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Everything posted by hellosassypants

  1. We are both paying for the wedding ourselves. We both come from families who doesn't make a lot of money which is why we are paying for our families. If we didn't pay for the wedding, neither of our families could afford to come to our wedding. FI and I have busted our butts to pay for this wedding.
  2. I can't believe there is 126 days away until our wedding. After our daughter's birthday and Christmas, it's going to become even more real. I'm so excited!
  3. I decided to opt out of them. Money wise and I know most of our guests will not keep them.
  4. I have been looking on VistaPrint and they don't have the exact invitation I want. I want to use our engagement photo as our wedding invitation. Right now I am looking at Wedding Paper Divas. Hopefully I will find something soon.
  5. We ended up dropping 3 rooms today so that leaves a total of 10 rooms. I know a lot of our guests said they are waiting till after the holidays or until their Christmas bonus so they could start booking. It's frustrating but I don't know everyone's financial situation.
  6. I was just wondering how much people spent on invitations. I'm not a DIY-crafty person at all. I don't have to make them so I rather pay them to have them printed but they are soon expensive for the most simple invitations. I will have to check out Groupon though.
  7. I did the best I could with the wording on the email. I HAD to send something out ASAP. I did mention that we needed to know something before January 5th in case we need to drop some of the rooms. It sucks but it will have to be done. Our goal is to have 10 rooms total booked and so far we already have 5 booked. Hopefully we can get another 5 rooms booked soon.
  8. I just received an email from my TA about a room reduction and our deadline is this Wednesday. She told us we can reduce any amount of room without penalty however if we fall under 10 rooms it is no longer considered a group and the rates are subject to change. We won't know the the rates until we release the rooms. After the 10th, she said we can reduce 25% until Jan 5th. How should I word an email to our guests to get them to start booking or at least put a deposit on their room? Now I'm stressing because we did a room block for 13 rooms and only 5 of them have been booked. I have been so swamped with work, with the holidays and our daughter so I can't believe I'm slacking and doing this last minute. TIA!
  9. Thank you! My bridesmaids were the ones who picked it out. It cost about $159.99 plus tax. My BMs said it was very soft when they tried on the dress.
  10. David's Bridal http://www.davidsbridal.com/Product_strapless-crinkle-chiffon-dress-with-godets-f14865
  11. I'm hoping it's not too hot for my bridesmaid. I just really, really love the color.
  12. Thanks for the wonderful responses! I will definitely keep that in mind. We just got our family/engagement photos back so I can't wait to use them on our wedding invitations. I know some people will appreciate it even if they cannot attend.
  13. Congrats! I need to catch up.
  14. Here's a picture of my dress (not actually me but you know what I mean). I had originally bought it at the beginning of the year when our original plans was to do a hometown wedding. I kind of wish I waited until now because the dress is now $200 cheaper. I cannot wait to wear my wedding dress!
  15. Great, that makes sense. I will go ahead and just send them anyway as a polite gesture. Thanks for the replies.
  16. One of my bridesmaid has informed me that her and her husband cannot make it to our wedding due to financial reasons. I completely understand where she is coming so I'm not upset. I expected this already to happen with our DW. I'm bummed about it but I'm not upset. My sister (who is my MOH) and my brother cannot cannot attend our wedding also. So what do you do for the invitations for the people who already declined and told you ahead of time? Should I still send them a formal invitation knowing they cannot make it? Do I still send it as a polite gesture?
  17. I'm so sorry to hear your family won't be able to join you on your special day. Don't let it bring you down. My brother can't make it to my wedding nor can my sister (she is my maid of honor). I realize you can only do so much and make the best of it. You walk down that aisle in that beautiful dress of yours!
  18. Congrats! The pictures are beautiful. Is GPR part of the Real resorts? We are having ours at Grand Caribe. Glad to hear it went perfect!
  19. I know some people frown upon people making it legal before the actual wedding date. We are also doing a symbolic ceremony too. We are still undecided on whether to make it legal AFTER we come back from Mexico or a week before Mexico. The only reason I want to make it legal before we leave is because we have a daughter together. God forbid if something were to happen, I don't want to hit any roadblocks. I want to hear other ladies experience too and see what they did.
  20. One of my future SIL (FI's brother's wife) is my bridesmaid and the other SIL (FI's sister) is more than likely not going to come to my bachelorette shower. It's not her type of scene.
  21. Did any GCR ladies do a semi-private reception? I really want to do the private reception (3 additional hours with our guests sounds like so much fun) but FI is dead-set on having our semi-private reception.
  22. Following this post. I am considering an outside photographer instead of the resort's photographer.
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