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Everything posted by *Krista*

  1. I'm so glad to hear that everything worked out for you AchiCap! Amymarie - I'm sorry to hear that they messed up your ceremony script!! That still boggles me how they can do that considering something as important as your wedding script should be double checked. I think I will have the groom/groomsmen double check with the judge that they have the correct script before I start walking down the aisle! Can't wait to hear your full review and see pics!
  2. Hey ladies, I'm on Day 9 today, got the FI doing it with me now! LOL! Level 1 is actually starting to get easy. I'm doing all the exercises with 5 pounds, except the lateral raises - I have to go down to 3 pounds. And the cardio is getting much easier. I'm not breathing nearly as heavy as before, and I can definitely see gains in my endurance and strength! I haven't seen too many changes (just a 1/4 inch in my waist, 1/2 inch in hips, and 1/2 inch in chest) with my body, but its only been about a week. I've been eating super super clean, so I hope by end of week 2 I will see more results. How's everyone else doing
  3. Krista that is FANTASTIC news!!! YAYYYY!!!! Erica - good to hear from you!! YAY for going back to the states to have a baby aroudn your friends and family, but I know what you mean about being a little sad too. When I left Korea, it was really hard to let go of all the friends we had made in 3 years there. I met lots of great people who I still keep in contact with. But, there's nothing like "coming home"!!! Brooke - you are so cute! You make me crack up all the time! Benefibre - great stuff!! LOL!
  4. LOL Brooke your ticker is soo funny! Susie - I'm glad to hear you are getting the pool ready!!! So exciting!! It's been super warm here and last weekend, they opened the outdoor pool in my complex. I'm so excited to get out and start tanning - my legs glow in the dark! LOL! Krista - how are you doing? Any updates? I've been sending you positive vibes all day!!
  5. Northernflasher I just read your review!! WOW!! You are AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for providing so much information not just about the wedding but also little details at the resort! I also love love your pics from the disco!!! I'm planning on taking my wedding group there too, so it's great to see actual pics from the disco with all the colours, etc! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
  6. So I did day 6 today of level 1, and I'm definitely noticing a huge difference in my stamina- my measurements are down 1 inch chest, 1/4 inch waist, and 1.5 hips, but my weight went up 2.5 pounds!! I figure it's just muscle building, but still...frustrating, now I weigh more than I have ever in my life....
  7. Krista, I'm so sorry to hear that! I think you and your hubby are right though, better to have this happen now then in a few months. Try to relax and take some time for yourself because stress can do very bad things to your body!!
  8. OMG!!! That would have been one of my second choices for dress - I was debating between that style and a poufy princess style - end up going poufy cause it suits my personality more, but this dress is sooooo gorgeous and a very popular style with brides right now, so I'm sure you'll sell it in no time!! Especially for that price!!! I see you are getting married June 11 - soooo close!! Have a great last few weeks before your wedding!
  9. Hi ladies - when I email aurora, I always just reply to her previous email/my previous email, that way it's a chain of emails and she can see our previous chat. That way my name/wedding date/conf.number is always in the subject line as well. Seems to work for me and she always gets back within 2 days to my emails. I also try not to send too many questions at once, then it tends to be longer response times. Hope that helps you ladies!! Congrats LeNell!!! I'm so excited for you!!! And you too ddk5576!!! And you are moving to Canada - where to? I'm hope you'll love it here!!!
  10. Hi ladies!!! I've missed you guys I'm glad you came on to chat!! : ) Chris - I can't wait to see your pics!!! Tricia - That's awesome that you are doing so well! I'm sure things will pick up soon, as people talk about how awesome you are!! Krista - I have the same concerns about telling my mom about stuff - she's very judgemental when it comes to how I spend my money, so usually I don't tell her about my finances - what I make, buy, spend, etc. Sue - good to hear from you!! Sad that stepdaughter is still being such a b*tch, but you definitely know how to play the game with her! Your stories are hilarious! Ali- glad to hear that everything is going well for you too~!! There's so much happiness and excitement with all our Feb brides! It's awesome! My wedding planning is coming along, I got my rings in! YAY! And I think my ceremony is finally planned, but have to have Sean look it over. Still have to get his ring and outfit - he's such a slacker! JK! He's been so busy with his new fancy job, he doesn't have much time for wedding planning. I told him there's only 7 weekends left to get stuff done and he quickly replied, okay, next weekend is you and me babe...and wedding shopping! I need to start on my vows too! YIKES! I'm having a hard time finding a present for my MOH, she's not very girly, very picky about stuff, doesn't wear any jewellery, already has like 30 bottles of perfume, etc. I thought about getting her a clutch, but she would never use it...any ideas
  11. For anyone who is interested, there is a dreams tulum page on facebook and if you post questions on there, there is usually a person who can answer them. Sometimes they just refer you to the appropriate email like spa.dretu@...., etc, but sometimes, they actually answer your questions on facebook. If you are interested....
  12. Ugh Brooke I'm so sorry to hear about you being sick! That sucks! I know what you mean about those crazy dreams, I've had those before, where I woke up still mad at Sean, even though he did nothing...lol! Then I tell him what "he" did in my dream and he goes "ahhhh, now I understand" lol! Are you getting a belly bump yet? How's the crazy busy life going? Has it slowed down at all? Chris - it's hard to stay motivated for the gym when you feel sick and bloated, try to hang in there girl! I can't wait to see your slideshow!!! How are things at work with annoying preggers coworker?
  13. Okay, so I bought my weights and got the vid last night and I tried it first thing this morning -OMG! Wow! she really does kick *ss!! I love that it's a short intense workout too, I need every second I can get with all the wedding plans that need to be finished!
  14. I know Renee!!! It's soooooo exciting!!!! 2 months, thats like 8 weeks, 60 days....whoa!! When are you arriving at Dreams Tulum? You staying after your guests leave?
  15. OMG I love your shoes!! I would have gotten those same ones, if I could walk in those heels!
  16. Awww thanks Princess! I'm a sucker for sparkles too!! I had a bedazzler when I was a little girl and I guess this was my way of reliving my past! LOL!
  17. Krista- I think January is a good month because he/she will be the oldest (or one of the oldest) in their class!! That means being the top of the food chain, lol, j/k!! Ohh! Maybe you will have the first baby of 2011!! Christina - I don't know where everyone else is....they disappeared??!! I'm still here, everyday, every moment, lol! I swear this is what I'm getting paid for, not my actual job. I just can't concentrate on work, I can only think WEDDING!!!
  18. WWOHOOO!! Nsbride! It is definitely feeling real!! :)You are only like 6 weeks away!
  19. LOL That's okay Tracy, I actually get called Kristen all the time, or Kristy, Crystal, Kristine, Katie, lol...pretty much any K name... My highschool class only had 11 people and there was a Crystal, Kristy, Katie, and Krista...our substitute teachers had a hard time!! LOL! Hopefully you hear back from everyone soon and you don't have to chase people down to get their responses!! How is the rest of your planning going? Is the paradisus palma real in Cancun?
  20. Hey ladies, well after all the reading I've done in this thread, you have me convinced!!! I've been looking for something to add to my regular gym workouts to give me an extra boost in these last 7 weeks before my wedding. I'm pumped to try it out tonight!!!
  21. Cathyandchin, I've had the same problem - originally had like 25 people who were "determined" to come, and now that has dwindled down to 8!!! We have 8 people booked so far and our RSVP is for May 15, so I don't think anyone else is going to book now. A few have been saying they are waiting for a "good deal", but what they don't realize is the prices only get higher closer to the date, not lower! This isn't sale season for us in Canada, especially because lots of families take holidays in the summer, the resorts are booking up and fast! Oh well, my originally $3000 wedding is now going to be free because I have fewer than 10 guests! Plus I can really spend quality time with those who have made the effort to come all the way to Mexico! It's going to be a great (small but nice because it's intimate) party!!!! Things I've accomplished recently: got my ring custom made got my TTD started buying contents for oots bags found caterer for AHR figured out centerpieces for AHR got passport renewed for me and FI almost finished ceremony script started on music playlists picked songs for ceremony and signing decided on hairstyle/makeup for day got bridesmaid dress and shoes got purse for wedding day got accessories for wedding day made DIY t-shirts for wedding party Still to do: hair coloring/cut tanning get FI's band get FI's outfit personal vows finish OOT bag contents finalize wedding script make veil dress alterations - done this month send out pre-wedding brochure WOW! Still lots to do!
  22. Hi erinrachel! Your plans sound wonderful! If I had a bigger than 10 group, I would probably have chosen the buffet as well to minimize costs. I had originally planned to have the dreams of love package, when I thought I would have around 20 guests. Now most of my guests have backed out (only have 9), and our parents are throwing us a huge AHR when we get back, so we've decided to just do a small (free) intimate wedding down there. I think I will probably do this: 3 pm - ceremony 4pm - cocktails/champagne and cake at the sugar reef bar area next to beach/pictures taken during this time. 6-6:30 go down and get a place in line for one of the restaurants (it will depend on which ones are open because some are closed certain nights). I'm hoping Seaside grill for the open air factor, but if not, bordeaux would probably be second choice, third choice: buffet or theme night. After dinner (8pm) go to the bar and have a few more drinks, dance a little, hit up the disco. We don't plan on it being a late night since we are waking up at 6 am for a TTD the next day. At least that's my plan~ LOL~!
  23. YAAYYYY!!! Krista that is awesome news!!! Congratulations!! Another Feb bride baby!! Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
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