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Everything posted by samanthag

  1. Congratulations MRS!!!!!!! Can't wait to read all about ur wedding!
  2. Welcome to the forum!!!!! Happy planning to you! =)
  3. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning to you!
  4. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning to you!
  5. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning to you
  6. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning to you
  7. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning to you!
  8. Welcome Ryan! It's super sweet of you to try & help out your FI. Not many men do that! lol You will find tons of info on here!!!!!
  9. samanthag


    Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you will find all the info you need here!
  10. Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you will find all the info you need here!
  11. Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you will find all the info you need here!
  12. You see, that's true. I have my "big" jeans stretching on the iron board as we speak! lol =) One section at a time. I hope they fit by morning!
  13. FI and I are leaving tomorrow to New Orleans for the weekend to celebrate my best friends birthday. Actually there are several of us flying in from all over & meeting in New Orleans at a small B & B. So sounds like fun, huh? Hurricanes galore! NOPE!!!! I have gained approx 15 pounds last year and my clothes don't frickin fit me! Ugh! I mean, I truly understand that people have much bigger problems in the world but it's just.... UGH!!!!!!! I don't want to go out and buy "fat" clothes. Well I don't want to & I can't afford to either. Thanks for letting me vent!
  14. What a HuGe relief! I'm glad to hear all is well!!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl FI doesn't know but I am taking him for a suprise trip to Austin. We are going to go to 6th street and I got tickets for us to see his favorite band there! I just hope I don't ruin the suprise. I am so bad at them!!! That is awesome!!!!!! Your FI is going to be super happy!!!!! That makes for a wonderful Valentine Day! Good for you girly!=)
  16. I'm watching Oprah too! I got a phone call during Dr Phil so I had to pause for a few minutes so I'm a little behind but my goodness
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C I have a snow day today. So I saw it too. Its crazy she didnt think she was needy. How funny. He has given up almost everything in his life because of her!!!! That's nuts! I'm curious at the questions Dr Phil posted on his website that he thinks every couple should be able to answer. Dr. Phil.com - Advice - The Newlywed Quiz I'm going to print this & see how FI & I compare....
  18. I'm at home browsing through the channels and stopped on Dr Phil. (most of the time I can't stand his voice. don't know what it is) But today he's doing an episode: The doctor counsels newlyweds who are already facing marital struggles. It's actually pretty interesting. The first couple is CrAzY! Or at least the wife is! Funny how people get married and they don't even know each other!!! What in the world are wrong with these folks??
  19. I do admit that I hated Valentine's Day before I met FI. Maybe that's half my struggle??
  20. I love love love BEYONCE!!!!!!!!!
  21. So it sounds like it's tolerable I'm such a chicken though. I would rather them put me to sleep then I wake up & voila it's done!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Oh, that sounds nice! I could use a little pampering I actually only found your thread cuz I searched for "valentine". I am at a loss this year as to what to do for Matt. I usually buy him something practical and something fun, each time i buy him something. Usually, the something "fun" has something to do with sex. I just feel that is getting old and I should try something different. But I have no idea what! I've already done the "go away for a weekend", "go to a super nice restaurant", "buy sexy lingerie", etc. route. Got any ideas He's not really materialistic. Kinda the anti-materialistic. He thinks everything is a waste of money. Unless it has to do with his car, of course. Anyway, I am at a total loss. It's our first Valentine's married and I have no clue how to make it special! I'm with you. Although we have the plans at the resort I don't have anything planned for him just yet.... Still thinking.... We have lots of creative people on here we should be able to think of something...
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