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Everything posted by BrideToBeJolie

  1. Thanks for this tip! Any savings is a good thing so this is something we'll definitely factor in! Thanks for this breakdown for DJ costs. Really puts it into perspective
  2. I've also been debating this. A wedding guest has offered to do my makeup. While thats such a generous and thoughtful offer, I also want to make sure that's a good decision. I told her we have to do a couple makeup trials beforehand and I can decide from that
  3. Such beautiful dresses! Mine comes in next month and I am sooooo anxious to put it on again!
  4. Hi ladies! I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the TEVOLIO bridesmaid dresses from Target? You can see them here: http://www.target.com/s?searchTerm=bridesmaid+dresses&category=0%7CAll%7Cmatchallpartial%7Call+categories&lnk=snav_ta_bridesmaid+dresses If anyone can provide any feedback on these dresses, that would be great! Like many brides on here, I'm trying to be as considerate as possible to our bridal party who are already spending the time and money to attend the wedding. Therefore, I'm trying to keep all other costs for them low. So in my search, I came across these dresses online. Any thoughts? Or does anyone else have BM dress suggestions that are under that $100 mark? Thanks!
  5. @@atennille, I plan on doing the same - carrying it on with me. Will have to make sure that my hubby won't try to sneak a peak! But I guess after reading these posts I'll call my airline and confirm that this will not be an issue.
  6. Thanks for this post. Such pretty colors! I'm on the same boat. 6 months out, minus a few days (eeeek!) and have still not confirmed my colors.
  7. Thank you for the helpful tips!
  8. Hey @@lydiasusi, I am thinking about doing the same with faux flowers considering the cost savings! Any stores/sites you can share where you are looking? Oh, and I definitely plan on asking our guests to help with packing some of our items
  9. Yayy! If you guys were anything like me, picking a resort was very tough and kinda stressful decision to make. Congrats @@jeffandrobyn and congrats @@TinkerSofi and happy planning.
  10. Thanks @@Matt Adcock for sharing these beautiful stories and pictures.
  11. Hey @@diannaloren, So I was considering the two birds dress as well but was concerned about it being too thin. It looks like it might be an unforgiving material. Do you or any other brides out there know how thick the fabric is? @@NixSpade, I am considering going with one of those convertible dresses for my girls but am concerned about the material. Any insights on how the material feels?
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