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How to remind guests to book their room

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I am encountering the same problem- I have about 20 people who say they are coming but only a handful put down a deposit!!

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It is really crazy to read this whole thread and realize that so many people can be so inconsiderate, and so many of us are having this negative experience while trying to plan a special event?  I just don't get it.  We are getting married 5/23/14.  I sent out the save the dates magnets with our website in late September and the invitations were sent out in late October which also included our website again.  I asked people to RSVP their intent by December 1, hoping that the stragglers would at least get moving by this month and pay their deposits.  Out of the 110 invitations that we sent out, I have received 14 yes RSVPs, and about 8 no RSVPs.  Based on the count, we have about 88 invites we have not yet received any response for at all or they informed me that they are waiting to book for various reasons.  I excuse the people that I've spoken to about their situation, so that leaves about 80 responses with no answer.  What is with people??  We put down an initial deposit of $1500 on 15 rooms, and had to lower it a few weeks ago to 10 rooms because we feel very uncomfortable with the idea that we will be stuck with that penalty if no one books.  Right now we only have 5 rooms booked.  My fiancé has family that is avoiding talking to him because they don't want to tell him they are unable to come, and this is after some of them raised hell due to the location not being in New York (where we don't live) or in the states.  I have LOADS more family than he does so it would have been a logistical and financial nightmare for us so that's why we decided to make our lives easier and have a DW.  At the end of the day, I figure who really wanted to be there has had over a year and a half to save considering that we told everyone long before we sent out the save the dates what we were doing.  We actually planned to get married in September 2013 in St. Lucia and actually changed our plans after a house renovation went crazy AND we determined that it might be easier on our guests if we pick a less expensive destination with better air routes.  For those reasons we changed the date to May and the location to Punta Cana, but yet here we are!  We can't even get a phone call much less the stamped reply card to let us know what they are planning on doing...


I get that a lot of people might not be able to make it, but at the very lease they should just say they aren't going to make it.  How hard is that to do? Unreal...


Go figure!! :blink:

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Sorry to hear this frustrations. I refused to do a room blocking for this exact reason. I gave them all the information they needed and even a travel agent they can use but no group blockings. If they come, they come. If they, they don't... either way I'm getting married and all is invited.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

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I thought I was making things easier, but lesson learned.  Next time I do any kind of event similar to this, I will take all stress off myself and tell everyone to book on their own and move on with life.  Way too stressful when you're dealing with a lot of people. 


But I definitely have the same attitude as you, you're invited so the rest is up to you cause we'll be walking down that aisle PERIOD!  Even if it's just us and our parents!  lol

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I thought I was making things easier, but lesson learned. Next time I do any kind of event similar to this, I will take all stress off myself and tell everyone to book on their own and move on with life. Way too stressful when you're dealing with a lot of people.


But I definitely have the same attitude as you, you're invited so the rest is up to you cause we'll be walking down that aisle PERIOD! Even if it's just us and our parents! lol


Yea.. people can be inconsiderate but all the while I wish you luck and I'm sure it'll all work out!!!! And I definitely hear you!


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

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My travel agent asked me if we wanted to block some rooms out and I was like no way. If they wanna be there, they'll figure it out. As long as my FI and my daughter are there, I think we're good to go!



Anne Marie

November 21, 2014-Now Jade

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Also, once we put down our deposit, the travel agent held 30 seats for 90 days but we didn't have to pay extra for that and wouldn't be penalized if all the seats weren't taken.... We've actually booked over that number and have 43 people booked, also know of at least 10 people who are definitely going but haven't booked.

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