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Everything posted by amandalovesryan

  1. ah yes, the canvas tote bag! gotta love that! at my hospital we are big fans of umbrellas and towels!
  2. do you guys know how much I love you?!?! I really thought that I was crazy! Carly, you must be super stressed because it is soon time for you to leave too! Thanks so much for telling me that I am not alone! It makes me feel less like having nervous diarrhea!
  3. So, those of you who know anything about me, know that I have anxiety and OCD issues. Well, guess what? With the wedding one week away, things are in high gear! My latest anxiety is this: what if the plane that has everyone I love in it, crashes? I cannot stop thinking about it. If I am alone or sitting around, this pops into my head. I am having trouble falling asleep at night with worry. Does anyone else ever think this or am I the only looney-tune? Another anxiety is that something bad will happen to somebody before we leave. That is also something that I cannot stop thinking about. I know that it is stupid, that nothing I do can change what is going to happen but I cannot help it. Even as I type this, it sounds silly but tell that to my brain! I think I need a xanax! Oh well, at least typing it makes me feel better! I cannot really tell anyone about this except Ryan and my mom. So it feels better to tell you guys! Thanks for listening!
  4. Thanks! I forgot that it is nurses's week! I have off this week so I will not be able to get my cheesy gift from work! Oh well, I guess I would rather go to Jamaica, he he!
  5. Thanks for the answers, ladies! I think i just might do it. if it sucks, i will just have them redo those nails!
  6. So, I was thinking about getting a french pedicure and then on one big toe, have them paint "I" and on the other big toe paint "do." Everyone at work thinks this is lame. I thought it was cute because then I could pull up my dress and take a pic with my flip flops and my cute toes. What do you think? Honestly, please!
  7. have a great time! I hope to see you there!
  8. lizz, are you as excited/stressed/crazy as I feel? We leave on Thursday! I cannot wait!
  9. oh, steph, this is so exciting! i have happy butterflies for you!
  10. did you see on TMZ that he supposedly gave her the ring that he gave to his last fiancee? poor mariah!
  11. I just wanted to let you guys know about this site I found, it is the guy from Youtube when you type in Canon in D, steel drum band. It is steeldrummusic.net i am getting my cd in the mail probably saturday so i will let you know how it goes. it will be nice to have a backup! Just in case!
  12. that sucks! i hope that you change your mind and stop in now and then to say hi! good luck!
  13. i am so with you! I feel like i have so much to do, but am i doing it? no, i am sitting here on BDW. I would love to clean before we go. I do not have to work again until we get back so I feel like I have all this time, yet I don't! ARGGGHHHH
  14. my alterations were so expensive. It was like 120 for the hem. and then it was about an additional 200 hundred for adjusting the straps and adding a bustle. oh and they took it in about 2 inches!
  15. we did something like it in the DR. It was awesome. Only difference is we were not in a cage. In hindsight, we were kinda stupid for doing it but it was so crazy, exciting!
  16. are you excited or stressed? I am so excited but I feel like I cannot think straight, feel like I have so much to do!
  17. So, who will be there then? I know that Lizz will be there when I am there, anyone else? Are you guys ready? I am feeling very stressed and so excited! Let me hear your plans!
  18. i used to work for a doctor and got to meet a bunch of the Philadelphia Eagles. The one year all of my coworkers were invited to a benefit party for kids in Philly put on by the Eagles. It was so cool. All of the Eagles were there and so were random celebrities like Gervais (sp) from the first Survivor and people like that. It was a great time. oh, and my mom gets excited because Davey Jones from the Monkees sorta lives near her and there have been random sightings.
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