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Everything posted by Janet1480

  1. Just a note ladies on the lanterns....check with your resort. Some wont install them with lights since its an insurance fire hazard issue. I bought a whole bunch of them and now i cant use them. I had to buy them ones the resort has to set up
  2. We will cross paths! I am getting married on Oct 25th but staying two weeks and will be leaving on the 5th at night I can come watch your wedding LOL Im doing welcome bags but probably on a smaller scale yet. its the next project to finalize on my list. I have bought a bunch of stuff already but its all smaller. I will do larger welcome bags for the wedding party. I'll keep you posted as i should have this all sorted in the next week or two
  3. good luck with the move hun! talk soon! XO
  4. Hi Leigh! Thanks! its been insanely busy! i'm so behind lol
  5. Yes the Fuji one...its the one i have and love it can you get a rain check at one of the stores. I bought mine from Blacks in the St.laurent mall...i see you are from Ottawa as well so you may want to give them a call
  6. Thats great that you are planning ahead...gives you tons of time to get everything you dream of. no rushing I have been to both. in 2009 i was at PPC and Last year my friend got married at Majestic Elegance in January and i was the maid of honor. Although a beautiful place, i felt that for the price (ME was more expensive then PPC at the time) i felt that PPC blew Majestic out of the water. PPC is a resort that takes your breath away, its absolutely beautiful and in touch with nature which i loved. Majestic was more about the pretty structures. PPC is also MUCH large so depending on your preference this may or may not sway you. Majestic is easy to get around and your guests will usually all be at the same place where PPC is more spacious so you may not always see everyone. Since i had been to PPC and lots of other resorts it was a no brainer for me to pick PPC. but everyone is different and has different tastes so you need to find the resort that offers you what you are hoping for the most. Make yourself a check list
  7. Thanks for the invite here i havent been on much since the move and am just catching up the last few days so i didnt even know you started this group i will have to read through and catch up with all of you XOX
  8. Just thought i'd check in on my fellow Canadian ladies hope you all are well and are excited like i am that its FRIDAY! how is everyone's planning coming along? I started P90X this week and i think i am going to die LOL
  9. My pleasure glad i/we could help I am having a poolside set up and having Dj Mania and dance floor def have a look at the link Miss Sunshyne provided...all the pics and options are there. I was originally going Beach and then changed my mind and picked poolside based on the pics it looks romantic and private. when is your wedding date?
  10. LMAO FI made me laugh hysterically! he walked in when i was rolling around on the floor "banana- superman.....banana-superman" he was like WTF?! i couldnt stop laughing so i couldnt do the move anymore. So all day i have had that in my head! My abs are KILLING me today though LOL tonight is my night off cause i play in a pool league every Thursday and dont get home until late evening. I'm kinda glad cause i dont know if i could move today lol
  11. Well they will still section you off so you are not sitting in the middle of the restaurant with random strangers LOL but they wont shut down an entire restaurant unless you are willing to pay for that. there is no extra cost to have a private reception on the beach or poolside or in the garden. the DJ will always come at an extra cost though you can hire your own or use Dj Mania who is hired through PPC and gets FANTASTIC reviews on this site. It didnt cost me anymore then the cost of my decor package and i am having the dance floor, full on reception etc. The package is also optional. You can go a la carte or you can bring your own stuff with you and set up yourself or you can pay them to set up your stuff for you. There are lots of options. Let me know if you need more help or details.
  12. sorry doll...i dont mean to spook you but dont want you dissapointed on your wedding day either! I replied to your PM. Best of luck and let me know how it goes okay?
  13. Ladies, the underwater camera is on sale at best buy for $129
  14. OMG i never heard of them either until i had my 3 hour planning call with Teresa!!!! I was totally dreaming of my beach reception and really wanted to feel the sand in my toes when i danced but after talking with Teresa i TOTALLY changed my mind so i looked at all the options and the poolside looks so romantic so we decided not to take the chance...get married on the beach and party by the pool LOL Teresa said that the evenings by the beach can be quite windy so the sand blows and can get in the food and she told me about the sand fleas and crabs that come out at night :( i was dissappointed but happy she told me. She said it was up to me but she just had her sons wedding there in the fall and wanted to warn me. Although the beach set up is so so GORGEOUS!!! Definietly let me know...i can always send you the menus i received as well but i dont think it would hurt to email Teresa anyway. more info you have the better and you will be better armed. Teresa is fantastic and i have heard great things about Jennifer as well. good luck!
  15. Ask away...thats what we are here for You have the option with any package or a la carte to have your ceremony in the garden, beach, or gazebo. The Gazebo is really popular apparently so if you are getting married on a popular date you should reserve it quickly. i am the only wedding on my date so i had any option i wanted. No additional charge. For the reception you can do any of the restaurants, beach, poolside at no charge however for the restaurants if you want it privatized then there are extra costs and the banquet halls i beleive might cost more depending on the size of your wedding. I think some of the restaurants are only open at certain times of year and at certain hours so you may have the option to use those. I chose the Aqua package but for my ceremony i am on the beach, using the canopy from the chill out chic and the aisle decorations from the chill out Chic and doing poolside reception and its not costing me anything more then the cost of the aqua package + the additional decor i asked for. Did you get all the package information from the resort...i have it if you would like to read it over.
  16. I actually told Fi i want to take a whole bunch in a series when we are in Punta Cana for our wedding and then frame them and put them up around our bathroom LOL it seems appropriate
  17. love the pics...i have some really goofy ones with FI and I ...please dont mind the way we look...we were being really silly and wore our glasses under water LOL i have more but not on this computer its a fun toy to have for sure
  18. There are a LOT of options! beach, garden, poolside, private gabi beach, several restaurants and they also have banquet halls.
  19. I am bringing my own photog. IMO the resort photographer is very over priced for the amount of pics you get
  20. Day 1 wasnt as horrible as i thought it was going to be LOL i pictured the worst in my head so it would be do-able to me once i started....it worked hahaha My shoulders and core definitely got worked cause i feel it today but its good pain. I started with the Core DVD to see what it was like but i am going to jump in and follow the suggested flow. I have Zumba tonight but i might do the Ab video when i get home i do have back problems though from old injuries so there were some moves in the DVD for P90X that i couldnt do, for the moves i couldnt do, i would just do some crunches or other things so i kept moving. hopefullly i can get through the other DVDs :)
  21. I have no idea who Lauren is or have ever heard of her....hmmm maybe if you complain and ask for a different WC? I know from my experience with Teresa and from what i hear from other brides (like Miss Sunshyne) Jennifer is fantastic as well. I have always tipped and brought USD with me. I have never converted. I had about 5 menus to choose from! i was even able to add and change a few things to my selection to accomodate guests with allergies or dietary restrictions. I can always give you Teresa's email so you can maybe ask her some questions
  22. I am paying $120 for a day pass for my videographer. Because my photographer is also a friend and guest at the resort there is no fee. If you use the resorts photographers then there is no charge. I think you can negotiate this depending on your situation. I am also doing the Poolside reception and because the pool is closed by that time, its private although you cant really control people that decide to walk around and check things out. The beach at night is also fairly quiet but again random guests of the hotel may walk by out of curiosity but i think you would get that at any resort. The calculator is if you want additional things added to the packages or if you want to not use a package and pick things a la carte like deesanders33 said below I have been to PPC and have to say that of all my travels (i have travelled a lot) that PPC was the nicest resort i have been to which is why we chose to get married there. Also the coordinators are fabulous and very accomodating. Good luck!
  23. I'm sure if we add everything up, its ALL overdone....LOL dresses, hair styles, cake, color choices ....there are always trends. I dont hate anything i just want my wedding to reflect and be unique to me and Fi I love Calla's as well...they always look so nice in pics too! I dont have my flowers designed yet...waiting for the designer to send me the sketches (cant wait) still so much to do and less then 3 months to go
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