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Everything posted by sally

  1. msasfraz I will be at ROR the same time as you to check out the resort before we book our wedding there for next year, are you marrying on the beach or the garden?
  2. I'm sorry you are going through this but is better to find out now I guess xx
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by The Rinns I'm sorry that I am posting for a second time. I just realized that I never gave you what you were asking for! We are getting married in Honolulu at the Outrigger Canoe Club. So far, I have: - Booked the location - Gotten a dress - Gotten my FI's outfit - Picked our colors - Ordered and received our STDs (we still have to put them together and send them out) I believe that this is it...there is so much more to do though! Any specific islands that you are looking into? Reading this I feel so far behind!! I haven't even booked the resort yet!! Am I leaving this too late?? We are off to the resort at the end of September to make sure it will be righ for what we want. I've only just started to look at dresses online an havent been to any boutiques to try them on. We don't even know who will be coming?? Am I the most unorganised DW bride ever?? Help
  4. I say wait, it might not look the same on. The picture is stunning tho I can see why you love it!! I'm sure you will find the right dress for you.
  5. Welcome to the forum!!
  6. sally

    Just engaged

    Congratulations!!! Have you narrowed down where you want your DW? Read some of the wedding reviews and check out the pictures, that's how I decided. Hope this helps, Good Luck
  7. sally

    Hello Hello

    Welcome to the forum!! Check out the Jamaica section for resort ideas. Good Luck
  8. Welcome, once you have decided on the resort everything will fall into place as you can then get specific price info to help with the budget
  9. Google barefoot sandals they are stunning and can be made in any color you want. The bottom of your foot is bare and then you have beads/gems from yor middle toe up around your ankle. Sounds strange but they are fab for a DW. Both myself and my bridesmaid will be wearing them.
  10. OMG that is one of the dresses I have been looking at!! The shoes are beautiful, are you marrying on a beach? the heels might be struggle in the sand??
  11. Cuba is a stunning location for a wedding The beaches are out of this world. Congratulations
  12. sally

    Hi There!

    Hello and welcome, Be sure to check out the Jamaica section to get loads of ideas and info on all the resorts in Negril and Montego Bay
  13. Welcome to the forum - I am looking to marry in Jamaica next summer and have found loads of great ideas and info in the Jamaica sub forum. Happy planning
  14. I would not worry about the rain, I have also read a review where it rained all day and they had a beautiful ceremony in mammee restaurant with the ocean in the background and it was sunny again for the beach photos.
  15. Sounds awful. I hope your dad makes it to the wedding!! You should do what feels right for you and your FI it's your day. Good Luck
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by chicklet actually I fibbed...it did not have a price list included. He said prices for 2009 should be in within a few months. I have sample pictures though. I would love to see them if that is ok Thanks Chicklet
  17. 2nd dress is more DW. I love them both I guess it depends how formal you want the whole thing to be I'm sure you will look beautiful whichever you decide.
  18. WEAR IT, WEAR IT, WEAR IT!!!!! OMG that dress is stunning and will look amazing in a DW.
  19. I was wondering about this too. PM me if you get a response from Michael. I am visiting the resort in September so I could always ask him then
  20. sally


    Welcome - you must be one of the first weddings after the resort opens - How exciting!!
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