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Everything posted by Nrvsbride

  1. Kat they look great! I am def jealous! Did you get silicone or saline if you don't mind my asking? How many cc's did you get? I am so glad that you are healing nicely and painlessly!
  2. Maybe it was for one of the reasons already stated but they thought you would get mad and yell at them so they bolted. The same way you feel a little paranoid, its possible they felt paranoid and got out of there in case you called the cops or something. It could be something simple like they just like features of your house. Hey maybe someone wrote to Extreme Makeover and they are redoing your house for you! Wouldn't that be awesome! Or maybe your going to be on one of those decorating shows and they are production assistants who have to get info. That would be fabulous!
  3. Off the top of my head, your being sued for some reason, real estate appraisals, they are doing a background check for the police department, (although honestly I've never heard of this happening), etc. Shady...very shady. Do you have any problems with neighbors or anyone else?
  4. Ok here's my issue. I'm a "on the go" kind of girl. I just don't have the time to be cooking and preparing meals to the T. How in the heck am I supposed to know if there is a 15 gram serving of fat in something? Aside from the obv of looking at the nutrition label what do I do if I'm ordering a grilled chicken salad? Or a sandwhich?
  5. Do you mean to tell me that you didn't sneak Niblet into the courtroom? LOL. Morgan congratulations, you look positively glowing! You look so pretty, your dress is great and its so nice to see you happy and having a good time. Hooray for your legal wedding!
  6. Oh Betsy I hope your okay. Now that I think of it I haven't seen her around. Hmm hopefully she'll log on and tell us she's okay.
  7. Maura I may just end of changing my setting to something like what you have. Just a plain band with diamonds and then sit my diamond higher up so that my band will be flush against it. But I'm going to wait till after the wedding b/c right now I feel more pressed to take care of other things. But I am def getting James ring from Bluenile. I just need to wait for him to go get measured and then I am ordering it. Its kind of exciting to see a guy get a ring. I don't know why but I'm so used to girls being excited about the rings but I wonder how James will feel. LOL.
  8. UPDATE: So I trekked back to the diamond district to see the guy my friend (the diamond distributor) recommended I go to. Eeew his rings were so ugly. He had gaudy thick gold bands with diamonds for men. Like the kind gangster rappers wear. (Sorry if anyone's hubby is a ganster rapper or likes this kind of jewelery) It was awful. So then I am showing him a pic of what I want and the guy is showing me the gaudiest bands I have ever seen in my life. I can't imagine any female wearing them. They were super thick and heavy and just did not look feminine at all! So I tell him I don't like his stuff (in nicer words of course) and he tells me he can custom make what I want for $600 (the new setting plus a wedding band) but that it gets made in Hong Kong and it would take longer than 2 weeks. Ummm yeah that's not going to work. So I just decided to check out stores on my own. One guy had what I wanted but he said it would cost $2,800 and I would still have to get the curved band. So finally I left defeated and dejected and gave up. I think I'm just going to buy a cheap whatever band for myself, just so James has something to place on my finger and I will get a band later on. Thank you all for your help!
  9. I got zip. LOl. Allright let me let the creative juices flow and then I'll get back to you.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Maura when things get a little crazy for me, I always have a slightly psychotic laugh. It's the first step of a mental break down. Sometimes I laugh along with the voices in my head...that's a true psychotic meltdown. LOL.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsRust I know how you feel...one of my BMs, who has been my best friend for over 10 years now...sent an email to our group of friends (we have an email group to keep us sane at work) and casually mentioned she wouldn't be making it to my engagement party within the email about everything else. She didn't acknowledge me or even my engagement party...she just said...I won't be making it Saturday. Grrr. You'd think they could at least pick up the phone to call you!! Oh well, their loss...she will be missing a ton of karaoke fun and good food Ok I'm sorry but that is just rude. How do you just casually throw that in there? ~Maura that is so annoying. I hate FB, Myspace, Friendster, etc. I hate all of them I think it makes people so lazy and people become so consumed and involved in that world that it annoys me...as I sit here typing on a forum. LOL.
  12. I was thinking of trying this too. I actually just researched it a week ago. This is what the pill is all about: Orlistat (marketed under the trade name Xenical by Roche; or over-the-counter as alli[2] by GlaxoSmithKline (pronounced like the English word "ally")—also known as tetrahydrolipstatin—is a drug designed to treat obesity.[3] Its primary function is preventing the absorption of fats from the human diet, thereby reducing caloric intake. It is intended for use in conjunction with a physician-supervised reduced-calorie diet. Orlistat is the saturated derivative of lipstatin—a potent natural inhibitor of pancreatic lipases isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces toxytricini.[4] However, due to simplicity and stability, orlistat rather than lipstatin was developed into an anti-obesity drug. Orlistat works by inhibiting pancreatic lipase, an enzyme that breaks down triglycerides in the intestine. Without this enzyme, triglycerides from the diet are prevented from being hydrolyzed into absorbable free fatty acids and are excreted undigested. Only trace amounts of orlistat are absorbed systemically; the primary effect is local lipase inhibition within the GI tract after an oral dose. The primary route of elimination is through the feces. At the standard prescription dose of 120 mg three times daily before meals, orlistat prevents approximately 30% of dietary fat from being absorbed,[6] and about 25% at the standard over-the-counter dose of 60 mg.[7][8] Higher doses do not produce more potent effects.[9] --------------------------------------------------------------------- The reason why you poop so much is b/c it contains that Orilstat which is like that ingredient they were putting in those chips remember? The ones that gave people bad cramps and made them run to the bathroom. So that is why so many people have leakage. If you eat healthy anyway you will lose weight. But the reason why this is always raved about is b/c even though your only eating 15 grams of fat, half of those grams are being blocked by the alli pill. So its really like you only ate half of that. So even if you didn't take Alli and ate healthy, you still wouldn't be getting the benefit of half the calories. That's what makes it so "great".
  13. Abbie, Every morning Jamy will have to get me my virtual coffee. Then Maura will have to sort my PM's in order of importance. Then Jamy and Maura will take turns writing witty posts under my name so I can claim all the glory as a well-spoken humorous mod. Seriously, if Jamy and Maura are anything like me, they will do absolutely nothing b/c they will be worthless like me. But since they are awesome girls I know they will help out a tremendous deal!
  14. YAY! I am sooooooooo frikin excited!! Congrats ladies!
  15. Def inches! Congrats on that tremendous accomplishment. Even the scale may go down it doesn't mean your clothes will fit any better. I would love to lose inches over pounds anyday!
  16. Yay Morgan! I am super excited for you! Obv come back quickly so you can post pics and let us know how it went! YAY!
  17. Just caught up on this thread. Amy I am so glad that you are getting them on time! What a relief. And that is amazing that they are sending it to you at no extra charge. When you get them you should def write a review so others know what a great company they are. Btw they look amazing. I love that bouquet!
  18. This is honestly one of the cutest things a BDW member has done for someone else. I love it! I love this forum and all the nice things we do for each other. YAY!
  19. I had been doing it for a couple of days and I lost a lot of weight fast. Like 1.5 pounds per day. But then I got AF and it ruined everything and I got cranky and I started eating crap again. But I need to get on it again ASAP so I will def join everybody in doing this monday!
  20. Do you want super curly hair or do you just mean the soft curls? If you want curly, curly hair you can use gel or mousse and then blow dry your hair using a diffuser. But you have to blow dry your hair upside down and then scrunch your hair as your doing it. If you are reffering to soft curls and you plan to put your hair half up-half down or just up then use lots of hairspray. And if your hair is dirty it will hold better. Well make sure its not too oily b/c then the curls won't stick but the hair should be somewhat dirty so that your curls will stay intact. Use one of those superhold products and it will probably last a lot longer even in the wind.
  21. OMG that was possible the best story ever told on BDW! Amazing! Morgan is going to die when she sees this. I must say I'm super excited for her legal ceremony. Not sure why but it honestly sounds like my dream wedding. I know that probably sounds weird but to me the idea of just getting married and then going to eat yummy Mexican food and drink margaritas sounds fabulous!
  22. You can get rid of a lot of it. But it is hard. You have to drink tons of water and you have to really limit the crap you put into your body and do a lot of weight training. If you eat healthy and eat lots of protein you will see a significant change. If you do lots of plies, lunges, and squats with weights you will see a change. You can also try those treatments where they put a machine on your thighs and they break up the cellulite clumps. But that alone won't work. You have to do a combination of all these things.
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