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Everything posted by samanthag

  1. Awwwww I'm sorry you are not feeling well! Hope you feel better soon! =)
  2. samanthag


    How wonderful of you to help ur sister!! You will find all the information you need on here!
  3. WoW you look beautiful!!!!!!!!!! Hair & make-up are PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Awww I'm sorry you are not feeling well! Big hug to you!!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek We took our first dog to doggy day care. He was a puppy so i wanted him to be socialized because i knew i wanted a second dog. He absolutely loved it there. He would get so excited when we pulled up there and he was so warn out when he left. He would pass out as soon as i picked him up. I think the cost was $30 a day but you could buy packages that made it cheaper like i would buy 5 sessions and it would make it a little cheaper. I only took him a couple of times a week until we got our second dog. Hey Danielle! That's what we are thinking too! We really want another dog and our puppy now does not really get to "socialize". I actually feel a little nervous for him. He such a sweet & loving puppy. I don't want him to get bullied around! ha!
  6. I find that eyebrow & lip wax honestly hurts for that 1 second. It's really not too bad. I think it's best for you to get this done maybe 2 days before you leave? The redness will go away within hours so you don't have to worry about that... Now like YoursTruly, I too have been considering a brazilian wax but I'm sooooooo scared! Any thoughts on this procedure??
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by KatyKo I take my pup to daycare just about every Wednesday. She loves it. It was a great way to socialize her as a young pup and now it breaks up her week so that she isn't home alone every day while we are at work. I take Tessa to our Vet (who also provides daycare) and it is $21/day. Pretty expensive when you add up how much it is per month, but it is so worth it for her. She is so pooped at the end of the day Thanks for sharing ladies!! Sounds like Doggy Daycare is popular! I love the idea of my dog having a "social life" so to speak. I'm going to start looking around for places here in San Antonio... Katy, how old is your pup? I have a labradoodle who is 7 months old so I hope he is of age! ha!
  8. samanthag

    toronto newbie

    CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the forum!
  9. I'm at home watching Animal Planet's, It's Me or the Dog show. The trainer suggest Doggy Daycare if you leave your dog at home alone while you are at work. I'm wondering, is Doggy Daycare very popular? What does this usually cost?
  10. beautiful dress! i love the back! congratulations!!!! =)
  11. WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!!! Happy planning to you!
  12. samanthag


    WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!!! Happy planning to you!
  13. WELCOME TO THE FORUM TANYA!!!! Happy planning to you!
  14. WELCOME TO THE FORUM CARLA!!!! Happy planning to you!
  15. WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!! Happy planning to you!!!!
  16. samanthag

    PV bride

    WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!! Happy planning to you!!!!
  17. WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!! Happy planning to you!!!!
  18. WELCOME MARGO!!! Happy planning to you!!!!
  19. samanthag


    WELCOME KAROL!!! Happy planning to you!!!!
  20. Ha! How funny that I'm reading this thread right now! I returned from work very late or shall we say early this morning 3:30 a.m. The flights are crazy because of all this crappy weather!!!! Anyhoo, I'm finally awake & going through my TV recordings & I was looking for The Starter Wife & just realized that last week was the season finale! crap! I luv this show too!! It's great! I know I can always get a good laugh when I watch it!! And yes the changing of the husband was weird at first but I'm still hooked! It's nice to know I'm not the only one watching the show!!
  21. From the bottom of my heart, Thanks for all of your encouraging words!!!!!! My doctor has been saying this for a few years now. At the end of every visit he says, " So Samantha when are we thinking of having kids..." I would always laugh & totally ignore the question but now that I am getting closer to 35 I guess it's starting to bug me now. I mean, in no way do I feel my age much less be able to swallow someone telling me that I might have problems when I "decide" I'm ready? I feel better that I have shared this with all of you and I sincerely appreciate you sharing your personal stories...
  22. Hey girls! Why does my doctor insist that I have my first child before I turn 35?? I'm 32 right now. We moved our wedding date from 2009 to 2010, so I'll be getting married at the age of 34. FI & I want to have a baby after we officially get married. I'm soooo frustrated!!!!!! I had to cancel my appointment with my gyno today because I thought I was going to work and then my scheduling department called me & said that my flights today were cancelled so now I'm not working until tomorrow- but of course my doctor can't see me now. I scheduled this appointment because I want to know why he is so concerned with the whole age thing? What do you girls think? Does age really matter?
  23. Congratulations! Welcome to the forum! You will find all the info u need here!
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