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Everything posted by samanthag

  1. Hey Girls! Yes we are still getting married at El Conquistador. Actually today we will be signing the new contracts. It's either going to be April 10, 2010 or April 17, 2010. I'm waiting to hear back from my wedding planner regarding the availability on the 10th. -I never spent much time reading through the contracts with the resort. I just knew El Conquistador was the place and that's it. Come to find out that if we had decided to postpone (w/o future date) not only would we have lost ALL the money we paid on deposits (ceremony site @ resort,food & liquor,rooms,etc..) we would have been expected to PAY the resort approx an additional $5000.00!!!!! The only reason we were not penalized was because FI Dad passed away so the resort waived penalty fees!- SO,BEWARE OF THE CONTRACTS!!!!!!!! So tell me girls, how's the planning going? Have you guys bought your dress? Did I miss the pictures?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli I dont know "proper etiquette" on this but, I have a friend who recently postponed her wedding. She sent a postcard style (like a STD) that had 2 sentences saying that due to x,y & z, the wedding date has been moved. I dont think you need to put why (her reasons were all positive things so she included them). I liked how she said the date was "moved" rather than "postponed". It sounded better to me. In your case, I would make it a combo date moved & std since you know it will be in April 2010. If you know the actual date, include it but April 2010 is fine too. My friend used Vistaprint and only spent $30! You can definitely do something nice and inexpensive. Thanks for your help! I'm definitely going to look @ Vistaprint. The thought of spending more money on STD is crazy to me but $30 is not bad at all! This will be #1 on my list tomorrow morning...
  3. We decided to postpone our wedding. Originally we were getting married April 2009 but after unfortunate circumstance -FFIL passed away a couple of months ago- we decided to postpone until April 2010. Question: What is the proper etiquette on the announcement? (I'm trying not to spend too much money) Most immediate family already know about the postponement but I know I need to get the ball rolling on this... Thanks in advance!
  4. THat dress looks beautiful on you! AND honestly you look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I looove Beyonce too!!!! I went to the Oprah show a couple of weeks ago & she was the guest. She performed & she is awesome! Beautiful & talented!! I need to buy her new CD...
  6. love it!!!! Thanks for sharing that Jenny!
  7. Awww thank you for sharing your story! Sounds like it was perfect! Congratulations!!!!!!!!
  8. Jamie I'm soo happy that you have the support that you do! And from the pictures you are simply glowing! You look fabulous!!!!! I'm very happy for you! Hooray!!!!!!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by kerryjbrown I debated with this and figured FC is definitley worth it due to charges for and # of bag allowances and for me ....the most important part was the dress. I don't want anyone squishing it. So, I booked our flights with cash and used miles to upgrade. I will say if you are goign to use miles, sooner is better than later. In 1 week all 1st class seats on my dates were gone. I had to move my return date. WoW! 1 week & first class was booked!? How far in advance did you book your flights?
  10. That's what our engagement will turn out to be, 2 years. And your right, when we first got engaged there was noooo way I would agree to 2010. I was set on us getting married 2009 and then life happened! Honestly since we postponed our wedding I feel a million times better. DOn't get me wrong, we are not slacking on a thing. We know now how quickly the next 16 months are going to fly by!
  11. Thanks for the advice ladies! I really want to stay on top of our airline tickets because we got such a great deal the first time around. Our airfare on Continental was $347.00 roundtrip (including tax) traveling from San Antonio, Texas to San Juan, Puerto Rico! It was sooo hard to cancel our airfare tickets! Yet again, I just have to look at my new ticker & know we have the time. And after everything FI & I have been through this year, that's a good thing!
  12. Hey girls! For those of you who don't know FI & I decided to postpone our wedding. Initially it was really hard & I didn't want to even think about setting a new date. I even took a mini vacation to Chicago -went to the Oprah show w/friends- to "get away" from it all. To make a long story short, I was home within 24 hours of being gone & ready to set a new wedding date! Our new wedding date is April 2010. We are still getting married in Puerto Rico @ El Conquistador Resort. **My question: Does anyone know how far in advance airlines -specifically Continental- will let us book our flights? I remember reading through a few threads & noticed that a couple of members worked in reservation departments so just thought I would ask. Thanks in advance! ps I have to admit I breathe better seeing my new ticker! Whew!
  13. Good Luck to you! Try not to stress too much. Friday will be a fantastic day!!!!!!!! Have fun & enjoy yourself!
  14. I'm really sorry you are going through this. I know it's hard but you know what they say, when one door closes another opens! Enjoy your wedding. When you guys come back home he can buckle down & focus & everything will work out!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by lizzie287 Thanks for your input ladies, I'm shocked at how quick I got responses! There was a question as to whether it would make me feel better to confront him about it .. honestly, no. I've confronted him about several things over the years, all of which involved his wife coming before me, and I've never won the argument. So really, at this point, I'm thinking this takes the cake and I think I'm finally ready to admit to myself what I've known all along - my father never wanted kids and just did what he felt forced to do. Now that I'm an adult, he feels his role as Dad has been completed. I really noticed this once I finished school - he paid my tuition and gave me grief over it constantly for the full 4 years. Once I was done, the emails stopped and all of a sudden it takes a month to get a very quick reply. It feels terrible knowing that anything is more important than his daughter, and frankly I feel like he's being very selfish. If he didn't want kids, he should have said so BEFORE he and my mom divorced, so now I feel like he made his bed, he can lay in it, he's just not man enough to do it. The biggest thing that goes through my head is thank Christ my daughter has a great father, and I'm so glad the old adage that women look for husbands like their father is the furthest from the truth in my case. To all of you ladies in similar situations, I feel for you as well and hope everything works out in your cases. For me, I know no amount of crying will bring my father to my wedding. You are not alone! I too am only daughter & you would never know! Ever since my father married my stepmom it's like he divorced me in the process! They are totally against a destination wedding even though they have more money than they know what to do with! It makes me sick at times!!!!! We just have to keep in mind that we have no control over our father's actions. We just have to worry about today & the life that God has put in front of us. It is up to us to break the cycle!!!!- And it sounds like you are doing that with your daughter!!!! Keep your head up & remember you are getting married to the love of your life & nobody can take that away from you! xoxoxoxox
  16. I'm sorry that you are going through this. Please know that you are not alone. I think that moving in together is a HUGE adjustment! Add in marriage and ugh you guys have a lot going on!!!! Personally when FI and I first moved in together I thought I made the biggest mistake ever! I called my mom in tears because I didn't know what to do. 1) I had to learn to compromise. I wanted to throw all his stuff out (like his 2 boxes of shot glasses??) because they didn't have a purpose in the home I was creating. 2) I'm not a police officer, I'm a flight attendant. -I know big diff between the two- My point though is that with my job I always feel like I'm "on". I'm in the public eye. I'm responsible for FAA safety regulations,protecting my passengers,I'm in a mode,etc... -When I get home I just want to detox. It literally takes me 1 whole day! My FI would be so excited to see me and just want to talk talk talk, but I just wanted to be by myself. I love my FI with all my heart but I just need my alone time. It took him a while to understand that it's nothing against him. That it's okay for us to be in separate rooms in our house at the same time. I bring this up because maybe this can explain his behavior. Before you guys were married he had his "alone" time during his work schedule. Now he is probably trying to adjust to having you there. He needs to figure out his "detox" from his super stressful job. I hope what I said makes sense to you. I don't think you should take it personal. I'm not justifying his behavior but this may be 1 reason why he is acting the way he is??
  17. I love Frederic Fekkai hair mask treatment! Sephora: Frederic Fekkai Hair Mask with Shea Butter: Hair & Scalp Treatments You will notice a difference after only 1 treatment! Seriously! It's great!
  18. Hey Puerto Rico Brides!! I'm happy to tell you that although my FI and I decided to postpone our April 2009 wedding, we already have a new date set and will continue with planning our wedding. When we initially decided to postpone our wedding I thought I needed a "wedding planning break". I went to visit my bf in Chicago (to get away) & even went to the Oprah show! Anyhow I cut my mini vacation short & was back home the very next day and ready to pick a wedding date! My FI was shocked but super happy. So I'm back! Still a Puerto Rico Bride just with a few more months added to my ticker!
  19. I really like the first pair of shoes you posted! Soooooooo cute! I think they are perfect with your dress!
  20. Awwww that's the cutest holiday card ever! And what a perfect picture!! You guys look great!
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