amazing, ignore trip advisor as people are more likely to post when angry, service is great, my guests loved the resort!
  12. Congrats & to the forum! I would say different countries have different perks, so you need to determine those to start. From there you can make a list of priority items vs non-priority to help you research specific resorts. That's when you can start eliminating options . There is tons of info on here to help you out! Good luck and happy planning!
  13. ~Nicole~


    Congrats Emile and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  14. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  15. Congrats and to the forum! There's tons of info on here to help you nail down your location. Good luck and happy planning!
  16. I love them! They look great! It's amazing how much money you can save with a few DIY projects!
  17. Congrats and to the forum! There is some fantastic info about Jamaica on here! Good luck and happy planning!
  18. Congrats and to the forum Vanessa! There's no such thing as early planning lol! That time will fly, trust me! Good luck!
  19. Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  20. My DH honestly didn't care about his ring. I ended up picking one out and it was $300 CAD. $3300 sounds really expensive to me. That's even more than my e-ring, but I guess it depends what you're looking for.
  21. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  22. Congrats and to the forum! Yes, reading through some of the threads is time consuming, but to me its completely worth it. The info you get from them is invaluable! Good luck and happy planning!
  23. ~Nicole~


    Congrats and to the forum! All the info you need is right here! Good luck and happy planning!
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