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Everything posted by *Krista*

  1. Sue I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how you feel about flying home for the funeral. I lost my poppy a few years back too. Do you know that newfie song "Grandpa loved his motorboat, All the days of his life;He wouldn't trade it in for a pot of gold, He'd rather part with his wife. He was up every morning at five o'clock, Fishin' in the cold, cold sea; But at night when he got home, Grandma said, "Take your cold, cold hands off of me." Whenever I think of that song I think of my poppy and how much he loved fishing and his boat. It gives me a little chuckle!! I'm really glad that you got to go back last summer and have a great visit with your grandpa - remember the good times!! We love you Sue!
  2. I have a similar problem, except with mine, I have about 10 "maybes" who are saying that they are just waiting to find out about jobs, time off work, etc. I think this is a crock of sh*t, and they are just avoiding saying "no", or they aren't being honest with themselves that they don't have the time or money to come. I'm not sure what exactly the problem is, but I've decided that because FI and I can't plan what wedding package, oots bags, dinner, etc (basically we can't plan 50% of our wedding) without final numbers, I'm just going to send an email to people and let them know that if they haven't booked by May 21st - that's about 6 weeks before the wedding date and before we leave for Mexico - then I counting them out. I have to start planning, and by that time, the resort needs to know who my guests are and I need to know how many people are coming so I can plan details. I think by sending that cutoff date, that people will either buckle down and make a decision and stick to it, or they will back out for sure and finally say the "no" that they have been avoiding.
  3. Oh yeah, i guess the mercury thing would be a problem. I never thought about that! Timberly - I think I'm catching that shopping cold haha!! I actually went shopping this weekend. FI bought some new clothes for Mexico, and I bought two cute little bride lingerie outfits, new hot pink nail polish, some great heels, and a great hobo style purse. Love shopping! FI and I definitely plan to hit up New York in the future, so when we do, I'll have to let you know and we can shop together! That may have to be our second BDW get together and all the others girls will come too!
  4. Has anybody heard anything about a new fee for the judge/minister? On the website, it says the cost is now $600, which I'm assuming is included if you are buying a package (or getting the free package), but that is much more than it used to be. Also, I saw a bride post something under a thread about free weddings that say there was a $300 new surcharge for the judge because of a new law or something. Has anyone else heard anything about this??
  5. Hi ladies! It's Sunday Morning so I slept in! Erica, thanks for the pics and inspiration! I love your cupcake tree too! It's super cute. We are not sure if we will have a cake or cupcakes, or we may just do fresh fruit and a chocolate fountain or just dainties. We'll see what the FMIL decides Brooke, I would be so honoured if all you ladies decide to come down for my wedding. I figured with all the baby planning, house buying, and newlywedded bliss going on that maybe it wouldn't happen. Our wedding/honeymoon is going to be at Dreams Tulum. We are arriving on July 6 and staying till July 17. The resort is really nice, you can walk for miles and see nothing, and the ruins are very close, the only thing that sucks is it is about 2 hours drive from the airport.
  6. I too have been experiencing this same stress of people originally saying yes and yet, still have not booked with only 3 months left to go. However, when FI and I talked about it, we decided that it didn't matter if the people who said they would come don't end up booking because we might actually enjoy it more if less people are there, less to worry about and more time to spend with the ones who do actually end up coming. For me, the frustration is not actually people saying they would come and then backing out, it's the frustration that I can't plan anything (oots bags, deocrations, etc), until I have a final count, and I have a lot of people who keep saying they want to come and are "moving heaven and earth" to come, yet still haven't booked. I have a hard time believing that if they are coming, they have yet to book. I keep telling them too that the resort is not huge and they may not be able to get a room if they wait too long, but I think they are just denying the inevitable, or don't want to disappoint me by saying no, but I would rather they just tell me they can't come, then leave me in limbo where I can't plan anything because they "may or may not" book!!! ARRGHH!! Sorry ladies, that was my little vent for the day!
  7. Hi Ladies! Thanks for all the suggestions about punch. I'm thinking I will not do it now...we are doing inside Timberly, but part of the venue is outside, like a beautiful fenced in courtyard that is attached and there's some seating out there, so the doors will probably be open most of the time. Mmm...guess I didn't really think that through so well! Ah well, back to my original plan of seashells and candles! Maybe I'll sprinkle petals on the tables for colour instead. Brooke - that ticker is awesome. Especially the part about how your baby's brain is still tiny, but still has more brain cells than Paris Hilton BAHHHHHAAAHHHAA!! LMAO!! My coworkers probably think I'm crazy because I started laughing hysterically in my office! So, it seems some of you have had to sign your original name and Erica had to sign her new name. I'm gonna start practicing my new name just in case lol My classes are over next week ladies so you know what that means! Wedding planning overdrive!! LOL! I can't believe that it's exactly 3 months today to the eve of my wedding! I know I won't be able to sleep. I'll have to go for a 5 kilo run or something just to get my body to be tired enough to crash that night. LOL. Anyway, next week, once my final assignment is done, I'm going to start taking pictures of all my stuff so I can start on my planning thread. I'm going to do it a bit at a time so that it doesn't pile up on me. My newest addition is going to be my awesome TTD that I'm buying from Ali! I'm so excited for it! I've been looking for a great TTD that is an actual wedding dress but not too expensive. And she purchased them from a charity, so I know the money went to a great cause!! Oh yeah, and two more friends booked!! YAY!! Christina, any more pics to show us??
  8. Hi PrincessScorpion, I think it really is a personal choice thing. Some people really like the artistic nature of TTD, and they see it as fun photos they would like to have for years to come. It's not for everyone though, and many brides choose not to do TTD, or to do a more "tame" TTD, with just some cutesy in town photos or something. It really IMO is more about the artisitc photos you get rather than actually trashing the dress, which is why many also buy a cheaper second dress or just a plain cheap white dress.
  9. Hey ladies thanks for the advice! I hadn't really thought about the spilling thing. Mmm...I'll have to check with FI's mom, since she is the one planning everything. I know she was planning to borrow table clothes from her church, but I don't think they would appreciate big stains on their table clothes. We may have to rethink this! The other option is those lemonade/iced tea holders that have the cute little spouts. If you get a clear one then you can still decorate the punch with berries, lemons, etc and you will be able to see them through the clear plastic. That way, no body would be spilling....mmm....food for thought! How are new mommies to be doing? Feeling okay?
  10. Hi Island Bride, Sorry but there is no back pic of that hair. I just googled side ponytail and veil and looked for images. Is there any way you could change your veil so that it is on a simple small comb? Do you mind if I asked if you considered wearing your hair up with the veil for the ceremony, but in a simple bun or something. Then when it's time for reception or pictures, etc, you can take the veil off, let the bun out, and have a cute side ponytail? That's what Im considering doing because I can't decide between an updo or a side ponytail, this way I can have both
  11. Wow! She really does have great photos!
  12. I think getting a good "deal" on a photographer sometimes has to do with timing. I was lucky enough to find a wonderful photographer, who is just new in her wedding photography, but has been doing other photography for years. She is also very young and has a fresh eye, which I love. Since she has photographed few weddings, and no destination weddings (that I know of), she is willing to do my wedding for the cost of travel and resort. But I also booked her extra time so she could have some time to relax and enjoy herself. I definitely appreciate all the hard work that photographers put in and wanted her to have some time for herself! Also, I will be tipping her well at the end!
  13. LMAO!! This is an awesome thread! My name is Lola Leather Shock...lol...shock sounds dirty... My name once I'm married will be Lola Dazzle Tush...lol! Fitting since FI loves my booty!
  14. I found a few pics of side ponytail hair with a veil to help you decide if that's a vision you like or not. Here they are!
  15. I, too, am flying my photographer in. I'm from Canada, but I had an awesome photographer recommended to me from a friend who lives in Arkansas. She's from Louisiana and she does awesome work! I'm so excited to meet her and she's doing my welcome dinner, all wedding day and next day TTD for the price of hotel and airfare. It's waaaaay cheaper than most of the photographers in the Mayan Riviera, and she does awesome work! her blog is Kaylynn Marie Photography By the way MarieSam - I love your pics! Congratulations on a beautiful wedding!
  16. I have a question for all you married ladies! I was thinking about this last night and I have no idea if I sign the marriage certificate with my current last name, or my new last name?? Did anyone practice what their new signature would look like. I know, I know...it's silly, but this is what I think about at night - random things! Also, I had the idea to have punch bowls as centerpieces for my AHR, that way we can have punch for everyone (some tables will have bright green lemon lime punch) and others will have bright red berry punch), I'm also going to add frozen fruit to keep it cold and to add colour/decoration to it. I think it will go with the beach/mexican theme. What do you think?
  17. Oh Timberly that is crap! You stand your ground and keep pushing!! It's really terrible that you have to deal with that when it's your wedding. You think these people would think about the situation and think hey, it's your wedding, maybe we should be considerate and flexible. It seems like they are only happy when they are pissing somebody else off! Jeez!
  18. What are the details on the dress, is it stretchy? I'm a size 10, but I might be able to fit size 8...mmm...it's funny because your colour scheme is the exact same as mine. If I didn't already have everything I need I would totally have bought all yours! Even your bouquet colours are similar!
  19. YAYYYY!!! Brooke that's awesome! Tell Justin that your Feb brides say he is definitely good!! That's super funny that he got you pregnant on your first try! He's probably gloating like crazy! Just wait till he tells your friends that story LOL! My FI will probably do the same, he's always gotta be the best and first at everything! LOL! So you will have to use the "fake drink" for sure now! Congrats Bella!
  20. Gorgeous dresses ladies!! I too had the same experience. I said I wanted something simple and chiffon. I put on a satin gown and fell in love with the material! I also said I didn't want any "bling" on the dress, lol! And I ended up getting a dress that is all swarovski crystals on the top. Guess we don't know what we really want!
  21. Rachel Rae that dress is absolutely GORGEOUS!! I love it!!! You look fabulous!
  22. Hi Ladies! Happy Thursday! I'm so excited for the long weekend. I have sooooo much homework to do and wedding stuff to plan! I can't wait for classes to be over so I can devote all my evening time to wedding planning! For now, it will have to be sneaking time at work...lol! Tricia that cake is gorgeous and HUGE! Did your guests even put a dint in that cake? lol! Brooke your party sounds awesome!! I wish I could be there it sounds like a great time! 400 people and beer pong in a hockey arena sounds like a classic Saskatchewan wedding party too! LOL! We have most of our large parties in rinks or barns or quonsets. It's always a good time! And I'm sure with that many people aruond you should be able to "fake drink" no problem! I actually have a funny story about fake drinking. One of mine and Sean's close "couple friends" were pregnant last year around this time, and we went over there for drinks. They were mixing drinks for us, and they were mixing drinks for her using a vodka bottle that they was empty and they filled it with water and just poured "vodka" and coke into a glass for her. So she was drinking diluted coke all night!! And we had no idea! She was less than 3 months so she wanted to wait to tell people and she wasn't even close to showing, so we really had no clue what was going on! Afterwards when I found out, I thought that was really clever! Anyway, thats my fake drink story. LOL... Breens I'm glad to hear that you are doing okay and you are not feeling to sick. Don't worry about the emotional rollercoaster, we've all been there in one way or another! Just hold on and enjoy the ride! LOL! I'm sure, like weddings, having a baby is an emotional process, and every time something new happens, you'll be thinking, wow, I'm having a baby, and the realization of it will keep hitting you, until 8 months from now you hold your beautiful baby in your arms! Then you'll really be thinking WOW! This is real!! It's such a beautiful blessing so enjoy every little step, every little emotional bump, and every second of it! Besides, I'm sure your hubby loves the idea that you are emotional because you are carrying his and your's baby! wow life is so amazing isn't it? Sorry ladies, I'm just having a little cry here...I'm such a sap! LOL! I'm so excited for all these wonderful events we are all experiencing!! Today is a great day!
  23. YAYYYY!! Breens that's awesome!!! Congratulations!! You sure don't waste time girl!! LOL! Well it seems to me that pregnancy is contagious so all our other Feb brides should be preggers in no time! I just have to make sure not to catch it! Have to fit into a dress in 3 months! LOL!
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