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Everything posted by sally

  1. Do you have a price list for her? Is she doing your TTD? How much is the day pass from Riu?
  2. Love your dress, the bows at the back make it soo unusual. Your personal trainer must be doing something you look amazing
  3. sally

    New Member

    Congratulations, be sure to read the reviews on Mo' Bay weddings. There are quite a few Mo' Bay brides in the Jamaica sub forum who will be only too happy to help. Good Luck
  4. Welcome Jenna, I'm sure you will have seen that you can find help with every part of your wedding here at the forum. Good Luck
  5. Hope it doesn't get too bad forany DW brides out there.
  6. Thats a pretty good match!! Other than the slight difference in colour on the beading you can hardly tell. Do they ship to england?
  7. Welcome to the forum!! I would recommend you look at the Jamaica sub forum and read all the reviews on different resorts. I have my mind set on Riu Ochos Rios but have just read an amazing review and looked at pictures of Couples Swept Away. I guess it depends whether you have children in the wedding party. Good Luck, I hope this helps xx
  8. What a fantastic review. We have set our heart on ROR but we are visiting there in 4 weeks so if we decide it is not for us I will definately look into CSA
  9. sally

    hello all...

    Welcome to the forum!! Cuba is a beautiful place, I have heard the cayo are stunning
  10. sally


    Welcome to the forum, I am sure with all the info on here you will soon decide on a destination for your wedding!!
  11. WOW they look fabulous! Is there a template for these as I have seen loads of you with them?
  12. Be sure to search the Jamaica forum I have seen a thread on there with loads of Photog's based in Jamaica and Miami
  13. How many guests do you have? If you have 5 rooms booked in your group you can go with the free package. Most people do that and then just upgrade the bits they want. Hope this helps
  14. I cant believe he thinks puggles are too hyper after a boxer I have a 4 year old boxer who is crazy mad and HUGE!!!! Everyone said he would chill out as he got older - I'm still waiting!!
  15. What a beautiful puppy, soooooooo cute!!
  16. sally


    Welcome to the forum
  17. 1. What time did you get up this morning? 9:30 2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Hate the cinema 4. What are your favorite TV shows? Friends, all the english soaps 5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Toast and a cup of tea 6. What is your middle name? No middle name but my full name is Sallyann 7. What food do you dislike ? Brussel sprouts 8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Duffy 9. What kind of car do you drive? VW Polo 10. Favorite sandwich? Roast beef 11. What characteristic do you despise? laziness 12. Favorite item of clothing? fit flops 13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be? Thailand 14. Where would you retire to? Canada 15. What was your most recent memorable birthday? My 30th, fantastic night with friends 16. When is your birthday? December 16th 17. Morning person or a night person? night 18. Pets? A big beautiful boxer dog called Zebedee 19. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Going to Jamaica in 4 weeks to see where we are hoping to marry next year 20. What did you want to be when you were little? air hostess 21. How are you today? Tired, got woken really early today 22. What is your favorite flower? White roses 23. What are you listening to right now? English Big Borother 24. What was the last thing you ate? Toast 25. Do you wish on stars? Yes 26. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Pink 27. How is the weather right now? beautiful and sunny (for now) 28. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Lee 29. Favorite soft drink? diet coke 30. Favorite restaurant? ship inn 31. Hair color? brunette 32. What was your favorite toy as a child? atari 33. Summer or winter? summer 34. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate 35. Coffee or tea? Tea 36. What is under your bed? fluff 37. What did you do last night? Worked til 10pm 38. What are you afraid of? spiders 39. Salty or sweet? Salty 40. How many keys on your key ring? 6 41. How many years at your current job? 2 and a half 42. Favorite day of the week? Sunday 43. Do you make friends easily? Yes 45. Favorite hobby? Reading
  18. We travelled to Varadero in Cuba last year, We tipped the maids with toiletries and they loved them, with the waiters we found a few peso's each day kept our glasses full and the service good, this also applied to the waitress in the dining area who made me flowers from napkins and reserved our table for us each evening. Hope this helps
  19. I like the idea of the majority of your guests sitting then the parents, then I would have the bridesmaids walking with the groomsmen then finally you could make your grand entrance!! Ta da!! Hope this helps
  20. sally

    Hello Everyone!

    Congratulations and welcome to the forum
  21. Good Luck Im sure you will have an amazing wedding, Look forward to hearing all about it on your return
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