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Everything posted by Janet1480

  1. We decided that the majority of people will just travel together and we will all fly from Montreal. Anyone really far away ended up making their own arrangements and may or may not be there the same time as us. As long as they are there for the wedding
  2. Cant wait to see them...hope they turn out exactly as you imagine
  3. OH MAN....that sucks! I templated mine first and made a mock up to use as my guideline and to make sure i liked it before i dove in head first LOL I am so glad i did...i changed my mind 7 times until i loved it!!! I had the same issue (look at pic above) because they are staggered i had to do the inserts 3 different sizes plus the invite itself and layered matts underneath them ...SOOOO much paper cutting, you had to see my table i had piles of stuff everywhere LOL ...actually i think i have a pic!!! I was burried ....I think the pic i have is when i got set up and it was neat....once i got going there were trimmings and glue and the finished pile was getting huge hahaha I will have to find it at home on my laptop and post it later :) good luck! i feel your pain! definitely take breaks!
  4. I still cant find my OOT bags...i'll have to go check dollarama now to see what they have. worst case i will do funky gift bags. hopefully you can upload a pic so i can see what they look like How are you travelling with everything?
  5. Thanks, i connected with her. she is a sweetheart. I actually connected with her before you sent me this, i didnt realize it was the same person LOL i had been chatting with her in another thread on the forum boards. I cant wait to see your pics. its actually really easy....above the box where you type you see a bunch of options...if you run your cursor/mouse over them they tell you their function and one of them is "insert image" click on that and then browse the pics you want to upload and hit submit and you are done. You dont have to add an album on here or anything like that let me know if you have questions.
  6. Well... My FI: white linen pants, turquoise shirt, fuschia pink tie FI BM: is his sister so she will be wearing a blue dress Groomsmen: white and blue plaid long shorts with white tops (no tie) My girls: all in turquoise with fuschia accessories MOH: TBD (its driving me crazy...i cant decide what to dress him in) dads are wearing beige pants with light blue shirts I havent picked a gift for him yet...he is a graphic designer and artist so i may get him some stuff related to that. He LOVES Typography and pinups as well....otherwise i will be getting him a nice watch or something
  7. they look great @ashleyryan...i had fun making all of my stuff too and its so rewarding to see end results
  8. are you doing OOT bags and looking for a favor idea for the wedding night? Fi and I were really torn about favors because we have to travel with them there and people also have to bring them back so we decided to bring with us really cute little favor boxes and attach these little chalk board things to write "thank you" on and when we get to Punta Cana we are going to buy key chains. Everyone uses a key chain and its easy to travel back with and serves as a memory at the same time we are still considering a little gift bag instead of the box and then we can add in mini bottles of brugal and a local postcard with the keychain...budget will determine that in a little while once i get some other stuff done....and these things also save me from having to travel with anything these are the boxes and bags i found that we are considering....(hard to see the bag in this pic, its not huge but is tall enough for a mini booze bottle to give you the idea....i really love the boxes though LOL)
  9. Thanks ladies for the compliments...they were def worth the time invested into making them. I got so many compliments so i knew it was time well spent LOL it would suck if i was the only one that likes them hahaha
  10. I cant wait to read your reviews and see pics! welcome back and congrats on being a MRS. can you post your links to the reviews etc here when you are done? That would be great
  11. hehe i was looking at your threads and found you here....my best friend is a male and will be my man of honor as well FI's sister is his best "man" LOL as well so we each have an opposite sex in our honor party I actuall have two MOH my best friend and my sister how are you dressing him to differentiate sides my guys are wearing plaid blue and white shorts with white shirts and white flip flops, Fi is wearing whitish manpri's hahah with a turquoise shirt. His sister (best "man") is wearing a turquoise dress....my girls are wearing all turquoise dresses but pink accessories and flowers but i dont know what to dress my man of honor in yet.....its a tough call
  12. i love your little illustration of the bride and groom, very cute! do they look like you ?
  13. totally okay considering I'm exhausted so it made it easier for my eyes hahahah Thats totally awesome and i am totally game! it would be nice for sure if we lived closer, always nice to have someone else to plan with....and shop with! I LOVE LOVE shopping! you should see my closet LOL Its nice to help each other with ideas, tips tricks and have just been great support for each other so I would love to be able to share with you as well. :) can you send me a link to the lady for the barefoot sandals? That would be awesome! in all the things on this site i have actually never explored the wiki part of it (shame on me!) lol my colors are turquoise, fuschia and lime green we are so close in colors. So we could definitely share stuff and bounce ideas off each other. this is my color swatch I am bringing most of my decoration. I am using one of the resorts package which is aqua color so its very close to my turquoise so that was perfect and then i am adding to it This was my ceremony inspiration but with my colors and prob not the flowers up the aisle (would cost a fortune) My welcome brochure will be tagged (dont know how just yet as my final design isnt done yet) to a bag (also tbd lol) it will have -welcome letter -itinerary -photo share info -Guest Information -Spanish Translations -i've made some personalized crosswords and puzzles that i will include as well Still a work in progress and the design options are in the works. I have some fun ideas. I can put some stuff together and send it to you or share templates if you'd like I did my invites myself and it took about a week LOL mine were pretty elaborate though, i even made the pockets myself. here is a pic (sorry these are the work in progress pics so they are not great but i dont have my other pics on this computer) i used different liner for themailing and return envelopes, ribbons to tie them up and different flower on the inside but everything else was the same for every invite. SORRY FOR THE LONG POST :S
  14. Hi everyone, these are my colors.... The Turquoise and Fuscia are my main and i will just have splashes of the green
  15. ohhhh....I forgot to answer one part of your message...i got carried away (as usual) with back boobs and back crack LMAO I have to -finish my music selections -finalize my decoration (ceremony, reception etc) -finalize my OOT -finish my pre-travel brochure -finish my welcome brochure -finsih my programs -pick my menu -the guys still need shirts and shoes -my girls still need shoes and accessories -my mom still needs shoes -my dad still needs EVERYTHING -i cant find barefoot sandals i like if my life depended on it -lose weight -lose weight -lose weight I think that covers the more important things anyway
  16. Congrats on your little one, what a cutie!!! I cant wait to have kids on my own. I'll def read what you have to share...I'm not a complete noob when it comes to healthy choices but i have the worst sweet tooth in the whole world, its terrible! i know it and i cant help it LOL! But seriously. ,share away...all the more info i have the better and the more i have in my face reminding me, the better i am Will Power and Janet = NOT FRIENDS :) I agree...i definitely dont want to tie my dress up when it comes in and not know the difference between the butt crack on my upper back and my actual butt crack hahahaha Congrats on your decision, i am not familiar with the resoirt but as soon as i hit submit i will be checking it out! its so exciting! Definitely dangerous that you are home and have all this time to plan however you could do a bunch of DIY projects and save money....sorta
  17. That is amazingly exciting...i cant wait to be saying that i'm leaving in a about a week WOOHOOO...cant wait to hear your review. I have been to PPC and picked it for our wedding because everything was amazing. We had no issues with the food or anything,. Some people are overly picky and forget they are in the Dominican at a resort and not at home! Granted i was there in 2009 but i doubt it has changed that much, but hey i guess we shall soon find out with your upcoming trip good luck with everything!
  18. from one Ottawa bride to another i think your dress is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! Love love love it
  19. What resort did you decide on Leigh? This site is so addicting its crazy especially when you are just starting your planning. its easy to get carried away with all the great ideas on this forum LOL I only have like 5 months left so i am on a serious crunch to lose some weight and tone up and get my last planning done. I'm gettting there but struggling with the eating healthy part LOL I LOVE food but i only want to lose like 10 to 15 pounds or tone a bunch which might sound like a lot but its only 3 to 4 pounds a month so its reasonable i've been so good this week *patting myself on the shoulder) i went to the gym, did a yoga class, walked a bunch so hopefully that will make up for my little cheating with food here and there LOL if anyone has tips or tricks PLEASE SHARE
  20. Amazing pics! i dont even know you and i could feel the emotion like crazy in the pics....that says a lot! you are a beautiful bride and now Mrs
  21. You did an amazing job! congrats on being a Mrs. I'd love to see more of your pics from your special day so please do share I am getting married at Paradisus Punta Cana in Oct...cant wait!!! Congrats again!
  22. Welcome! Most of the brides i have seen on this site are Jamaica, Punta Cana, Mexico so its nice to see a Bahamas bride....good luck in your hunt for a resort
  23. Thanks....Even 6 months later i still love them too :)
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