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When To Send STD's & Invitations?

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Originally Posted by p00kylu View Post
I just sent out STD's early Sept (8 months). for my May 5th wedding. I plan on mailing invitations mid January mith an RSVP for March 15th? I've seen lots of brides on here with an "official count" months before their wedding, I just hope people are that good at RSVPing for me. I worry about that a lot!! I have no idea how many people are coming! But I guess if people are going to make it to a DW they will be good about letting you know? I too like the idea of a postcard "reminder", good idea!
Is anyone including any info with the formal invites, or just the invitation and response card?
My STD have our wedding website info (as will our invitations) so I am not adding any additional information to the invitations themselves. FI and I are going to try to organize transportation for our guests, but we won't have that finalized until Feb when we know everyone's flight info... that means we will probably provide info about that in our "cant wait to see you" letter a couple of weeks before the wedding
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I sent my STDs out in early July for our wedding next August. I wanted everyone to have as much time as possible to save up if they wanted to join us. I plan to send formal invitations asking for an RSVP sometime in April. I included the TA and accomodation info in our STD package and so fare we have almost 40 people booked already!

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I just sent my STD last week for a June 2008 wedding, directing guests to our website where they can RSVP (by 11/15). I plan on sending the invitations by end of January. By that time, the invitation will just be a formality because hopefully those that will be attending have already booked their travel and RSVP'ed.


To estimate my rough guests count, I've verbally asked my closed families and friends who will be able to make it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, we've decided to send out the STD's late January-early February. Thats a little over a year early (fourteen months), but we come from simple folk who don't have thousands sitting in the bank to hop a plane. The majority of our guests will need the time to save and get the time off work approved. Add the complication of passports, and we really think its best to send them as early as feasible.


We are going to do reminder postcards. I'm going to start buying different post cards with beach photos (y'all know the ones..those cards that make you wanna climb in the pic? haha) and we'll send those out periodically with little blurbs like "7 months til the wedding. How's that passport coming along?" and include (again) the info for where they can start the process for it.


Hopefully people will think its cute as long as we don't overdue it with the reminding. lol

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