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OMG!! I am soooo sorry girl!! Some people cannot thinkk about anyone but themselves. This is a time where everything should be about YOU!!! It is your wedding and it is their job to support you at this important time! I cannot believe her!! You vent to us whenever you want girl!!

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Wow, I can't believe that she would say all those things. The way I look at it is you can't please everyone so do what you want which is why we all chose destination weddings!!! As for the shower, it's impossible to find a day that works for everyone! Man, I hope you don't have to have her around you often, she sounds like such a "Debbie Downer"!

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Originally Posted by SSNM View Post
Last time I checked, she was neither the bride nor the groom. I say good riddance!

Hopefully she keeps her whining at home and away from your wedding.
OMG I had the exact same my little pony that you have in your picture right now!! Hahaha! that's awesome! I just had to say how much I loved seeing that!
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I also have to say that honestly she has no right to complain about what plans you made for your wedding!! I agree with the other girls that your cousin needs to realize that she is NOT the bride so if she doesn't want to attend the wedding then it isn't going to have ANY affect on the outcome! If neither you or FI are particularly close to his cousin then you can either choose to just ignore her (even if that means screaming and cursing at home, but otherwise not letting it get to you if possible) or you can speak to her yourselves or have someone do it on your behalf. Hold your ground and don't feel bad at all about getting angry at her behaviour.

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I feel your pain, my sister-in-law is the EXACT same! My brother says nothing either. She bashes me all the time on FB and other public forums. I finally deleted her and said good riddens! It's YOUR wedding and the people that love you and want to be there will. No worries. She is only making herself look bad by posting comments like that.

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I agree with Carly - you don't need this kind of negative energy. It sounds like she's just trying to get attention - possibly she has some issues in her one life so she's taking it out on you.

Keep your eyes and mind on your beautiful wedding and how awesome it will be!

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I may be extrapolating, but I want to say more then "she's being a total B*tch"


I don't know how important it is for her to be at your wedding, but given her reaction I'll say she either does not want to be there, or cannot go (possibly for financial reason she does now want to admit *total guess there*). Perhaps she is trying to take some of the pressure she is feeling she is under to come to your wedding with all this ridiculous complaints, part or her may even be hoping you change your mind so that she can come.


or she may just be being a self-centered little twit.

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