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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Ann I am so glad that you got home okay! Thank goodness it wasn't too bad. I'm just glad that you and Gwen are safe at home.
  2. Uggh its so hot down there too! It was really humid and steamy yesterday. This poor woman lying on that dirty ass floor with tons of people staring at her vajayjay. I feel for her! And then the trains just kept rolling so of course she was constantly surrounded by people. Umm it says she left her home at 3PM which means she could have given birth at 5ish which would mean rush hour. OMG just thinking about it gives me palpitations. I would have literally died. I don't touch anything on the train, I skeeve it. Yuck!
  3. I just donated 1000 points to you so that you can at least download stuff if you need too. I'm sorry about the problem. And yes BDW is very addicting!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Oh, I'm sorry. I take the subways all the time and there is NO amount of money for which I would give birth on a subway platform. They are dirty, smelly, rat- and god-knows-what else infested places. I don't even think I'd stand on a platform barefooted for $10 million. You could add all the zeroes you can think of to that number and there would still be no way I'd give birth there. Hahaha! I'm a germaphobe (sp?) and this is all I could think about while I read the article. That poor women. I actually felt worse about the disgustingness than the fact that she got no epidural and has to suffer through that pain. Poor thing didn't have a choice though, that baby was coming!
  5. I have the same one. Alyssa recommended it to me and it was one of the best things I ever purchased! I love it. It is amazing, super comfy and I think it comes in Cali-King.
  6. Yeah its Cindy Adams from the NY Post who at the end of her column always tells a little random story about a NewYorker doing something ridiculous and then says Only in NY kids, only in NY. LOL.
  7. I was reading this in the NY Post today. All I kept thinking was "Only in New York Kids, Only in New York" LOL. (That is a famous saying by a new york post gossip columnist)
  8. Happy Birthday Lisa! Hope you have a great one and many more!
  9. Its not a problem Karen. In fact I'll pack them up today so I don't forget them on saturday.
  10. OMG I just caught up on this thread. What a complete wackadoo. I'm so sorry your going through this but I guess reading from this thread you have a new job? CONGRATS! I'm off to find your new job thread. (Sorry I've been so busy, I haven't been keeping up) I hope these last few days are as painless as possible. She obv has issues, but you shouldn't let that get to you.
  11. Umm off the top of my head I would say; 1. The volcano erruption with the baking soda 2. Studying rocks 3. Recycling colored paper (you shred it and then dip it in water) 4. Testing chemicals in water with litmus paper 5. Learning about reproduction in plants by studying fruits seeds
  12. Happy Birthday Erica! I hope you have a great one and many more!
  13. Thanks for posting! I love the pics! Btw you look great in those dresses!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. glenda, i thought about doing this, but what happens when it starts growing out? doesn't the root get curly and frizzy? Yes when it grows out you need to re-do it. I get it done twice a year (every six months) and to me it is so worth it! Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I had this done a few years ago (it's $$$) and I did like it but here were the downfalls (for me) and why I haven't done it since: -no body/volume/fullness -still needed shaping w/ a curling/flat iron (after the shower, it definitely dries pin straight, but my hair would look retarded if I still didn't use a styling tool to give the ends some shape and especially shape around my face -the growing-out phase ... you have to keep up with it (again, $$$) or you will be straigtening the roots with a flat iron once it starts to grow out (although I do recall that the process goes into the roots a bit so it takes longer for your natural hair texture to re-emerge, which is nice. -hair color ... it's not always recommended with colored or hi-lited hair, and i have hi-lites and major grey cover-up However, overall I did like it and would do it again in a heartbeat if I could afford it.. On the market now is something called Brazilian straightening. I think its not permanent like the Japanese straightening. I don't like this one at all b/c while it straightens your hair it still comes out looking poofy. So sometimes people get this done and they think they got Japanese straightening but they didn't and they end up not happy with it. I go to this place in Queens, New York called HAIR VILLAGE. It is super famous. It is always on the news. People from all around the world come to it b/c the owner knows what she is doing. You can't just go to any old person b/c they are chemicals and you can damage your hair if not applied properly. Also, she charges anywhere from $140-$200 depending on how thick and long your hair is. I don't know what this process costs like in other parts of the states but I can tell you that anywhere other than this salon charges $700-$1000 in NY! Sometimes even more. It is obscene. This woman makes sooooo much money b/c she basically has an assembly line of workers, she leaves everyone's hair perfect, and she is affordable. I have seen people get it done at other places and it left their hair volumeless. I have never seen one person leave that salon that was not 100% satisfied. Everyone's hair looks amazing and they have the right amount of volume. Also, my sister and my friends get it done and they all dye their hair. As long as you take care of it w/special conditioners your hair should be fine if you dye it.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. yes - someone said last week that she was hot at auditions, but fizzled out. i agree. My FI watched the auditions with me and he is not into this show but when she came on he was like "That's the only hot chick in the show." And I said "Yes she's hot but this is a show about dance skills not how hot you are." He looked at me like I was crazy and said "Sweetheart in the real world where I live people with zero talent are millionaires b/c they are hot." Then he started naming people like Britney Spears, etc. So I was like "Yeah but at least Britney can dance". LOL. Quote: Originally Posted by Philly_Bride I’m a HUGE fan. I’m a ballroom dancer in the past so this is my kind of show!!! I have a story to tell you fans.. I do some modeling for bridal shows from time to time.. So we're getting ready to rehearse before one the shows and the choreographer said that there is going to be a guy joining us, he’s going to model the tuxedos. I was ok..well... He’s better be hot.. I almost fainted when I saw that guy. It was Musa Cooper, from the second season of “So you think you can danceâ€. MySpace.com - Musa - 99 - Male - New Jersey - www.myspace.com/musacooper It wasn’t a regular bridal show where models just go up and down the runway. We actually had to do some dancing. They partnered me up with him and I was more nervous then ever since I'm a big fan but I never told him I was. Well, let me tell you.. He stole the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so cool. I would have been super nervous!
  16. I love this show too! I watched the auditions but I haven't kept up with the show. I need to start watching again. Was the Miami girl the teacher who had the pink streaks in her hair? The spanish girl?
  17. Their actual wedding day is this friday the 27th. But we can start celebrating early for her! LOL. She would def love that! Either way have an amazing wedding, we know its going to be great and hurry up and bring us pics!
  18. Oh I am so sorry. I am keeping him in my prayers and hoping that he gets better soon.
  19. Happy Birthday Janet! I hope you have an amazing birthday and many more!
  20. Amy those are sooooooo cute! I love them! I wish I had little kids coming so I could make them too!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill glenda, I don't think I ever saw your dress before, but its beautiful!!! I love it, you're going to look so pretty! Thank you Jill. That's assuming that I fit into it of course. (as I sit here eating a rainbow cookie) BAD GLENDA!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by carly OMG, did you say Saturday! Holy moly that came up quick all the sudden! I am so excited fo ryou Glenda! I hope it goes beautifully and I have no doubt tha you will be a radiant bride. Can't wait to hear about the cupcakes too. Thanks Carly!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie ooh glenda, tell me more, tell me more! Its real name is thermal reconditioning but its known as Japanese Straightening. Its a long process but sooooooo worth it. They wash your hair, blow dry it dry, then they put this chemical relaxer on you (its not harsh at all). Depending on your hair type, whether or not you have coloring on your hair, etc, they leave it on for a specific amount of time. Then you wash it you and they blow your hair out. Then they straighten your hair with a flat iron. This is the part that takes forever. They literally flat iron your hair doing teeny tiny piece by piece. After its all done, they coat your hair with a neutralizer. You leave that on for 15 minutes and then you wash it out. Then you blow your hair out and it is pin straight. After you have the whole process done, you can't wash your hair for three days. You also can't wear a hat, headband, or put your hair in a ponytail for three days. It sounds like a lot but it is so worth it. After three days you wash your hair and you don't even need to blow dry it, your hair will just dry to perfection. I'm not kidding I hate heinous hair and my hair always looks like I got it done by a celebrity stylist. Its awesome. And the best part is that you can go in a pool or the ocean and when your hair dries, it will dry pin straight. And you never frizz or get that terrible curling when you start sweating. Just pin straight hair all the time! I absolutely love it!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by amyrak Glenda did I miss the thread where you posted pics of you in the dress?? I want to see the finished product...it looks beautiful though. Amy I haven't posted pics of me in the dress b/c I wasn't allowed to take pics at the salon. Since the wedding is sat I will just wait to post pics straight from the wedding. I hope this sucker fits! LOL.
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